The Metaphysics of Inspiration

A colorful spiral

What do we all want?  Ideas right?

       We all want to be inspired. What do I do next? Or what cool and exciting thing can I do next? Whether you are an painter, a developer, a song writer or a housewife, we all love to have cool ideas pop into our awareness.

       But inspiration can be a hit or miss, or ebb and flow sometimes. Sometimes we feel like we just can’t think of what to do next; and then wham! from seemingly nowhere, comes this amazing thought that we really really like and are excited about, and we move to take action on it. That is basically what inspiration is. But is there more to it than wham bam thank you m’am? Why yes there is.

       Inspiration is more or less a contraction of the words “In spiralation.” Similar to how goodbye is a shortened way of saying the 14th century phrase “God be with ye.”

       So the etymology of the word inspiration comes from the belief that people had of where our ideas came from; that they spiraled down to our bodies from the higher realms of spirit. Meaning that we in the physical world get our ideas from the non-physical realms of creation. But today, very few people connect the word inspiration with the word spiritual.  To many inspiration is just meant to say “I got an idea.”

Where does inspiration come from? 

       Inspiration comes from the same place all ideas come from; The HIGHER SELF.

       In fact, we have never come up with any idea ever. We simply are not built to do this. We simply receive ideas from the higher realms of creation.  This is how Bashar puts it:

“The Higher Mind CONCEIVES,

The physical Brain RECEIVES,

And the mind PERCEIVES.”~ Bashar

       The physical brain is just a receiver. It is not built to “come up” with anything. It receives these ideas that just “pop up” out of nowhere into our heads. Ideas are created and conceived by the Higher Mind, or the Higher Self, that overshadows all our individual human existences. Once our brain receives these telempathic transmissions, then the ego mind takes over and processes the information. Our individual egoic mind then filters this information through our personal  beliefs and innerstandings that we hold to be true in that moment. Then we have a thought and decide what action to do based on that processing.

     This means that neither our brain, mind, nor ego can MAKE anything HAPPEN. They can only experience what has HAPPENED. In this way we see clearly that we exist in an experiential reality. All we do is experience things via our awareness, AFTER they occur. Awareness is just another word for consciousness. And as we grow in consciousness we also become more aware of what is happening in any given now moment.

       So when we have seemingly had a light go on in our head, magically, with an amazing idea, we have just had a direct encounter with our higher self. We must be vigilant, lest we forget, that our reality is an illusion; and our character self can make things happen about the same as a character in a video game can make things happen. 

How can we increase Inspiration?

       Ever notice how sometimes inspiration is few and far between? Writers call it writer’s block, some may call it boredom, and other times we are flowing in what some refer to as “the zone.” So yes, inspiration is sometimes decreased, but the good news is that which can be decreased can also be increased.

        The flow and rate of inspiration is directly related to our connection, at any given moment, to our Higher Self. For instance, when we are of a high vibration, or at our happiest, the size of our crown chakra opens up as wide as several feet. But conversely,  when we are vibrating at a low rate, the opening of our crown chakra closes to about the size of a dime. That is the size differentiation we are dealing with between when we are feeling amazingly happy, excited and in the vortex, and when we are in deep sadness and or anger.

       And so in order to be inspired, we must first be vibrating positively; then in order to maximize the in flow of ideas, we want to be happy, at ease and contented, along those lines. This is why we find the times when we are most inspired with ideas are:

  1. After we first awaken and are lying in bed.

  2. While in the shower.

  3. While driving for long distances.

  4. While listening to our favorite music.

  5. While washing the dishes.

       What do all of the above all have in common?  We are doing something routine and so our BRAIN and minds are relaxed.  We are also usually in a good mood and feeling “mellow.” They all lower the brain waves to a calm state. One may even say these are meditative states that are pretty close to the “channeling” state. And what is channeling but the transceiving of information from spirit. Here we find that our minds are relaxed and not trying to do a job that its not designed to do. Our ego, our mine, our brain is on automatic and in “neutral,” and so in spirals the information from the Higher Self. So we see that inspiration flows better when we are in a state that is not resisting the natural order of things. See?

       So this give us an idea, no pun intended, on how to set the stage or optimize our in flow of inspiration. But we have to also be careful that we allow this process to be be organic and not try and MAKE it happen because remember, we are not capable of making anything happen; we are not designed that way. So the idea of surrendering comes into play here. In any given moment we can just follow our excitement and choose to do something that raises our vibration and KEEPS us in a high vibrational vortex state of being, as much as possible.

       What do we do when nothing is flowing and we believe we are not able to do something we THINK we should be doing? Well, the idea to remember then is this, If we CAN’T take action on a thing, we are NOT SUPPOSED to be taking action on it. And anything we went to bed and were not able to do, simply only means that you were not supposed to do it that day. That is why the best time to take action on something is the moment we receive inspiration on it.

       When we know what inspiration is, where it comes from, and how to maximize its inflow by optimizing our state of being, we will then become more aware(conscious) of when we are receiving it. Once our higher self sees that we are mindful of its messages, our rate or inspiration will grow. And we will embody the eternal truth, that we do not go to heaven, we grow to heaven.

Can someone be happy, even when they have a disease?

Happiness: I choose to be happy

Happiness: I choose to be happy

Yes. Happiness is a choice that anyone can make at any given moment.

What is happiness after all? A feeling, a state of being right?

“Circumstances do not matter, only state of being matters. ~Bashar”



I have done this PROOF exercise with clients in the past and it is very effective in showing them that we can control our happiness. Here is how it works:

When you are in a bad mood, or not happy, or even just neutral, ascertain how happy you are in the now moment, from a 1 to 10. I have had clients say to me that they feel like they are at 5.


Then I ask them to envision a moment from their life where they were ABSOLUTELY happy, maybe the happiest moment of their life where they were physically laughing and having a great time. Maybe at a wedding, a birthday party. Out with friends on the town, It could be anything. Once they find this moment I ask them to go to that moment; BE in the scene. FEEL what you were feeling as you were actually there and then. Feel the laughter and the joy of the moment in your imagination, as our imagination is designed to make our mind believe that it is actually experiencing something, this is because we actually are.  At this point I will often see the client smiling, very broadly, as they relive this memory experience. They are beaming and glowing with joy. And I ask, “are you there? Are you feeling the joy;” and they say “yes.” I ask them “how does it feel and they say “wonderful.” I ask “tell me, in general, what is going on. And they do.

I then ask them to open their eyes and tell me how happy they feel from a 1 to 10, and they will say 7 or higher. There is ALWAYS and increase in happiness.

I then discuss with them, that they went from a 5 to a 7, or higher, in a matter of 2 minutes. That’s an increase in 1 digit per minute. Imagine if we chose to be happy for a 30 minutes meditation like this twice a day. Imagine how that could change our life, our health?

I then ask, what was in control of this increase in happiness? And they come to the conclusion that it was just them changing their thoughts and their point of view, in the now moment. That THEY CAN control their happiness. 100% proof positive. And so they understand that happiness is not a THING that occurs OUTSIDE of us, that we have to seek. We don’t have to shop to be happy. We don’t need another person in our lives to make us happy; something that many people believe. “I can not be happy unless I have a partner who makes me happy. We can just choose to be happy.

We have the ability to do so by simply choosing it. BEing it. That is why we are called human BEings. All we can do is respond to what has ALREADY happened. By BEing a vibratory state or FEELING. We can only respond to what is HAPPENING. which is actually where the word happy comes from. Happy comes from the word happening because it is our natural state of being, in any given moment. We had just forgotten this.

And so now we see that any idea that we can NOT control our own happiness …is false. This falsehood came from people getting confused and believing that we were meant to control what is HAPPENING or HAPPENED. No, we were never meant to focus on controlling those. We can only control how we feel about what has already happened. And we can always choose to simply remain happy, and not leave this natural state of being.


In the words of Bashar:

“The human mind is not designed to make anything happen. It is only capable of perceiving what has already happenED. The higher self consieves, the physical brain receives, and the human mind perceives.”


Isn’t Time Flying? Sure Feels Like It right? Well here are the Metaphysics.

Isn’t time flying? It is already Memorial Day here in America. It seems like it was just Thanksgiving, and Christmas and New Years, doesn’t it? But here we are about to be in June of 2017. I mean, doesn’t it seem like it was just a short while ago that Trump was elected President?

Where is the time going?
From a physical perspective it feels like “time” is speeding up and everything is happening faster. But is it really? Yes it is. Kinda.

From a Metaphysical perspective this is what is happening; we know that “time” IS speeding up. Remember, we are going from the 4th dimension where we experience  length, width, height and the 4th dimension of time; to the 5th dimension, where humans will now begin to experience the same 4 dimensions and a new dimension of time, which is “non-linear time.” So the 5th dimension will be 3 of space and two of time. 3+2= 5 dimensions or the 5th dimension.

