Isn’t Time Flying? Sure Feels Like It right? Well here are the Metaphysics.

Isn’t time flying? It is already Memorial Day here in America. It seems like it was just Thanksgiving, and Christmas and New Years, doesn’t it? But here we are about to be in June of 2017. I mean, doesn’t it seem like it was just a short while ago that Trump was elected President?

Where is the time going?
From a physical perspective it feels like “time” is speeding up and everything is happening faster. But is it really? Yes it is. Kinda.

From a Metaphysical perspective this is what is happening; we know that “time” IS speeding up. Remember, we are going from the 4th dimension where we experience  length, width, height and the 4th dimension of time; to the 5th dimension, where humans will now begin to experience the same 4 dimensions and a new dimension of time, which is “non-linear time.” So the 5th dimension will be 3 of space and two of time. 3+2= 5 dimensions or the 5th dimension.

We already know what the experience of the 4th dimension of time is like, It is linear. It is a step by step process. It is like experiencing ALL the frames in a movie film strip. Frame by frame and none can be skipped. If you want to go somewhere you have to go through all the steps/frames. If we want to go to London, we have to get on a plane and sit for 6 or so hours, or take a boat etc. But in the new 5th dimension, where we are well on are way into, that second dimension of time is “non-linear.” Non-linear time time allows us to be able to simply set our intention to go to London and we get to “skip” all the steps/frames in the middle. Bam! We are in London.

This is what lies ahead for humanity. In the beginning we will use it for things like travel and we will see it as a form of “teleportation.” Because that is what a 4th dimensional being calls such magical abilities. But what it really is, is just non linear experience of time. Remember, there is no such thing as supernatural, just nature that we have not realized as truth yet. We never left heaven, or the spirit world, we are still there. We have simply devolved to a level of consciousness that has forgotten. Evolution is simply remembering what we already knew. We wont go to heaven, we will grow to heaven. 🙂

This is where we are headed. It is a process that will unfold over time, but when we look back it will seem as if it took no time at all. 🙂 In fact, we are already experiencing it. Here we are already in June of 2017, with the Presidential elections, a prominent event, being actually 7 months ago? Well, ask yourself, how long does it FEEL like? The feeling will vary for different people. For me it feels like it was only at most, 2-3 months ago. Believe me, I remember the morning I found out Trump won. 🙂 And it does not feel as if it were a half a year ago to me. How long does it feel to you? Does it feel like Christmas was about 6 months ago? Does it feel like time is moving faster or speeding up in general?

Our experience of time is what is changing

Well if you answered yes to any of the above, you may agree when I share that yes, time is speeding up. Our experience of time is speeding up. There is a quickening, if you will. It is a symptom of the speeding up of the vibration of our consciousness. And it is the change in the frequency of our consciousness that is making our experience of time feel different.

Remember, we are simply experiential beings. “human beings,” and in any given now moment of existence all we can do is experience what is happening at any given moment. We experience via awareness. If something is happening around us, but we are not aware of it, it simply did not happen for us. We have to be “conscious” of it. So consciousness and awareness are congruent. We are therefore consciousness incarnate in bodily vessels. Our being, our souls, which is who we truly are, peers out from behind our windows to this world, our eyes. Our conscious spirit uses our bodily senses to experience physical reality.

Consciousness, like everything else in physical reality, is a vibration; vibrating at a specific frequency. It can speed up and it can slow down. Scientists know that when we are happy, this frequency goes up, and visa versa when we are sad.

Scientists have been able to create helmets and other devices that we can wear which allows us to “move things with our minds.” This is a reality. The helmets are simply reading the resonance frequency of our individual consciousness. Remember, that is all we are, conscious beings who have awareness of what is happening. And it should be no surprise that our consciousness does have a specific range that can be measured in Hertz.

Now the studies on the frequencies of consciousness is not something I can share specific numbers on, because most of our mainstream scientist today only focus on the physical sciences(science or physics) and not the non-physical sciences that are consciousness (metaphysics). But what there is plenty of studies and data on is the vibrational frequencies of the “brain.” We all know about the different measurable vibrational frequencies of the brain right? We have heard about beta, alpha, delta and gamma waves, which are what were found to be the vibrational frequencies, in hertz, to the different waking states of our brain. That when we are awake and walking around our brain waves (vibrational frequency) are said to be at “beta waves” which are anywhere between 13-30Hz in vibrational frequency. And as we get sleepy and go to sleep, we are said to be in Alpha Waves; which are slower and said to be between 8-13Hz in vibration.  As the chart below indicates, our brain waves can get even slower to that of Theta and Delta Waves. 

