Choose to surrender your freedom to choose by choosing to surrender

The Soul is the expression, now individualized, of the “being” that is God. If you have a Soul, and you do, then you are God. Congratulations 🙂 You now get to choose what you believe and those beliefs are what separates you from everything else in Creation. If they are positive beliefs then you will have positive experiences. Human souls have this choice of positive or negative.
In the Spirit world, where we all come from, there is no choice. You HAVE to experience the positive, the loving. See?
So the quickest way to have a positive, loving joyous life is to surrender to Gods will and accept whatever comes. Trust, have faith and watch as positivity and Joy becomes the norm.
But you have to surrender and trust and not CHOOSE negative or judgmental thoughts or beliefs, because then that is the ego and you are choosing again. And God will never override your choice. Even if we choose to be negative and then therefore experience negativity. See?
A life of unconditional love, allowance and acceptance, which has to include forgiveness etc. Will surely guide you to the will of the Creator, where you have no choice, and your happiness is guaranteed. See? 🙂
When you surrender, you are not giving up your power; you are surrendering to the power you already have.