We already know what the experience of the 4th dimension of time is like, It is linear. It is a step by step process. It is like experiencing ALL the frames in a movie film strip. Frame by frame and none can be skipped. If you want to go somewhere you have to go through all the steps/frames. If we want to go to London, we have to get on a plane and sit for 6 or so hours, or take a boat etc. But in the new 5th dimension, where we are well on are way into, that second dimension of time is “non-linear.” Non-linear time time allows us to be able to simply set our intention to go to London and we get to “skip” all the steps/frames in the middle. Bam! We are in London.

This is what lies ahead for humanity. In the beginning we will use it for things like travel and we will see it as a form of “teleportation.” Because that is what a 4th dimensional being calls such magical abilities. But what it really is, is just non linear experience of time. Remember, there is no such thing as supernatural, just nature that we have not realized as truth yet. We never left heaven, or the spirit world, we are still there. We have simply devolved to a level of consciousness that has forgotten. Evolution is simply remembering what we already knew. We wont go to heaven, we will grow to heaven. 🙂

This is where we are headed. It is a process that will unfold over time, but when we look back it will seem as if it took no time at all. 🙂 In fact, we are already experiencing it. Here we are already in June of 2017, with the Presidential elections, a prominent event, being actually 7 months ago? Well, ask yourself, how long does it FEEL like? The feeling will vary for different people. For me it feels like it was only at most, 2-3 months ago. Believe me, I remember the morning I found out Trump won. 🙂 And it does not feel as if it were a half a year ago to me. How long does it feel to you? Does it feel like Christmas was about 6 months ago? Does it feel like time is moving faster or speeding up in general?

Our experience of time is what is changing

Well if you answered yes to any of the above, you may agree when I share that yes, time is speeding up. Our experience of time is speeding up. There is a quickening, if you will. It is a symptom of the speeding up of the vibration of our consciousness. And it is the change in the frequency of our consciousness that is making our experience of time feel different.

Remember, we are simply experiential beings. “human beings,” and in any given now moment of existence all we can do is experience what is happening at any given moment. We experience via awareness. If something is happening around us, but we are not aware of it, it simply did not happen for us. We have to be “conscious” of it. So consciousness and awareness are congruent. We are therefore consciousness incarnate in bodily vessels. Our being, our souls, which is who we truly are, peers out from behind our windows to this world, our eyes. Our conscious spirit uses our bodily senses to experience physical reality.

Consciousness, like everything else in physical reality, is a vibration; vibrating at a specific frequency. It can speed up and it can slow down. Scientists know that when we are happy, this frequency goes up, and visa versa when we are sad.

Scientists have been able to create helmets and other devices that we can wear which allows us to “move things with our minds.” This is a reality. The helmets are simply reading the resonance frequency of our individual consciousness. Remember, that is all we are, conscious beings who have awareness of what is happening. And it should be no surprise that our consciousness does have a specific range that can be measured in Hertz.

Now the studies on the frequencies of consciousness is not something I can share specific numbers on, because most of our mainstream scientist today only focus on the physical sciences(science or physics) and not the non-physical sciences that are consciousness (metaphysics). But what there is plenty of studies and data on is the vibrational frequencies of the “brain.” We all know about the different measurable vibrational frequencies of the brain right? We have heard about beta, alpha, delta and gamma waves, which are what were found to be the vibrational frequencies, in hertz, to the different waking states of our brain. That when we are awake and walking around our brain waves (vibrational frequency) are said to be at “beta waves” which are anywhere between 13-30Hz in vibrational frequency. And as we get sleepy and go to sleep, we are said to be in Alpha Waves; which are slower and said to be between 8-13Hz in vibration.  As the chart below indicates, our brain waves can get even slower to that of Theta and Delta Waves. 

We hear a lot about Beta, Alpha, Delta and Theta a lot, but there is one that scientist were not talking about at all. It was not until recently in the last year or two that I am seeing and hearing about Gamma Waves. Gamma is a high frequential state of consciousness that can be obtained from certain alert and lucid, meditative practices. I first learned about obtaining the gamma wave as it was presented by Bashar, who is a 5th dimensional being, who is channeled by Darryl Anka. I am a student of the Bashar teachings for quite some time now, as are many humans at this time, who are being guided to connect more and more with their higher selves.

Bashar has given us a specific meditation practice that we can use in order to reach the gamma waves state. The name of the event is “Going Gamma,” and is available here for anyone who wishes to hear further specifics about the technique. It was easy enough to learn. After a little practice I was able to obtain gamma at will, after a few breaths. If you meditate and like it, you will also like going gamma. 🙂

By raising our brainwaves to gamma, we have actually also raised the frequency of our consciousness, our awareness, also to a higher frequency.

This brings us back full circle to the topic of why it feels like time is speeding up. This is because we are conscious beings. And as the vibration of our consciousness raises, so does our awareness. Let me explain; animals like dogs, can only experience the 3 dimensions of space, and not the 4th dimension of time. They are not capable of being aware of time. But the experience of time is always here to be experienced right? They just lack awareness or understanding what is already there. Think of it like this; their vibrational frequency, which can be thought of as a CPU in a computer, is not processing things fast enough to obtain the needed awareness. Remember, all a CPU does is provide computations at a certain Hz speed right? The faster the CPU the higher the Hz right? You can do more with a 7 Megahertz CPU that a 1.4 MegaHertz one right? In fact, we all want our computers to have the fastest CPU possible if we can right?

And so we see that animals do not have the conscious awareness(HZ) to experience time. But in a million years, give or take, they will right? As they evolve.

Humanity is just basically an animal, whose genetics have evolved to where we have the technology, our consciousness, which vibrates much faster than animals, so we classified ourselves as mammals. Why? Because we had such different abilities, that it set us apart to the degree where felt the need to be classified differently. Well, guess what most of these different abilities surround………you guessed it, consciousness.

Our main Difference from animals
Things like:

  1. Our consciousness(OK brain waves) vibrates at a faster Hz speed.
  2. We are aware of a thing called linear time. (making us 4D beings and animals 3D beings.)
  3. We have a higher ability to reason. Higher logics. Which simply means that we are able to process what is happening, faster.
  4. We can utilize more of the nature that is already here to begin with. Make tools from what was already here. Use electricity from what was already here but what a dog is not aware of.

Although these difference are amazing and all, you will notice that the root difference between us and animals just rotates around our having a higher degree of awareness than they do. Ergo, the main thing that separates us from an animal, is the same thing that separates said animal from a plant. Paradoxically, consciousness appears to be the very difference that binds us. Conscious awareness of that which is already here and available in creation.

This brings us back around again, full circle, for the second time, as circles tend to do; to explaining why it is that it “feels” like time is speeding up. Because the experience of it is, and the experience makes it real.

Everything in our solar system, a system named after our star, Sol, is speeding up.

Everything in our system follows our star Sol as it spirals through infinite space. Everything in our star system also receives instruction from Sol, which is also a conscious being in itself. A being of a much higher frequential consciousness level than that of humanity for sure. More of you reading this may find yourself more open to the idea that our Star may be a higher consciousness being, because you have now been shown how it is something can exist and be true but the beholder may simply not have the consciousness level to comprehend how it is possible. As we explained with animals and time. So not wanting to be ignorant, we remain open to the possibilities that this is such a case; given that this is what we are told time and time again by our higher dimensional friends.

Bashar and other 5th dimensional and higher beings have shared with us that there are up to 12 dimensions in our physical universe and humanity is mostly on the 4th dimension and is headed to the 5th dimension. That in order to incarnate as a planet or a star one must hold awareness at the 9th dimensional level. So our star, Sol is at least of the 9th dimension level of awareness. It is a grand game, this holographic Universe in which find ourselves. Many players on many levels. Hence why it is said that we are multi-dimensional beings.

And what can a 9th dimensional Planet or Star possible be aware of that a 4th dimensional  human can not? What is already here in creation that they are conscious of that we humans can not quite comprehend yet? Many many things. I offer this one thing that came to my mind immediately as I was writing this….

That of the nature of love.

Humanity, as a whole, is not quite capable of comprehending fully what love truly is. What we see and experience and think love is, is but a grain of sand. What our star Sol and our Planet Gaia can see of love is what equates to the sand on the beaches of 10 billion planets. That is why one conscious level shines its life giving vibrational frequency, that which we call light, to us 24/7…for free, for all to have at no cost. Unconditionally, so that we can create and have our reality here on Earth. And another level of consciousness, a human leader, takes that same free energy and withhold it from his fellow humans, unless they give over their energy to him in the form of labor.

You see? Far too many humans in the 4th dimension have no idea what love truly is, or they would not participate in all the unloving things that are created on Earth. See?

