Here we have a beautiful channeling from ArchAngel Metatron, as channeled and copyrighted by James Tyberonn of www.Earth-Keeper.com.
The below audio is a reading of the channeling. In it AA Metatron explains what Humans can expect to experience, and what really occurs, in what we refer to as the death experience. AA Metatron goes on to describe in great detail, how death is in fact a beautiful experience. This description of the continuation of life after death had been repeated pretty much the same by many other higher dimentional beings. Then AA Metatron goes on and explains more of what is happening in the after life. It is highly recommended information for both the initiated and the uninitiated. In Joy!
Other books and persons who have described death as being pretty much as AA Metatron describes it are:
Journey of Souls, a book by Micheal P. Newton, Phd. A must read. Buy here.
Home With God, a book by Neale Donald Walsch. This is the final book in the Home with God book series. A series that some refer to as the New Revelations. Buy here.
And in many of the readings left by “The Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce.