Walter White, From The TV show “Breaking Bad”.
The only reason why people might wind up in those kind of circumstances, where they are considered to have done something “bad” is because they haven’t been taught that there might be other choices.
They don’t know any other way.
If you are taught that blue is the only color that is worth anything, then anytime you want to express anything to anyone, you will only choose blue.
If the only way they were taught love is through abuse, then how are they going to be expressing love? Through abuse.
How did many Human parents express love to their children? Through discipline. Through fear. Through abuse. They loved their parents so they associated the abuse they received from their childhood with love. “This is how I love!”. They were conditioned by their places people and things of their childhood, and even their past lives.
If the only form of connecting with others you were taught, and that is reinforced through movies, the lyrics in songs etc. is by being abused, then how are you going to connect with people? Through abuse.
When you see someone expressing themselves in a negative way…understand that they are not aware that there is a better way. They actually believe that they are doing good.
If you see someone expressing abuse, you have to recognize that they are trying to express love, but they do not know how to do it. They don’t have the tools. They are trying to express love through the only tools they have been given; through force, through control.
So there are no bad people. Everyone feels they are the good guy. Everyone things they are doing good. Being loving. You see, love is all there is.
They believe that the greater the force, the greater the power.
That is why it is important to teach NEW tools. That is why there is power in teaching and there is no power in trying to force someone to believe what you believe. .
Everyone wants to feel powerful, so teach them the NEW tools and then they will have a NEW way to EXPRESS themselves. Teach them what true power is; that expressing themselves through abuse is actually the OPPOSITE of what true power is. That God is invisible BECAUSE, the greatest power actually requires the lightest touch. This is why you will never see God abusing anyone. Just humans, who were abused, acting as if they were God, in the only way they know how. The way they were taught.
Lets teach them now that love is UNCONDITIONAL, and that their are other options than their previous definitions, where love came with conditions. That when they were taught “I will love you if, and only if, you do what I say, or do what I want you to do”…, that was not love.., it was something else. It was not true love. For true love is without conditions.
So they are no bad guys. Not truly. Just Humans expressing love, the only way they know how.
So be kind, and loving, to everyone, because they are always being as loving as they know how to be.
Thanks to Darryl Anka, who through Bashar, brought this new information to me, from my higher self.