Like the dog we have been unable to see the possibilities that are already here. To change. To evolve. To be more loving.

But evolution is a process that happens slowly over time, and over time, humanity has become more loving. In fact, all the negativity, all the corruption, all the blood shed we are seeing more and more in the news today, have been what?……here all the time. And so we see that it is a paradoxically positive thing that we are now seeing it more and more. This means that we are gaining awareness. And awareness equates to what?….. Awareness is consciousness. We are evolving consciously into the next higher level, the 5th Dimension.

And so we can say with certainty that the consciousness level of humanity is rising. And since consciousness is vibrational in nature, this also means that the vibrational resonance of humanity’s consciousness is raising. This is how we are going from the 4th dimension to the 5th dimension. We are not going to the 5th dimension, we are growing to the 5th dimension.

The Cause That is Affecting our Shift in Consciousness is our star Sol

And yes, since we live in a cause and affect Universe, which simply means that there is a universal law that states that nothing can happen unless something causes it to happen, then we can surmise that it is our star Sol that has raised its vibration, and in turn is affecting the entire star system’s vibrational resonance as well. This is accomplished through the known physics, I like to call, the nature of vibrational harmonic resonance. For instance, if we ring a tuning fork which is set to a specific frequency, and place it next to another tuning fork that is not resonating at all, the new tuning fork will start to resonate to the exact vibrational frequency of the first. This is known as the law of vibrational harmonics. It is an unbreakable law. You place a hot metal near a cold metal and the cold metal will warm up.

Well our entire star system has been heating up. To the point where Pluto, an ice planet, has melted and became diminished in size, causing our main stream scientist to issue propaganda that it was never a planet to begin with. Not wanting to have the discussion however, of the fact that it is made of ice, was once larger in diameter, and is now smaller. Hmmm, I wonder what can make ice reduce in size? Heat? You think? 🙂

And so we see, because of Sol, our Earth is also heating up. Bashar has explained to us that this is MOSTLY because of the fact that our star, Sol, has raised its frequency, as part of a natural cycle of occurrences in our star system. A completion of a very long cycle where Sol raises its vibration and through the law of vibrational harmonics, also starts to resonate everything in its vicinity. And everything in our solar system responds in kind to the laws of vibrational harmonics, and rise in frequency.

As the consciousness level of humanity is rising, has risen, and will continue to rise, we are beginning to see and experience, become aware of the affects that these new higher vibrations are having on us. The step by step, frame by frame experience which is the normal 4th dimension is slowly going away. Slowly collapsing. We are starting to skip the frames of reality that are in between the so called important events in our lives. And so now what seemed like a year is now feeling more like 6 months. For me it was a gradual decline from a year feeling like a year, to 10 months, to 8, and now a year feels like about 3 months to me. Using the old standard feeling of time.

Many of us are also experiencing much more of what many are calling ascension symptoms. So, yes, the times they are a changin’; as they say. It is speeding up, or appears to be speeding up. This will continue until, believe it or not, a year will feel like about a week. Remember though, as the experience of  the way time feels gets shorter, this feeling will also become more and more of the norm. And eventually we will evolve to this feeling, this thing, this experience where it will just be now all the time. And when that happens we will let go of the out dated ideas of past and future, which are just concepts. Tools which humanity and 4th dimensional beings create within the boundaries of our limited consciousness which could not understand or fully process the concept, the idea that there is just eternal NOW. What time is it? It is now. It is always now. Now is the only true time. But we were not ready to see or comprehend this simple idea, so we created permission slips called past now and future now. But that was the 4th dimensional experience of what is linear-time. Once we are just experiencing now, we will drop the outdated ideas we used to call past and future, similar to how we let go of Blockbuster Videos. Seemingly overnight. 🙂

Once we hit this now time singularity  awareness, well that is when the fun starts. Because it is from there, where we will be able to see and grasp the ideas that:

  • Time and space are just different points of view of the same thing. 2 sides of the same coin. That is why as you increase one, the other is equally decreased. It always adds up to 100%.
  • There is just one now moment and time was an illusion. The time is always now.
  • Then the idea of space is also just an illusion and everything is also here and now. Meaning we have the ability to be anywhere and anytime. Its just a matter of learning how to do it. In fact certain humans under the cloak of secret programs have already learned how to do it from Extra Terrestrial and Extra Dimensional beings. Their lack of awareness of what love truly is, has prevented them from sharing it with the rest of us, for now. This will soon change.

Because our star, through the laws of vibrational harmonics, is now raising our consciousness level. We will soon be able to experience, and be fully aware of the eternal now, and the eternal now only. We will not be able to experience anything else but now.

As our experience of time changes, so will our thoughts about it. In that moment when our thoughts and beliefs around time changes, it is then that we will see that our thoughts truly do create our reality. Because in that moment, the Universe, which is only a mirror of our collective beliefs, will reflect back a reality in which we can experience time in any direction we choose. Backwards, forwards, side to side (parallel timelines), the whole shabang. Because that is the nature of reality which was already there to begin with. We were just not able to see it. because we did not have the CPU speed, consciously, to comprehend it.

It does not matter if you are ready today to accept all this as your truth. Now that we know the possibilities, we will not be too surprised if in the not too distant future, we find ourselves standing next to our higher selves as they say:  “welcome to the 5th dimension.”

Our Sun Is No Longer Yellow!

Our Sun Is no longer Yellow!

Humanity is undergoing an ascension of consciousness, as outlined by the Mayans.

Who said, basically, “the old world would come to an end.” And many assumed it meant the end of the planet. Just like some see the word Apocalypse as having a negative cogitation, when in fact it does not. In actuality we are now seeing that what the Mighty Mayans actually were referring to was that there would be an ascension of consciousness for humanity as a whole. Yes there were a lot of predetermined expectations of death and destruction etc. surrounding the the date December 21st, 2012, but none of that really happened. What DID happen was this:

Instructions from the Sun

Our star, Sol, started to heat up and burn hotter. It transformed from a yellow dwarf star to a radiant white star. If you Google and research images of our Sun you will see a lot of yellow and orange depictions. This is because our star was actually yellow in appearance at one time. It was and is still formally and informally classified as a yellow dwarf star in may text books, publications and we can see so here on wikipedia.

I can remember seeing our yellow sun with my own eyes when I was a youth back in the 70’s and 80’s. It has been a yellow dwarf star for many thousand of years. It was not until about 10 years ago when I started personally becoming aware that the sun was no longer yellow. That NOW, during the New Age of Aquarius, in this time of ascension, it has heated up. It is burning much hotter, and is now radiant white in appearance.

Not Newsworthy

I myself think that this is a fairly important occurrence and maybe, just maybe, we should be talking about it. But apparently CNN does not consider this news and have never done a story on this. The so called best journalists around the world who work for the BBC, CNN, Washington Post and Daily news etc. Have not seen that there is a story here yet. How lucky for me then, I get to be the one to have the exclusive. 😉

News flash!  Our sun has heated up and has changed color!

How do we know that it has heated up? Well, the color has changed which fire does do as it temperature increases. Everything in our solar system has heated up has it not? The temperature on Earth is heating up isn’t it? Yes, man and its immature use of fossil fuel and its emissions have surely sped up the process a bit, but we are assured by higher dimension being like Bashar and Adronis that even without humanity’s industrial and transportational recklessness, the solar system would still be heating up. Because our star has.

What other signs that our solar system has gotten hotter have we seen? Pluto! Remember Pluto the ICE planet. It became so small that we were having discussions of whether it is a planet or not. Those discussions were calculated, and designed to avoid the topic of WHY Pluto was getting smaller. Someone did not want Humanity to become aware of how Sol, or star, was heating up. Maybe the same people who seem to control our expert media. 🙂

That would give credence to the New Age Spirituality movement, which would lead to questions and answers about who The Creator really is and who we truly are, and it was decided that this topic would dis-empower those who feel Earth is their planet. We are talking about humans who we have given our power over to in the form of “governments,” and who are out of integrity. They would rather we argue endlessly over “climate change” than know the truth behind where the heat is actually coming from.

Our Star Was a Yellow Dwarf, not anymore

Here is a link to a Google Images search for the word SUN:

You will notice that you see a lot of Yellow depictions of the star of our solar system. Our Sun. Why is that? For thousand of years man has depicted our sun as being Yellowish in color…because that is what they saw. Look at the illustrations and art that is in our museums. Yellow or yellowish suns. Much like these shown below.

Our Sun Is no longer Yellow!

Remember What Gave Superman His Strength?

Our YELLOW sun! In the story, Superman’s home planet of Krypton has a red sun whose intensity is of a lower frequency that our Yellow sun of Earth. So since Superman was born under the weaker star, here under our stronger yellow sun, he is much stronger. The story is told this way because at the time the story was written by DC comics, our sun WAS yellow. It was a Yellow Dwarf Star, as outlined in all our textbooks.

