Ever wonder about our Galactic neighborhood? Well the Universe is broken down into Galaxies, and Galaxies are broken down into systems. A system consists of all the planetary bodies that orbits a particular Star/Sun. Planets, moons etc.
A Solar System is a Star System
Now the use of the word solar to describe ALL star systems is actually incorrect. Systems are actually named after their Stars. It just so happens that one of the recent names of OUR star is Sol. Sol derives from Latin word for Sun. Our Sun is also sometimes referred to as Helios, from its Greek origin. Every Star system is named after its star. E.g. in the Sha system, their star is named Sha. Etc. etc. So saying star system is more accurate.
How Star systems are created
Stars/Suns sometimes burst into supernovas just to coalesce back together again into cosmic cloud. Any and all elements that make up planets and all life are contained in these condensed clouds. As these clouds cool they become more dense and eventually combine and their density form nebulas, planets and moons.
The elements that make up a system would be found within the original cloud of matter that congealed and formed the stars and planets. Different areas have different elements depending on the spread of elements throughout the universe. These elements determine the type of life to be formed in that particular galaxy/system/area/planet.
Sometimes a cosmic cloud will collapse to form many different systems that are even light years apart. This is why when you find one system that has one life on a planet, it is likely that the surrounding system will have similar types of life.
Our Neighbors
Since we exist upon our world in this way, you can almost guarantee that there is at least one civilization for every approx. 5 – 7 light years around us. This is a sample of how other civilizations are gathered around our solar system . Sometimes more, sometimes less; this is the average. I our planet, our system has/had all the elements to form life, then it is highly likely that those same elements exist in these neighboring systems, since we all coalesced from the same cosmic clouds. They contain the same elements, nutrients, minerals etc. needed for life similar to ours.
In a 12 light year radius around our planet Earth there are life on other star systems; some being:
- The Pleiades
- Sirius
- Alpha Centauri
- Barnard
- Wolf 359
- Epsolan
- Erinrdi
- Tau Ceti
- Irani
- Zeta Reticum
Our closest border is Alpha Centurion, then the Barnard System. You can see some of these star systems and their distances here.
The Bernard System
The Bernard system contains a planet which is very much like Earth. They are about 300 of our years in the past. They are going through their period which is similar to our renaissance period.
We will be their UFO’s. As Humans of Earth unite as one planet, we will turn to the stars and meet our neighbors from these more advanced star system. They will introduce themselves to us very shortly. Yes, just like in Star Trek first contact.
Zeta Reticulum
Now the Zetas are very interesting and we have much about them to share. Where do we start?
The Zeta Reticulum are commonly called by some, The Greys. You have undoubtedly seen images of them before. There is however very few who have a complete understanding of them. I will do a separate article on the Greys since there is much information to share about them. Lets just say the Greys are friendly and will play a large part in our First contact with Extra Terrestrial life. I recommend reading the article on The Greys when I finally write it.
First Contact
There is already an ongoing project where our neighbors have been slowly introducing themselves to us. They are waiting for 3 things from us:
1. For Earth Humans to handle some in house matters of removing our own internal borders and getting along with each other more peacefully and lovingly. More compassionately. Ending our wars etc. It makes no sense for life on External planets to meet us in peace, if we have not learned to make peace with each other yet.
2. They want to meet us as equals, so they are waiting for us to have a deeper understanding of who we truly are so that we will not fear them or believe that they are greater that us, but for us to understand that they are our equals.
3. They are waiting for all humans to be aware that life does exist outside of Earth in abundance. They do not want to just show up and impose this reality on those who are not ready to accept this. They are respecting the free will of those who choose not to believe in their existence.
Once we have shown that we know that ET exist, that we no longer need boarders or fight wars, that we are equal to all other life, internally and externally, they will take this as a sign that we are ready for on the ground contact with them. First contact. Just like on Star Trek.
For now they have been showing themselves every few years above our cities. The greatest demonstration they have done, so far, is what is knows as the Phoenix Lights, which occurred on March 17, 1997. Where ET’s know as The Yahyel showed their mile long V shaped craft which was seen my thousands of people over Phoenix Arizona.
In closing
All life, all beings in our Galaxy have emerged from a common origin. Our systems were formed from the same stellar material. We will eventually be coming and going between stars as we now come and go between our cities. When we develop and understanding of how teleportation works, we will not only be able to visit these, but many other planets in star systems far far away. We are still maturing, within 20 years we will be laying the field where we will travel in space. More and more of our neighbors civilizations will be revealed to us over time. We will form organisations with these other beings and systems. We will be in the stars in no time, due to the emerging souls on Earth, in the form of the new children being born.
Much of the information and ideas for this article comes from teachings I have gleaned from Bashar and The Conversation with God book series and various channelings of Metatron and AA Michael.