We hear a lot about Beta, Alpha, Delta and Theta a lot, but there is one that scientist were not talking about at all. It was not until recently in the last year or two that I am seeing and hearing about Gamma Waves. Gamma is a high frequential state of consciousness that can be obtained from certain alert and lucid, meditative practices. I first learned about obtaining the gamma wave as it was presented by Bashar, who is a 5th dimensional being, who is channeled by Darryl Anka. I am a student of the Bashar teachings for quite some time now, as are many humans at this time, who are being guided to connect more and more with their higher selves.

Bashar has given us a specific meditation practice that we can use in order to reach the gamma waves state. The name of the event is “Going Gamma,” and is available here for anyone who wishes to hear further specifics about the technique. It was easy enough to learn. After a little practice I was able to obtain gamma at will, after a few breaths. If you meditate and like it, you will also like going gamma. 🙂

By raising our brainwaves to gamma, we have actually also raised the frequency of our consciousness, our awareness, also to a higher frequency.

This brings us back full circle to the topic of why it feels like time is speeding up. This is because we are conscious beings. And as the vibration of our consciousness raises, so does our awareness. Let me explain; animals like dogs, can only experience the 3 dimensions of space, and not the 4th dimension of time. They are not capable of being aware of time. But the experience of time is always here to be experienced right? They just lack awareness or understanding what is already there. Think of it like this; their vibrational frequency, which can be thought of as a CPU in a computer, is not processing things fast enough to obtain the needed awareness. Remember, all a CPU does is provide computations at a certain Hz speed right? The faster the CPU the higher the Hz right? You can do more with a 7 Megahertz CPU that a 1.4 MegaHertz one right? In fact, we all want our computers to have the fastest CPU possible if we can right?

And so we see that animals do not have the conscious awareness(HZ) to experience time. But in a million years, give or take, they will right? As they evolve.

Humanity is just basically an animal, whose genetics have evolved to where we have the technology, our consciousness, which vibrates much faster than animals, so we classified ourselves as mammals. Why? Because we had such different abilities, that it set us apart to the degree where felt the need to be classified differently. Well, guess what most of these different abilities surround………you guessed it, consciousness.

Our main Difference from animals
Things like:

  1. Our consciousness(OK brain waves) vibrates at a faster Hz speed.
  2. We are aware of a thing called linear time. (making us 4D beings and animals 3D beings.)
  3. We have a higher ability to reason. Higher logics. Which simply means that we are able to process what is happening, faster.
  4. We can utilize more of the nature that is already here to begin with. Make tools from what was already here. Use electricity from what was already here but what a dog is not aware of.

Although these difference are amazing and all, you will notice that the root difference between us and animals just rotates around our having a higher degree of awareness than they do. Ergo, the main thing that separates us from an animal, is the same thing that separates said animal from a plant. Paradoxically, consciousness appears to be the very difference that binds us. Conscious awareness of that which is already here and available in creation.

This brings us back around again, full circle, for the second time, as circles tend to do; to explaining why it is that it “feels” like time is speeding up. Because the experience of it is, and the experience makes it real.

Everything in our solar system, a system named after our star, Sol, is speeding up.

Everything in our system follows our star Sol as it spirals through infinite space. Everything in our star system also receives instruction from Sol, which is also a conscious being in itself. A being of a much higher frequential consciousness level than that of humanity for sure. More of you reading this may find yourself more open to the idea that our Star may be a higher consciousness being, because you have now been shown how it is something can exist and be true but the beholder may simply not have the consciousness level to comprehend how it is possible. As we explained with animals and time. So not wanting to be ignorant, we remain open to the possibilities that this is such a case; given that this is what we are told time and time again by our higher dimensional friends.

Bashar and other 5th dimensional and higher beings have shared with us that there are up to 12 dimensions in our physical universe and humanity is mostly on the 4th dimension and is headed to the 5th dimension. That in order to incarnate as a planet or a star one must hold awareness at the 9th dimensional level. So our star, Sol is at least of the 9th dimension level of awareness. It is a grand game, this holographic Universe in which find ourselves. Many players on many levels. Hence why it is said that we are multi-dimensional beings.

And what can a 9th dimensional Planet or Star possible be aware of that a 4th dimensional  human can not? What is already here in creation that they are conscious of that we humans can not quite comprehend yet? Many many things. I offer this one thing that came to my mind immediately as I was writing this….

That of the nature of love.