So if a yellow star is stronger frequentially than a red star, then imagine how much stronger a white star is in frequency. Imagine what it means to humanity, that our star is now increasing in frequency and turning white. Will that turn us into Supermen with increased abilities? 🙂

What Color Do You See Now?

Now go outside, on a sunny clear day and feast upon the star of our solar system with your very own eyes. Now ask your self “what color is this star?” You will most likely agree with me that it is a radiant white star. Absolutely no yellow at all. And we know that a WHITE flame burns much hotter that a yellow flame right?

So our solar system is heating up. Because our Star, Sol, is burning much hotter.

Now For Some Science

As plant life and foliage seem to take their instruction from the sun, so too does everything in our star system take instructions from our star, Sol. And Sol has been coordinating, manifesting an increase in consciousness for our entire solar system. It has been doing so by burning brighter and transmitting its radiance at a much higher frequency. This has had some phenomenal results like:

Raising the Schumann Resonance frequency of the planet Earth. It used to be around 7.8 Hz (think yellow sun), but now it now ever increasing and went through the range of 12-15 Hz, and as of this writing it is way above 30 Hz.

Here is a definition of Schumann Resonance that I like and took from the site

The Schumann resonances are oscillating magnetic frequencies that happen in the Earth’s electromagnetic spectrum. They are said to be generated by electromagnetic changes that happen within the earth’s core, that then affect the earth’s surface, and ionosphere, including the sentient beings living upon it.

What that means is that our star, Sol, an intelligent conscious being, has decided that it is time for humanity to ascend in consciousness to the next higher level. So it raises its own vibration and emits this much higher frequency to all its planets and their inhabitants, causing the core of the planets to spin faster, producing more heat and therefore heating up the planets. At the same time this changes the oscillating frequency that the planet’s electronics vibrate to. Its frequency, its heartbeat raises. And as planetary frequential resonance increases, humanity’s consciousness, somehow also increases; since our consciousness is also simply just a frequential resonance itself. Everything in our Universe breaks down to resonance.

Its all sound. “In the beginning there was the Word…” a sound.

All matter vibrates. Everything is resonating at a frequency. Even a steel table at the atomic level is resonating, vibrating. The solidity of matter is a pure illusion.

And the mighty Mayans knew all this. Saw all this coming. The world as we knew it would end. Because the world as we know it, meaning the world of politics, money, classes, sects, governments and secrets, was created with this “lower” level of consciousness. And as they knew that we would be increasing in consciousness, thanks to our sun, the Mayans also knew that this NEW consciousness would cause us to change everything.


All Will Be Revealed In The End

We are told and we can see, that this new higher frequential consciousness will make humanity a more loving, more compassionate race of beings. It is said that in the New Age of Aquarius all the secrets will be revealed. Are we not seeing ALL the secrets slowly being revealed? Isn’t there a light now being shed on the most secretive and destructive agencies on the planet? Do you think that humanity will allow things to be “business as usual?” Of course not. Everything will change. The Mayans were right.

What is the final book in the bible? Revelations right? Here is the definition of the word Revelation according to I have changed nothing:


  1. The act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure.
  2. Something revealed or disclosed, especially a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized.
  3. In theology. God’s disclosure of Himself and His will to His creatures.
    an instance of such communication or disclosure.
    something thus communicated or disclosed.
    something that contains such disclosure, as the Bible.
  4. 4.(initial capital letter). Also called Revelations, The Revelation of St. John the Divine. the last book in the New Testament; the Apocalypse.
    Abbreviation: Rev.

So we see that the word revelations mean that there will be disclosing or disclosure. Something not before realized. And maybe Gods will for his creatures(that’s humanity). And we also see that the book of revelations is also know as the Apocalypse.


What a dreadfully scary word huh? Or so we have been led to believe. Mind controlled to believe. When a child or an adult for that matter watches even the trailer to one of these  films, they are left with the belief that the word Apocalypse is a very unwanted scenario. If you believe that the word Apocalypse has a negative connotation, congratulations, you have been a victim of mind control. Weaponized mind control, courtesy of your local secret intelligence branch. And tax payer funded.


Lets observe the true meaning of the word Apocalypse. The original meaning of the word goes back to the Ancient Greek which actually means…The lifting of the veil.

Here again is exactly what’s says:

  1. (initial capital letter) revelation (def 4).
  2. Any of a class of Jewish or Christian writings that appeared from about 200 b.c. to a.d. 350 and were assumed to make revelations of the ultimate divine purpose.
  3. prophetic revelation, especially concerning a cataclysm in which the forces of good permanently triumph over the forces of evil.
Wow! It says that the word Apocalypse is firstly synonymous with the word revelation. Or disclosure. It also refers to a group of ancient writings that are assumed to reveal the ultimate divine purpose. Sounds like something good about our nature is going to be revealed. And finally it says that Apocalypse means a “cataclysm” in which GOOD PERMANENTLY TRIUMPS over evil. I am Ok with that, are you?
So there will be a lot of unknowns revealed to humanity, at the “end.” And we know from the Mayans that the old word did end on December 21st 2012, and since then we HAVE been seeing much revealed haven’t we?

We are seeing whistle blowers after whistle blowers now who are not only telling us all the secrets that were kept hidden from us, These whistle blowers all seem to be under some kind of magical protection from harm. Thank the Creator for that right? Its almost like this ascension process is somehow ordained by some higher divine plan. It appears that the Apocalypse is upon is now. We just have to realize (real eyes) that its a good thing. Sure its a bad thing if you are evil, it means you are “about to be triumphed.”


There can sometime be miunderstandings, through mind control etc. So lets look at the definition of a whistleblower shall we?

person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing.

All our whistle blowers, of late, appear to be more and more being protected and are fine; compared to years ago. One would be too afraid to go up against the powers of a world government like the United States. You would be silenced quick fast and in a hurry. But now there is a new pattern where we see that there is a divine protection around those who bring to the light what our out of integrity human government is doing in the dark. Almost like something has awakened something in the heart of humanity.

Julienne Assad of wikileaks. He is safe and allowed to continue his “divine” revelations and bring forth the information that is of service to the whole via his organization We, humanity that has already been awoken, love his work and thank him and will continue to support him, as he supports us. He is receiving and will continue to receive protection from Ecuador, whose indigenous people go back over 11,000 years to when the mighty Mayans themselves walked the Earth.

Julienne against seemingly incredible odds continue to reveal the truth to humanity, as a TRUE journalist is allowed to do. Even though he has been threatened with the wrath of the most dangerous government on planet Earth, he remains alive and well and unstopped. He is protected as he is an agent of the divine forces overseeing the ascension process. He is now even dating Pamela Anderson. 🙂

Edward Snowden, who has worked for the NSA and CIA and knew the inner workings and these secret orginizations, saw the injustice and did his duty as he was guided by his inner voice. He revealed much truth about the lies and illegal actions of this same United States of America.

Revealed, via the State Dept. Cables, how the USA would shake hands with their “allies” with one hand and at the same time stab their allies in the back.This revelation caused a lot of USA “allies” to see the true picture and make wiser decisions. This revelation led to the strengthening of the BRICS union, an alliance which will eventually replace the powerful union which was that of the USA and the European union. It also lead to many geo political moves like Brexit. A lot has changed due to the Snowden revelations, and much of it may have not been easily seen by the average person, due to a lack of reporting from the “main media” who do not appear to consider this news. 🙂

Edward Snowden remains safe and happy with his girlfriend and living under asylum in Russia.

Corey Goode

Now Corey Goode is my favorite whistle blower of them all. I would guess that even Edward Snowden is not yet aware of him. No one who cares about legitimacy in the “public eye” seems to be uttering Corey’s name, at least in public.

You see, Corey is revealing COSMIC DISCLOSURE and was a member of the Secret Space Program. He has a lot of information out there where is speaking about things like how humans have colonized Mars since the 60’s and how they are slave like colonies on Mars ran and controlled by the same contractors that are used by the CIA here on Earth. This is one of the huge things humanity has to see and incorporate and process, and many are simply not ready yet.

Corey, like the other 2 major whistle blowers, is also not in jail and heavily protected by divine will. If you are not familiar with Corey Goode and his information that he is revealing about our secret space program, you can be brought up to speed real fast by watching the show he has with David Wilcox, called Cosmic Disclosure, which is on This link uses Corey’s affiliate code so he gets credit when you go to 🙂

You can watch the first 3 episodes of season 1 there for free without signing up for anything. I would also recommend episode 7 of season one as that was a jaw dropper for me as it introduced into my consciousness the idea of the “German Breakaway Society” that later took over the United States of America. It explains a lot. Why American politicians can give a shit about Americans etc.

