So I had what I am calling a Clear Cognizant stream this morning. They tend to hit me at random times. 🙂 Is it true for everyone? Probably not. Is it true for me Right now? Yes. Just a sharing, all beliefs are true to the believer. And the idea was as follows:
That people can or will soon start to notice that single people, those of us who live by ourselves, are a lot happier, in general overall, than people who live as a couple. Yes a complete flip flop and upside down version of what we have all experienced in the past.
And the idea is that a single person is living more AS their true self; their whole and complete self. Whereas couples, by definition are NOT. They are living a life that is roughly 50% of what they desire and want and is their complete self. They are also living, roughly, 50% of the life of their partner, husband or roommate.
So by definition, there is a part of their BEingness that is incomplete and feels unfulfilled. This feeling, whether conscious or unconscious, leads to resentment of the life they are living. This can manifest itself later as depression, loneliness, or unhappiness in the relationship.
This is the underlying cause for divorce. Which we see is at a staggering high rate. I never comprehended why people would even get married in the first place, the odds of the marriage failing is actually against you. I guess people do it for the same reason the gamble or go to a casino; they are simply not conscious(aware) of the actually numbers. I will leave it to the reader to do their own research on the numbers as they apply to divorce.
And so for whatever reason, a person chooses to become a couple and spend their life living half the life of the being that they are inside. This leads to being unfulfilled inside unconsciously, which eventually will work its way into your conscious awareness by various methods. There may be resistance and ideas of filling the hole inside of us which will only grow wider and wider. We may attempt to fill the hole temporally with ideas like Starbucks, sex, drugs, and alcohol, but these too will eventually fail.
Im also seeing that after the marriages or relationships end, people will assign the blame for the unhappiness to their partner, themselves etc. and not see that it true underlying cause was the initial decision to live a life as half of themselves. And so many of them will rebound right back into another half-lationship. And so the circle begins anew.
I share this stream of knowing that came through me today in the hope that someone will read this and realize (real eyes) that the old idea of people living together as one, really has to be looked at more closely. I have longed held the belief that no one should consider getting into a relationship with another until after they have lived alone by themselves for a decade or so and figured out exactly who they are and what they want out of life. Because once a person has done this, has found themselves, only then are they considered to be a whole person. Until then we are half a person.
Bashar has said, and I paraphrase:
“…many of you have found your better halves and started living together, only to find that together, you are only 2 half-wits..”
Bashar was jesting of course, as he does.
We end on this final quote from our Divine Mother who is is here embodied with us now.
When we remove the LI from OBLIVIOUS, the truth becomes OBVIOUS.
hen we remove the LI from OBLIVIOUS, the truth becomes OBVIOUS.
All truths are true, all choices are respected here. Wisdom is when our choices bring us joy.
Bless Sings