Humanity, as a whole, is not quite capable of comprehending fully what love truly is. What we see and experience and think love is, is but a grain of sand. What our star Sol and our Planet Gaia can see of love is what equates to the sand on the beaches of 10 billion planets. That is why one conscious level shines its life giving vibrational frequency, that which we call light, to us 24/7…for free, for all to have at no cost. Unconditionally, so that we can create and have our reality here on Earth. And another level of consciousness, a human leader, takes that same free energy and withhold it from his fellow humans, unless they give over their energy to him in the form of labor.

You see? Far too many humans in the 4th dimension have no idea what love truly is, or they would not participate in all the unloving things that are created on Earth. See?

Like the dog we have been unable to see the possibilities that are already here. To change. To evolve. To be more loving.

But evolution is a process that happens slowly over time, and over time, humanity has become more loving. In fact, all the negativity, all the corruption, all the blood shed we are seeing more and more in the news today, have been what?……here all the time. And so we see that it is a paradoxically positive thing that we are now seeing it more and more. This means that we are gaining awareness. And awareness equates to what?….. Awareness is consciousness. We are evolving consciously into the next higher level, the 5th Dimension.

And so we can say with certainty that the consciousness level of humanity is rising. And since consciousness is vibrational in nature, this also means that the vibrational resonance of humanity’s consciousness is raising. This is how we are going from the 4th dimension to the 5th dimension. We are not going to the 5th dimension, we are growing to the 5th dimension.

The Cause That is Affecting our Shift in Consciousness is our star Sol

And yes, since we live in a cause and affect Universe, which simply means that there is a universal law that states that nothing can happen unless something causes it to happen, then we can surmise that it is our star Sol that has raised its vibration, and in turn is affecting the entire star system’s vibrational resonance as well. This is accomplished through the known physics, I like to call, the nature of vibrational harmonic resonance. For instance, if we ring a tuning fork which is set to a specific frequency, and place it next to another tuning fork that is not resonating at all, the new tuning fork will start to resonate to the exact vibrational frequency of the first. This is known as the law of vibrational harmonics. It is an unbreakable law. You place a hot metal near a cold metal and the cold metal will warm up.

Well our entire star system has been heating up. To the point where Pluto, an ice planet, has melted and became diminished in size, causing our main stream scientist to issue propaganda that it was never a planet to begin with. Not wanting to have the discussion however, of the fact that it is made of ice, was once larger in diameter, and is now smaller. Hmmm, I wonder what can make ice reduce in size? Heat? You think? 🙂

And so we see, because of Sol, our Earth is also heating up. Bashar has explained to us that this is MOSTLY because of the fact that our star, Sol, has raised its frequency, as part of a natural cycle of occurrences in our star system. A completion of a very long cycle where Sol raises its vibration and through the law of vibrational harmonics, also starts to resonate everything in its vicinity. And everything in our solar system responds in kind to the laws of vibrational harmonics, and rise in frequency.

As the consciousness level of humanity is rising, has risen, and will continue to rise, we are beginning to see and experience, become aware of the affects that these new higher vibrations are having on us. The step by step, frame by frame experience which is the normal 4th dimension is slowly going away. Slowly collapsing. We are starting to skip the frames of reality that are in between the so called important events in our lives. And so now what seemed like a year is now feeling more like 6 months. For me it was a gradual decline from a year feeling like a year, to 10 months, to 8, and now a year feels like about 3 months to me. Using the old standard feeling of time.

Many of us are also experiencing much more of what many are calling ascension symptoms. So, yes, the times they are a changin’; as they say. It is speeding up, or appears to be speeding up. This will continue until, believe it or not, a year will feel like about a week. Remember though, as the experience of  the way time feels gets shorter, this feeling will also become more and more of the norm. And eventually we will evolve to this feeling, this thing, this experience where it will just be now all the time. And when that happens we will let go of the out dated ideas of past and future, which are just concepts. Tools which humanity and 4th dimensional beings create within the boundaries of our limited consciousness which could not understand or fully process the concept, the idea that there is just eternal NOW. What time is it? It is now. It is always now. Now is the only true time. But we were not ready to see or comprehend this simple idea, so we created permission slips called past now and future now. But that was the 4th dimensional experience of what is linear-time. Once we are just experiencing now, we will drop the outdated ideas we used to call past and future, similar to how we let go of Blockbuster Videos. Seemingly overnight. 🙂

Once we hit this now time singularity  awareness, well that is when the fun starts. Because it is from there, where we will be able to see and grasp the ideas that:

  • Time and space are just different points of view of the same thing. 2 sides of the same coin. That is why as you increase one, the other is equally decreased. It always adds up to 100%.
  • There is just one now moment and time was an illusion. The time is always now.
  • Then the idea of space is also just an illusion and everything is also here and now. Meaning we have the ability to be anywhere and anytime. Its just a matter of learning how to do it. In fact certain humans under the cloak of secret programs have already learned how to do it from Extra Terrestrial and Extra Dimensional beings. Their lack of awareness of what love truly is, has prevented them from sharing it with the rest of us, for now. This will soon change.