Corey’s information is for mature individuals that are ready to take the red pill, like in the movie The Matrix. You need to have your big boy pants on to accept his stuff. It is OK if you are not ready. 🙂

Corey Goode is also alive and well and lives with his family, safely in Houston, TX. These whistle blowers can not be harmed and are here to facilitate the ascension of planet Earth, through their revelations, and by divine dispensation.

Even if you check out Corey’s info and you do not believe it, you have to ask yourself, why is it that no one in the “main media” is covering this stuff. Think about it, don’t you see them covering all the athletes who claim that the Earth is flat? You will not see one word mentioning Corey Goode’s information in any Major publication, but he has been on most alternative media and all over Youtube though, go figure.

Here is a list of a lot of whistle blowers helping with the divine revelations that still continues. It started a long long time ago and will continue until ALL is revealed and known by the masses. So please support your local whistle blower and thank THEM for their service.

As you can see it is all connected. The Mayans, our star heating up, prophesied revelations, and our whistle blowers being protected and even allowed to continue revealing, and working unharmed. All seem to be part of a divine undertaking, as predicted by the Mayans. Everything is changing. And we can see from where all the changes originated. All we have to do is look up on a clear day and see that our sun is no longer a yellow dwarf star. It is a now a brilliant white star.


This info is released to the public domain and can be shared, copied and distributed freely. 



There Is Synchronicity in the World Population And Ascension

I just found some Ascension synchronicity.

We are approaching 8 Billion people on the Earth. Not sure if we are there yet or not, no way to tell exactly, but this is close to where we are at for total population. This Universe is based on 12, which is why all our time is divisible by 12. 24, 60 min and seconds etc. Well assuming the 12 zodiac signs are distributed evenly, if you divide 8 billion by 12 you get 666666666.666666667. Which is the END TIMES.

Note that thee are 9 digits before the decimal and after. 9 symbolizes COMPLETION which may allude to the completion of the grand cycle which is why Earth is ascending at this time.

Also note that the end cycle is transformative which is highlighted by the last 2 digits 6 and 7 adding up to 13 which is the number of TRANSFORMATION.

So maybe this is revealing that when Earths population hits 8 Billion, and may have done so already, maybe on 12-12-2012 who knows, then this triggers our total change and Earth will Ascend.

Just something I just discovered. Not saying it means anything other than mathematical synchronicity.


ArchAngel Metatron on The Death Experience & After-Life Realm

Here we have a beautiful channeling from ArchAngel Metatron, as channeled and copyrighted by James Tyberonn of

life after deathThe below audio is a reading of the channeling. In it AA Metatron explains what Humans can expect to experience, and what really occurs, in what we refer to as the death experience. AA Metatron goes on to describe in great detail, how death is in fact a beautiful experience. This description of the continuation of life after death had been repeated pretty much the same by many other higher dimentional beings. Then AA Metatron goes on and explains more of what is happening in the after life. It is highly recommended information for both the initiated and the uninitiated. In Joy!


Other books and persons who have described death as being pretty much as AA Metatron describes it are:

Journey of Souls, a book by Micheal P. Newton, Phd. A must read. Buy here.

Home With God, a book by Neale Donald Walsch. This is the final book in the Home with God book series. A series that some refer to as the New Revelations. Buy here.

And in many of the readings left by “The Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce.



The Eternal Now of the 5th Dimension

The Creator, creation, is eternal. What is it like being eternal? Humans are finding that out as we are awakening to the fact that time was just a concept we bought into. This believe came from our lower consciousness past when we were not able to conceive of higher forms of thought. Before we became conscious of TIME we were unconscious of it. We only knew 3 dimensions. Length, width and height. In the same way that a dog is not aware of the 4th Dimension of TIME.

Eternal Now

But as Humans evolved TIME came into our awareness. When it did, Humanity entered into the 4th Dimension of length, width, height and TIME. And now we ascend higher once again into the 5th Dimension. Which is 3 dimensions of space, length width and Height, and 2 of TIME. The first dimension of time we already know. But what is this second Dimension of time like? Well one can only try to explain it because it has to be experienced, just like you can’t explain it to a Dog what the 4th Dimension is like. But I will try.

In the 4th Dimension time is linear. We see the frames of the movie of our reality one frame at a time and the frames HAVE to be sequential, 14, 15, 16 etc. Once can not go from 14 to say 16. We can not skip the frames in 4th Dimension. But in 5th dimension time is no longer linear. You can go from frame 14 to frame 333. and then back to frame 20 etc etc.

In other words, in the 4th dimensions you have to go through the motions and the steps to create your reality. But in the 5th Dimension you can skip right to whatever you want to experience. For instance, in the 4th Dimension, if you want an apple, you better have some in the house or you will have to go through the linear steps of logic to obtain it. You have to go and get it, and finally you get to the frame where the apple is in your hand. In the 5th Dimension you think of the apple and it appears in your hand instantly.

If this seems impossible, what of the Humans who have already achieved the 5th Dimension during their lifetimes. We call them Avatars, prophets and Magicians. In our lower consciousness we were afraid of them and burnt them, crucified them etc. And all the while they told us that one day we shall do greater feats that they did.

Conal Universe

If consciousness can grow from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th, Why can’t it go to the 5th? Especially when we know for a fact that people have done these miraculous things? Have turned water to wine. Have walked on water etc. etc. Add on top of that that everyone who has ever channeled an Angel all report the same exact thing; That the Human race is ascending into a Dimension of consciousness where they will understand that Reality is an illusion that responds to our thoughts. And that when we master our thoughts, we shall master our reality.

Have you not noticed how TIME is speeding up? How the days and weeks seem to be moving faster. Doesn’t TIME fly when you are having fun? But slow to a crawl if you are not? So it makes sense that as we are becoming a more positive world that TIME will seem to go faster.

Time will continue to speed up until it hits a zero point at which point it will cease to be linear.

You know you are consciously entering the 5th Dimension when you realize that there is no past or future, that there is just eternal NOW. Your watch may have different logical markings on them, but in actuality it is always NOW. When its 5 o’clock its 5 o’clock, but its also NOW. when its 5:01 it is not 5 o’clock but guess what? it is also NOW. What time is it? it doesn’t matter what your 4th dimensional mind thinks, guess what? It is NOW. The time is always NOW because the Eternal NOW never ends.

So just like a linear time exists, but a DOG was just not aware of it, Time is eternal and it is always NOW. We are just not so aware of it. But eternal NOW is there.

Welcome to the Ascension. Welcome to experiencing the 5th Dimension.

A Law Is Not What You Think It Is

a smiling girl being arrested

a smiling girl being arrested

Think about the word LAW for a second. What it means to you. What it means in our society. How it is used.

My definition of a law is: something that can not be broken. It is in this understanding of a law that I propose the question:

If a law is only a law if it CAN NOT be broken, how many laws are humanity truly subject to?

Lots of talk these days about unjust laws being passed by out of integrity humans. Lots of groups are protesting more and more these unjust laws. It seems that each day I go on Facebook there is a new post about protesting a state senator here and a city councilman there. And at the center of all this are laws.

Lets take a look at what a law is an what it means when laws are passed that are opposed by the majority of the masses.

We live in a world where power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately. We all know this is a truth.

For a long time GOOD men have showed no interest in governing. This was mostly due to us being ruled by an iron fist with no say. We literally don’t know how. When you remove just men from the equation, you are left with unjust men. The affect for this is that the just masses now find themselves being ruled by unjust men. So we now see the cause and the affect of how humanity now finds itself in this position. Knowing this is crucial; by knowing the cause to any issue, it is easy to change it.

Just men

For now humanity needs a simple form of government; so we will need people to fill those positions. We need just people to be identified and put into these administrative positions. The key being administrative. We should have no regulations but administrative one. No laws, so no criminal laws, no punitive laws, no civil laws. All administrative regulations or statutes, something like that. Why?

What a law truly is

Humans have laws, but they are not truly laws, so why call them laws? Humanity in its current state of consciousness is incapable of creating laws on planet Earth. Why? Because a law is something that can not be broken. All human laws have been broken, violated or circumvented at one time or another. So calling them laws is an inaccurate statement to say the least.

The closest things are the laws of physics, things like the scientific law of gravity or the laws of physics that claim that nothing can exceed the speed of light, that speed being a constant. Well guess what? The speed of light is increasing! This means the speed of light is no longer a constant, which means it is not a law. In fact every law that man has claimed so far has been violated in some way. Am I saying there are no laws? No. There are known Laws Of Creation. What I speak of now is information that have been passed on through the ages by Ancient Mystery Systems in secret since the fall of consciousness.

4 laws of creation

Just like everything in science, man has discovered it. Before they knew it, they didnt know it. One can not know what one does not know, this is obvious. I mention this because their are actually 4 laws in all of creation. There may be more, but these have not been found yet. They are:

1. The law of existence.

You exist and you will always exist in some form. Your consciousness is energy and energy can not be created or destroyed. I believe human science teaches this in the 3rd grade. But humanity has not yet, as a whole, embraced that conscious is energy and that we are simply consciousness that is temporarily in a body. We existed before coming to the body and we will exist after it leaves. Some know this, others will come on board, as soon as their government tells them this. They are waiting to be told. But as addressed in the first paragraphs, we are currently governed by unjust men, so don’t hold your breath.

2. The law of one

The one is all and the all is one. At the very fabrics of creation all consciousnesses are joined as one. Not 2 0r 3 but 1. Not allegorically but literally. Yeshua(Jesus) taught that “…the father and I are 1…”, not 2 or 3 or 4, but 1. And so it is taught by all the great Prophets, and Avatars that have shared their message with humanity. No one took them literally and they could not expound on the idea because 2,000 years ago the consciousness of man was not developed enough to understand the complexity of the explanation that is now easily found in the 3rd law of creation. The law of cause & affect. It is said that the proof is in the pudding, well staying along this line, the proof of ultimate oneness is in the the law of cause & effect.

3. The 3rd law of creation

This law is the one humans are most familiar with. It is simply “what you put out is what you get back”. Also known as:

  • Karma
  • what you sow you reap
  • the chicken coming home to roost
  • Duality
  • Polarity
  • Paradoxes
  • Law of opposites
  • The law of attraction
  • Cause & Affect
  • and many other names to explain that what you put out, you get back. Which is why you turn the other cheek if you are wise.

But in order to focus on our oneness of consciousness we will go with Cause and Affect.

Cause & Affect

Means, nothing happens unless something causes it to happens. Or everything is preceded by something. For there to be an affect, there had to have been a cause. Now this is a law that has never been broken. Ultimately that cause is a thought, after all we are ultimately nothing but consciousness.

Think about it, you are not just reading this, there was a thought and a choice made to do so. Some people have already decided to stop :-), some like you, have continued. Prior to doing so you were doing something else which was preceded by a thought or action and a choice. Even without choice there are causes.

When one slips and falls, no thought or choice, but there was a cause, maybe a slippery floor. Pain in your toe from stubbing your foot on furniture; caused by your toe hitting the bed post. Ouch! a sound; caused by your vocal chords, caused by an involuntary contraction of throat muscles or something.

What about you? What caused you? Your parents of course, or maybe a scientist in a lab if you are a test tube baby. So people are caused by other people. What causes people? Animal life is ultimately caused by plants right. Plant protein. Lets move ahead or back a little faster. What caused plant life? My guess is the 5 elements:

  1. Earth
  2. Air
  3. Fire
  4. Water
  5. & Love

What caused them? Maybe all the elements in the periodic table. What caused them? The Earth and the stars. What caused the many many Suns. The big bang, what caused the big bang? The creator, the source, the prime Radiant, the first thing. Since its the first thing, it at one point had to be the only thing. So it was the only thing and it was conscious. We know it had to be consciousness because consciousness had to come from somewhere right? So here we have this one thing and its conscious. This is the one cause of all all consciousness including yours and mine. Now it is easier to understand the 2nd law of creation, how we are all one? You can read more about the Prime Radiant in depth.

4th law of creation

Change is a constant. Everything changes, except the first 3 laws which never change. We see proof of this in the impermanence of our reality. Things come and go. Even us. Even the planet Earth is constantly moving and is never in the same spot ever. Even in its daily cycle of spinning (24hrs) and its annual cycle of rotating(365.25 days) it is never in the same place. Because as the Earth travels around the Sun, the Sun is also traveling around another central Sun in the Pleiades constellation. 314519_296167227073582_1605172092_n

And that Sun is traveling around another sun. (see the cause and effect there?). The government does not ever mentions this…ever. That the Sun travels in a circle around another Sun. And the Universes do the same thing. Always in a spiral, always moving. This would imply a divine order to things.

The Divine Order of things

All these planets, Suns and Universes spinning in harmony and going someplace specific, as the spiral orbits would imply. There are many ways to make spirals, but there is only one way to make a Golden Phi Ratio Spiral, and that is using the ratio of 1.61803398875. 1.618 for short. All spirals created in nature are based on the Golden Ratio of 1.618.

Hidden in plain site is any Phi ratio spiral is the Fibonacci sequences, which is the simple intelligent act of adding the prior 2 numbers to create the 3rd number. 3 is caused by adding 1 and 2, 5 is caused by adding 2 and 3, 8 is caused by adding 3 and 5 etc. etc. Here is the First 12 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence:

1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144

Do you see how it is simple… but in order to find the next number, some intelligence is required. Guess what? All the planets and stars and universes are all traveling in Phi Ratio spirals. Guess what else? The government has never mentioned this to you ever. So do you really want to wait for the government of corrupt men, to tell you things?

Do you really want to continue to choose to follow their regulations and be regulated by them. I say regulations because I have taken the time to show you that there are only 4 laws in all of creation, not 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 but 4 laws.


In closing

So you have all these unjust laws, and even if they are not too unjust, they came from unjust men in an unjust system. You can apply the law of cause and affect and choose to throw them out, the men and their laws. You don’t have to follow them. There is nothing to fear also in doing so. Why? because where do they put violators of these regulations that were designed to regulate and limit us. They imprison them… where? in prisons. Last I check the government can’t even imprison the thousands of illegal immigrants that they try and regulate, how are they going to imprison millions, yet alone 7 billion people? Of course they can not. So do not be afraid of the threat of prison. The key is to act as one, and this should be simply as you are already one, and if you were paying attention this means you are actually also God. If you don’t see this, you can choose to re-read the 2nd and 3rd laws and The Prime Radiant. There is only one thing in creation.


Jury Nullification

Also, another way to easily nullify all unjust laws, as the people see fit, is by Jury nullification. In the recent trial of the killing of Trevon Martin, the jury could have thrown out the law and simply nullified it and let justice serve. In the future, humans will realize they ARE their government and they will nullify all unjust laws and choose for justice to prevail.

All these high profile murder cases, the Trevon Martin case, the O.J. Simpson case, are all here as teaching aids to help us see and to grow in consciousness. The creator respects our free will enough to not come out and say “hey change these unjust laws, you are your government”. It also loves us enough to not let us remain in this situation. What it will do is reflect them back to you in a very televised fashion so all can see, “hey something is wrong here, lets talk about changing this”. Creation is ensuring that we see what needs to change. Why does creation do this? All together now: because change is a constant. It is an eternal truth and a true law. Creation enforces it laws and everything will change. A central focus of Bhuddahs teaching is how everything is impermanent. Change is actually Godly.

Short History of change

  • Planet is flat. This has changed
  • The Romans were here, they changed in a big way didnt they. From owning the planet to being broke.
  • The planets has changed. all the landmasses used to be connected. (The government has never told you that)
  • Our stance on slavery has changed. (Still looking at you Romans)
  • Homosexuals. We have had tremendous changes in this, but not even half way there. Much new things to learn here as teens are being hung in the Arabias.
  • No black presidents. changed
  • Women can’t do anything. Changed.

will there be a woman president? Ofcourse. How do we know. The 4th law of creation demands this.

The Sun rising in the East. It used to rise in the West. (government is not telling you this). If the poles of the earth is reversed, the spin is reversed. Scientist are aware that the poles have reversed in the past. It is just not something that is spoken in public for some reason.

Extra Terrestrials. we never believed, now 80% of humans belive in the existence of ET’s. Changed

I can go on, but you get the picture. Feel free to leave your own additions to the list of changes in the comments.

So in summary. Good men have allowed unjust men to govern them. These men claim to be gods whose bidding are unbreakable laws. We now know this is a false. There are only 4 laws(that we know of) that can not be broken and none of them are mans. We also know that what IS a law is that we can change this any time(4th law of creation) we choose to(3rd law of creation) all we have to do is act as 1(2nd law of creation) and continue with our God given existence without fear of ceasing to exist(1st law of creation). I believe part of Master Yeshua’s (Jesus, Jesus’s name was Yeshua Ben Joseph and somehow the government has not told you this. Even in Christian Nations) teachings were about these 4 laws. He Said I and the father are 1 (2nd law), You will have eternal life (1st law), Turn the other cheek and leave it to God to take care of other people (3rd law).