Because our star, through the laws of vibrational harmonics, is now raising our consciousness level. We will soon be able to experience, and be fully aware of the eternal now, and the eternal now only. We will not be able to experience anything else but now.

As our experience of time changes, so will our thoughts about it. In that moment when our thoughts and beliefs around time changes, it is then that we will see that our thoughts truly do create our reality. Because in that moment, the Universe, which is only a mirror of our collective beliefs, will reflect back a reality in which we can experience time in any direction we choose. Backwards, forwards, side to side (parallel timelines), the whole shabang. Because that is the nature of reality which was already there to begin with. We were just not able to see it. because we did not have the CPU speed, consciously, to comprehend it.

It does not matter if you are ready today to accept all this as your truth. Now that we know the possibilities, we will not be too surprised if in the not too distant future, we find ourselves standing next to our higher selves as they say:  “welcome to the 5th dimension.”

The Eternal Now of the 5th Dimension

The Creator, creation, is eternal. What is it like being eternal? Humans are finding that out as we are awakening to the fact that time was just a concept we bought into. This believe came from our lower consciousness past when we were not able to conceive of higher forms of thought. Before we became conscious of TIME we were unconscious of it. We only knew 3 dimensions. Length, width and height. In the same way that a dog is not aware of the 4th Dimension of TIME.

Eternal Now

But as Humans evolved TIME came into our awareness. When it did, Humanity entered into the 4th Dimension of length, width, height and TIME. And now we ascend higher once again into the 5th Dimension. Which is 3 dimensions of space, length width and Height, and 2 of TIME. The first dimension of time we already know. But what is this second Dimension of time like? Well one can only try to explain it because it has to be experienced, just like you can’t explain it to a Dog what the 4th Dimension is like. But I will try.

In the 4th Dimension time is linear. We see the frames of the movie of our reality one frame at a time and the frames HAVE to be sequential, 14, 15, 16 etc. Once can not go from 14 to say 16. We can not skip the frames in 4th Dimension. But in 5th dimension time is no longer linear. You can go from frame 14 to frame 333. and then back to frame 20 etc etc.

In other words, in the 4th dimensions you have to go through the motions and the steps to create your reality. But in the 5th Dimension you can skip right to whatever you want to experience. For instance, in the 4th Dimension, if you want an apple, you better have some in the house or you will have to go through the linear steps of logic to obtain it. You have to go and get it, and finally you get to the frame where the apple is in your hand. In the 5th Dimension you think of the apple and it appears in your hand instantly.

If this seems impossible, what of the Humans who have already achieved the 5th Dimension during their lifetimes. We call them Avatars, prophets and Magicians. In our lower consciousness we were afraid of them and burnt them, crucified them etc. And all the while they told us that one day we shall do greater feats that they did.

Conal Universe

If consciousness can grow from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th, Why can’t it go to the 5th? Especially when we know for a fact that people have done these miraculous things? Have turned water to wine. Have walked on water etc. etc. Add on top of that that everyone who has ever channeled an Angel all report the same exact thing; That the Human race is ascending into a Dimension of consciousness where they will understand that Reality is an illusion that responds to our thoughts. And that when we master our thoughts, we shall master our reality.

Have you not noticed how TIME is speeding up? How the days and weeks seem to be moving faster. Doesn’t TIME fly when you are having fun? But slow to a crawl if you are not? So it makes sense that as we are becoming a more positive world that TIME will seem to go faster.

Time will continue to speed up until it hits a zero point at which point it will cease to be linear.

You know you are consciously entering the 5th Dimension when you realize that there is no past or future, that there is just eternal NOW. Your watch may have different logical markings on them, but in actuality it is always NOW. When its 5 o’clock its 5 o’clock, but its also NOW. when its 5:01 it is not 5 o’clock but guess what? it is also NOW. What time is it? it doesn’t matter what your 4th dimensional mind thinks, guess what? It is NOW. The time is always NOW because the Eternal NOW never ends.

So just like a linear time exists, but a DOG was just not aware of it, Time is eternal and it is always NOW. We are just not so aware of it. But eternal NOW is there.

Welcome to the Ascension. Welcome to experiencing the 5th Dimension.