So act as one and know that you do not have to follow any unjust law. Say “arrest all of us”. If one is arrested all will be arrested. I say how many protests I have watched on TV or in the papers where I see one of the protesters being arrested and everybody else just sit there and watch it. I want to yell at the TV…“um…you are a crowd of 5000 people, demand that you all be arrested. They can’t do it!” I repeat, it can not be done! I used to oversee prisons all over the U.S. I assure you it is not possible. This is why Occupy Wall Street is still around. It is not possible to arrest them all.

smiling woman being arrested

Do not uphold unjust laws when sitting on a jury.

No matter what the unjust judge says. Remember these laws were written by unjust men, and until we have put just men in administrating our new governments, we do not have to uphold them. There is even legal precedent for this. It is called jury nullification. Learn it, love it, use it. This works both ways, to release the innocent and to convict the truly guilty. (You know who you are.) The sleeper must awaken. This is the 4th law.


There Is No Such Thing as Non-Existence

Ascended Master Babaji

This post is dedicated to Babaji who inspired it when I was reading about him on Babaji is the Ascended Master who taught Yeshua(Jesus) when he went to India as part of his training.

Ascended Master Babaji

We start with paradoxes

A seed contains within it all necessary power to create a mighty forest tree. And so, by comparison, it can be said that it is much more powerful than the tree. But a tree can produce a multitude of seeds, so which is more powerful? This is the paradox of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Creation is made up of paradoxes and now we see why.

The power in all paradoxes is that each opposing idea was created at the same time by an unseen divine intelligence. The Creator.

Whenever a thing defies the law of cause and effect, which states that nothing happens unless something causes it to happen, you are faced with prima facie evidence of divine intelligence in creation.

Creation is the greatest paradox of them all since all things go back to this single source, the first thing, what created this one thing? The answer, Nothing. It always was, and it always will be. Therefore, The Creator, the cause of all things in creation, having no creator, is the biggest paradox of them all. Ergo Creation is paradoxical.


Existence is the thing

This is how things are. This is the natural way of existence. Existence simply is. It always was and always will be. The alpha and the omega. In other words existence is the thing. What this means is their is no such thing as non existence. There can only the “illusion” of non-existence. Non-existence is something that was created so that it could be experienced, just like many other things, that don’t really exist.


Warning the following paragraph may explode your head.

There is no room for cold in the idea of hot. Cold is outside of hot. Similarly, existence is existence. There is no room for non-existence in existence, as such, everything exists in existence, including non-existence. Since we exist, we are in existence, ergo we exist where there is no such thing as non-existence.


Death is an illusion.
This is why energy can not be created or destroyed. Now that you know this, never fear anything again. You are eternal. This is the 1st law of creation. You exist and you always will. Is this not how unconditional love should be? 🙂

After reading and becoming familiar with the explanation of the Prime Radiant, you learn about creation and the creator Gods. Along the way one creator God came up with..played with the idea of a Universe where beings could experience “non-existence”. This idea sounded absolutely amazing and they set about building the very Universe we find our selves in right now.

Some of the ideas they create along the way as they played, was “death”, Lack, hurt, pain, ignorance, unknowing, and the granddaddy that facilitated them all fear. Fear was created to be the absolute opposite of what reality was, which was unconditional love. It is said that hate is opposite of love, but hate is just incidental to fear, a bi-product. Fear is the true opposite of love. It is fear that is the basis of all hate, all negativity. You replace hate with love and you still have fear, doubt, jealousy, non-compassion and all the usual suspects. But you replace fear with love and all the usual suspects are transformed, as they all have their basis in fear. Archangel Michael has said “fear is the poison in the hearts of man”.

Fear comes from the belief in being separate from the Creator. To know the Creator is to know unconditional love, which transmute all fear. To remove fear from your experience, know your creator through your connection to your soul.


And now Babaji come in 🙂

It stars by simply saying a version of Om Nama Shivay, which means “Lord, Thy will be done in me”. You see, in this Earth experience we have the free will to experience separation from The Creator, but when we are ready to rejoin and remove the must set the intention that we are ready to come back to the fold, if you will. The great Ascended Master Babaji has come, and will come again, to help humans who are ready to remove this separation experience. As one who is on this journey back I say to all reading…what are you waiting for? It is most beautiful this thing, unconditional love. Read about Babaji here. He just came into my awareness a few days ago via my connection with Yeshua (Jesus), so don’t feel bad. :-). I was reading the book Anna Grandmother of Jesus, which reveals much to those who are ready for answers.



So our Universe is a physical reality that was created as a place where fear and separation and limitation could be experienced and played with. It started out as an idea where separation from “the whole” (Creator) could be experienced and everything else just came out of that. In order to return to reality, you simply ask by intending that The Creators will be your will. 

In closing I paraphrase somethings that Metatron has said: “Most of creation is non physical, etheric in nature. Your physical Universe is one of many many Universes. Universes that are physical are like a grain of sand in number”. Existence is vast.


It is Likes that attract, not opposites


Why are we even having this discussion? Well as the Earth get further and further along the Ascension process, our veils are being lifted more and more. We are therefore remembering more and more about how creation works. And my present desire is to write about the false premise we have been living under; that: “opposites attract”.


Old way of thinking, opposites attract

We were all brought up under the idea of how opposites attract. Well, lets take a look at the validity of this shall we. Actually look at it, consciously.

If opposites did really attract, homosexuality would not exist. How could it? Males would only be attracted to females and females would only be attracted to males. But of course in this day and age we know that male attracting to male and vice versa is very common. So opposites attract does not seem to work there.

What about social sects? Do rich people seek out poor people? Are attractive people always with and end up marrying unattractive people? Of course not. People tend to be with other people of similar interests. You’ve heard the saying “you too make a good couple” or “you look good together” or “you are a perfect fit”. This is not said because of the differences between people, but the similarities. Experts in fact are saying that having more in common makes for healthier relationships.



Now why is it that we sometimes see two very unlike people together. For instance a sweet woman with a harsh, mean, and cruel man? In these cases it is their similar unresolved patterns/habits that are attracting. She has a pattern or habit of being around men who are like that and he has a pattern/habit of the idea of humiliating or being cruel to women. Both patterns were likely spawned by the same event of being exposed to this type of male figure, this behavior, when they were both young. These patterns may even have originated before this particular life time. They may have came in with these patterns. But as you see even with couples who may appear on the surface to be opposites, there is a  single underlying similarity that is shared. It is this common pattern that makes them both want what the other has to offer. The woman would constantly go back to him and the man will always be sorry for what he did because, as you see, they need each other in order to feel whole. They are drawn together like two magnets, and much like magnets, they are drawn together because they are both seeking the same thing. And that is how they complete each other. The law of attraction gives them both what they need out of unconditional love for the choice that each of them is choosing to make; in each now moment. Nothing is stopping them however from choosing otherwise, and many women do choose to stop the cycle. This is usually done by realizing (real eyes) the belief, that creates the thoughts that elicits the emotions. Change the belief and you control the emotion. They were after all only addicted to the drug, the feeling that came from the way the emotions made them feel.



In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in July of 2003, researchers quizzed 978 heterosexual residents of Ithaca, N.Y., between the ages of 18 and 24. First, the participants rated the importance of 10 attributes of a long-term partner, and then rated themselves on the same scale. When the results were tallied, self-perception was more likely to match mate perception.

This conclusion was: “In Western society, humans use neither an ‘opposites-attract’ nor a ‘reproductive-potentials-attract’ rule in their choice of long-term partners, but rather a ‘likes-attract’ rule based on a preference for partners who are similar to themselves across a number of characteristics.”

The above was taken from an article entitled “do opposites attract?”. The internet is loaded with studies that are now showing that opposites, definitely do not attract.


New way of thinking. Like attracts like

In actuality opposites do not attract. what is really going on in reality is that like is always attracting like. As we indirectly learned above, You always tend to see 2 attractive people together, for the most part. People of the same height, size etc. together, for the most part. So in social sects, the norm is that like attracts like. And when we see apparent opposites together, look for the commonality or pattern that binds them together.



But what about magnets? Clearly we see in science that magnets with opposing polarity attract? Well if you apply the labels that humans have attributed to what is really going on, it does appear that way. But what is actually happening is similar to our above couple and their common patterns. To how it works in magnets and metals we must shift the perspective of our thinking slightly. Put simply, element A has something element B wants, and element B has something element A wants, and they both want to get what the other has. They have similar needs. So in essence it is what they both have in common that is attracting them together. They both want each other. If only A wanted B and B did not want A, the circuit would not complete and there would be no attraction, no magnetism. But since they both want the same thing, their similarity invokes the law of attraction. I can’t provide a more scientific explanation about atoms and electrons etc. because I don’t have that background. My beliefs on this are intuitive. But I’m certain when you get down to the electrons and atoms of it all, we are looking at the same thing. If anyone reads this who does have a scientific understand of the wants of each element, please share in the comments.


Being whole

At play here also is the idea of being whole. The couple who are together due to a common pattern becomes whole when they find each other. They believe this negative behavior is who they are, so they are trying to become whole.

2 couples making love. One is male gender and the other female gender. They both want to get back into that higher state of being where they both come from. In the higher realms there is no gender. The vibrational conscious of Angels encompasses both. The creator, the Angels are not male or female, they are both. The idea of gender comes from the polarization of this energy and splitting it into what we call male and female.

What is going on between male gender and female gender is less about what is going on in the physical body, and more about what is going on in the spiritual body. What is happening in the spiritual body is the desire of consciousness to go back home. To be who they think they truly are. They want to be whole again. The desire to unify comes from a common goal, not from an uncommon one.

There is a logical explanation for unifying due to a common goal, there is no logic for unification due to opposing goals.You can say “these things attract because they are opposites” all day long, but you can’t explain the logic of why. A sensible explanation comes only form their common unity.


Why do homosexuals attract?

The idea of attraction being based on common unity also sheds a logical explanation on homosexuality. Why would a male be attracted to a male and a female be so attracted to a female? Remember that what driving the unification is on the spiritual level. We are not just our bodies. We are mind, body and soul(spirit).  Sexual attraction is also based on spiritual aspects, as I mentioned above. Spirit is both masculine and feminine energy. The physical body of the human species is splint into male or female. Male body has masculine energy, and the female body houses feminine energy. But we are not just our bodies, we are mind, body and spirit, the true holy trinity. The spirit of man can be masculine or feminine in nature also. So even though someone incarnates into a male body, their spirit may be feminine energy. We hear all the time “I was born this way” and guess what? They were. When someone tells you who they are believe them.

So what is going on when we see a gay couple, irregardless of if its 2 men or 2 women, we are seeing feminine energy and masculine energy attempting to become whole.Humans have focused on the body because before they only believed in things they could see. But now everyone knows about spirit and our definitions are changing. Again, this is the only logical answer that explains why same genders would attract.

Our spirit incarnates as both male and female. We take turns. Sometimes we may prefer one to the other and live our life as that one. When we finally choose to have a life as the other, this can create some confusion because what you may have is a feminine energy spirit who is now in a male body. This is what is occurring naturally in creation so no need to be afraid of the situation.  Humans were of negative energy remember so they naturally react in fear to something they do not understand. But for the most part we are not afraid of this anymore.  In the future as we understand what is happening, hopefully by you sharing this article, the truth will spread. Gays are cool right?

Similarly magnets are of one vibration that was separated into 2 vibrations. Now these two vibrations long to become one again, hence the attraction. More on duality and polarity.


Attraction through thoughts

There is a definite connection between our thoughts and the reality we experience. Gang members think a certain way. These thoughts consist of things like “one day someone will kill me”, or “I’ll kill someone”. So they attract other gang members with the same thought. This is why gang members are always killing other gang members. The lady who has a child who is not a gang member and this child gets killed by a stray bullet through a window, is always having the thoughts similar to “one day these gangs are gonna kill my baby with all this shooting”. Thoughts are vibrational frequency that attracts the people places and things that we experience.

Remember thoughts are all that truly exist. In heaven, the higher realms where we exist, our thoughts provide instant manifestation of what we are thinking. this is how things are set up by a creator who wants everyone to have everything they desire.

Our reality operates on the same principals. Nothing has changed except there is a mathematical matrix, a formula at work that slows down the appearance of what we are thinking so that our thoughts do not instantly happen. Why? Well its a gift. Our vibrational level is too low. In other words, we were much too negative. Our thoughts would destroy us way too fast. Negative energy is destructive, separative, segrative, diversifies, breaks apart, doesn’t allow harmonious communication, is discordant, jagged, and in fear. If we did not have the manifestations slowed down, we would be constantly going through the death process and there would be no time to have full experiences in a life time. Think about it. If you wanted someone gone, they would be gone. If someone hurt you, you would simply hurt them back instantly. Imagine for a moment if everyone on Earth now had the ability to do anything they thought? Yes it would be quite interesting to say the least. Disagreements would escalate quickly into mass destruction. Because that is the nature of negative energy.

As our vibration increases and it has increased and it will continue to increase. And the overall energy of our group consciousness gets positive, and it will after December 21, 2012, we will see an decrease in the time it takes for our thoughts to manifest. And they will eventually manifest instantly. This will happen when we are fully in the 5th dimension. Some of us already are. Now it makes sense how Yeshua(Jesus) could turn water to wine, feed the masses with a few loafs of bread, heal the sick, and raise the dead. He was a human who rose his vibration to that of the 5th dimension. In his own words “all that I have done , you too will do , and more”. He did it by becoming more positive, more loving. This is what he meant by “I am the way”. He was saying, I am love.


Thoughts are electric

The fastest way to experience something you don’t want to happen is to worry about it. Worrying is repeating a thought in a loop over and over again. thoughts are electric, and when you wrap an electric current around something (the idea you are worrying about) it creates a stronger and stronger magnetic effect. It creates magnetism to this thing you think about. This is why it is said “you get more of what you focus on”. The good news is, wise people focus on things they want, and they get that faster.


Emotions are magnetic

Now worrying, or having constant looping negative thoughts, are often associated with an emotion. This is why emotions are said to be magnetic, because they are basically the electric thoughts that have looped over themselves thereby creating a magnetic field. We experience this field as an emotion. Constantly thinking about whether something bad may happen in the future can feel like the emotion of fear, or doubt, or anger etc. The next time you feel a string emotion in your body focus on it. See if you can feel how it is magnetic, how there is a pull there. And as you calm down and the pull fades, see if you can see how it was just a build up of a magnetic charge. Be aware of how your mind is looping this thought over and over, and over. You will notice that as the looping subsides, so will the magnetic charge. Consider for a moment how much negativity you were attracting into your reality with such a strong magnetic pull. Now you see the need for the slow down of the matrix that allows for instant manifestation. You would have instantly attracted people, and things to make you angry and upset because that is what you were magnetizing to your reality. It would have made you more angry and the situation would become dire quickly and someone would have gotten seriously hurt. But now, the matrix gives you a chance to calm down, and then later, in a few hours, a few days, spread out over a week, you will slowly experience a police officer who gives you a ticket, a flat tire, some bad health issue etc. and slowly you will experience all the negativity you put out. Because this is law. Everyone must experience what they put out.

Now Imagine when you keep thinking positive thoughts? The feelings build up, you feel the emotion of joy, it feels expansive, warm, you smile and beam light. Your heart feels this amazing energy and if you were having intercourse, the energy might even be explosive and ecstatically blissful. We all know how good that can feel. And it is electric is it not? You want to be closer and closer to the person do you not? You want to be one with this person. And over time if you remain positive, loving and open, you will experience little things here and there over time that will keep you in that vibration, if you let it. Over time you will experience all the positive energy you gave off. Because this is law, you must experience what you put out.

Constantly thinking about something positive over and over creates the emotion of happiness or joy. Now our body is clearly telling us by how each emotion feels, which emotions are in our best interest. This is why I work on eliminating negative emotions and focusing on positive ones. Because what we focus on is a choice. Habits of man may say otherwise, but we can all retrain ourselves to control our thoughts, thereby controlling our emotions. Beliefs create thoughts, thoughts create emotions, and it is those emotions that have a huge impact in the people places and things we experience.


Law of Attraction

The laws of creation, unlike man’s laws, can not be broken. There are 4 known laws of creation.They are unbreakable.

  1. You exist
  2. The one is all and the all is one
  3. What you put out you get back
  4. Everything changes except the first 3 laws.

The 3rd law of creation is the law of attraction, “what you put out you get back”. It relates to this article as the phrase “like attracts like”. But what the law of attraction basically states is that everything vibrates at a frequency. That frequency will attract like frequency. If you are putting out a mean, angry frequency you will attract people places and things that will keep you in that frequency. Wise conscious people do not do this. People do this unconsciously all the time.  If you however are putting out the frequency of Happiness, joy, and love, you will attract into your reality the people places and things to keep you in that frequency. This is the law that allows the free choice of man, as allotted by the creators, in this illusionary reality we live in. The Angelic realm has provided much on the topic of the law of attraction.



So what do we do with this?  First we should stop propagating the false myth that opposites attract. This is not true. The Universe is built on love and love allows choice.

The idea  that opposites attract is just an arbitrary concept created in the mind of man, similar to how we created the concept of time, which does not truly exist either, but was created as a tool.

Second, we need to rethink everything we have been applying this to in science and take a look at the different potentials that reveal themselves once we look at nature how it truly is.

We may now solve some serious issues that we were not able to see the solutions to prior. Some things may now become obvious when we look at them from this fresh perspective.