About Norman Love

I AM Love

Physical Reality Is An Illusion

A film reel


As a prerequisite to understanding this material I am about to present, you should have a good understanding of how the Creator/Source/God is actually simply pretending to be everything in creation. It literally, literally IS everything, so everything is literally literally ONE thing. If you don’t have a solid understanding of this concept, no worries just read The Story Of The Prime Radiant.  This explains how Creator/Source/God IS “all there is”, so therefore we are all one. Now we will add to the idea of an infinite creator, by adding the concept that all things already exist.

You hear a lot about manifestation and how we manifest our reality. But what does this actually mean? How does it work? What is the physics behind this?

The idea is that we do not create anything. Everything already exist. In this reality everyone calls me Renata. In another reality everyone may call me Richard. In this reality I am 6 foot 4 inches tall. In another reality I am 4 foot 6 inches. In yet another reality am yet another name and another height. These are parallel realities. There are an infinite amount of parallel realities. We learned about “infinite” in The Story Of The Prime Radiant, so we have an understanding of infinity and how it is possible. So creating an infinite amount of anything is child’s play. Understand that if you can imagine it, it can and does exist somewhere, then all that needs to be done is to simply manifest it through the laws of attraction, vibration and reflection. Everything already exists. How is this possible?


Physically Reality is an illusion

Physical reality is an illusion. Our reality is setup, created, designed to give the appearance that it is real. In actuality, it works more like a 35mm film camera than we may think. Our reality is much like a dynamic hologram that is designed to be an environment where we Spirits could have experiences of who we truly are. Think of it as another way that we could exist. We are creators and we create universes, worlds, realities to play in. It is actually as simple as that, but lets fill in some blanks.

From our current level of consciousness, this reality appears to be linear. In actuality, there is no linearity to anything, even the concept of motion is an illusion. Everything happens one moment at a time. This is why we always hear about “staying in the moment, the now moment.” Our reality is made up of interconnected now moments like the frames on film.stop motion of man jumping


There is no true linear movement, as all appearance of motion is an illusion. There is only one now moment. There is no past occurrences or future occurrences. Just infinite now.

Remember there is only truly one thing that truly exist, and it can’t do anything, much less move, without creating the illusion of said movement, by changing, imagining, switching to this new perspective, internally via its thought and imagination. Remember it moves at infinite speeds, and the definition of infinite speed is as fast as is needed to obtain the desired result. This concept of infinite speed is simple yet critical.


There is only One Moment, NOW


We experience reality from moment to moment. One moment to the next moment. This next moment is literally the first moment. Because that is all there is, one moment. What happens is that there are slight differences from the One moment to the next. This continuity of slight changes occur at the aforementioned infinite speeds. This gives the ultimate appearance of motion and movement and that things are animated in our reality, but it is just an illusion, albeit a very cool one.


Time is an illusion

Time is a concept that life, things, moments to moments happens linearly. This is an Infinite Spiral Clockillusion. While it may appear that way, it does not truly happen that way. Everything happens in the NOW.

The concept of NOW is evidence that there is only one moment. What time is it? It is NOW. In fact no matter when you check the time, the time is always now. When does now end? It does not. Every concept outside of now is an illusionary concept that is created and only exists in the consciousness of man. Creation gave us infinite now, but we created time.

We can say this is 5 o’clock and this is 6 o’clock and we use this in our reality as an organizational tool, but it is just a concept that we created. It is not empirically real.

A concept is something that can not be experienced or observed. Since time can not be experienced or observed, time is only a concept. Since time is only conceptual and we only BELIEVE it is a real thing, time therefore is an illusion.


No Past or Future

Since time is an illusion. Everything built around time is also an illusion, like the concept of there being a past and a future.

Prove to me there is such a thing as the past. You can’t do it. If you show me a photograph, when are you showing it to me? Now. You definitely can’t prove there is a future. ~ Bashar

Remember anything you can’t experience or observe is only conceptual, and by definition, anything conceptual is not real. If a thing is not real and believed by people to be real, this is the definition of an illusion.

Now there is nothing wrong with illusions. They are fun, they serve a purpose, and make fun tools. The only concern with illusions is when we are not AWARE that something is an illusion; we are not conscious of it.

Now we know one thing about who we are. We are creators of some very cool things. Be consciously aware that the level of consciousness that we created this reality with, is not the same level of consciousness that we are using as we read this, or in our day to day lives. We are in the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels of consciousness or density, and the creator of our reality is of the 12th density level of consciousness or much higher.

Do not confuse the complexity of this reality with being complicated. It is complex, not complicated. One must admit that even in its complexity, the logic is simple; ” time is an illusion there is only infinite now.” Simple. Maybe too simple for some at the moment.


The movies

Our reality is much like the 35mm film we experience at the movies. On the screen it appear that there is continuous movement and we enjoy the experience and it looks very real. We totally forget for a while that we know what we are experiencing in the theater is not real. But no one wants to think of what is actually happening or it will ruin the experience. What is really happening is that we are viewing a film that contains many individual moments, or frames, of about 35mm wide. These individual frames or moments are then shown to us at a high rate of speed ( infinite speed ). This gives the appearance of motion and being real. But the motion we see on the screen is just an illusion. It serves a purpose. It provides a desired experience of being real, even though it is not.

A film reel

As above so below. As we employ illusions to make individual moments appear continuous on the movie screen, on our TV screens, on our computers,  so did the creator Gods who created this reality, this very world we find ourselves in at this very moment. They are creators. We are creators, They are us and we are they, we are all one. They/we created a way for consciousness to shift the now moment at infinite speeds. Shifting the perspective ever so slightly between now moments creates the effect of change from one moment to the next. We know this as motion. Forget sliced bread, motion is one of the greatest things achieved in creation.


Our belief system is key

The Earth game is also being played on a group level. These changes from one moment to the next take their cue directly from all our agreed upon beliefs. The main reasoning behind this is that when you believe, you are choosing, and the main idea of why this particular Universe was created is that it would be a place to experience free will through choice. This is why our Universe has aspects that are of duality, polarity and paradoxes.

If you jump into the air you will experience that you start to rise off the ground slightly and then you will start to fall back to the ground. The ONLY reason this happens is due to the fact that this is what we believe will happen. The engine that runs this game allows us to experience what we believe. Guess what would happen if we believed we had no limits and that the engine would allow us to do anything we wanted? Yes, we would literally fly, if that was our belief system. Ant it will be one day. That is where we are going.

Humans will indeed fly one day, if we choose as a group consciousness to do so and believe it. Kind of like Michael Jordan. I have seen Michael Jordan with my own eyes defy the limits of what was thought possible. He pushed our beliefs in what is possible and after we saw it our consciousness was changed and then others started to hang in mid air.  Now it is common in our reality. Try and see the profoundness in this.

The engine that governs our magical illusionary reality allowed Michael Jordan to defy gravity. Just watch the films of him. There were games when everything Michale put in the air went in the hoop. He would sometimes astonish himself and look at the crowd as if to say “I am amazed myself.” His belief system was so sure he could do these things that he was allowed to do what he believed. Are we not always told from the moment of birth that we could do anything we wanted to do?

Humans with extraordinary (extra ordinary)  will have always been allowed to do what they believed. We called them superstars or larger than life figures. People like Michael Jackson, Pele, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Reggie Jackson, Oprah, Richard Pryor, Charlie Chaplin, Kanye West, Bruce Jenner, Tiger woods, General Patton, Abraham, Moses, and the greatest of them all Yeshua(Jesus). They all stretched our beliefs of what we thought was possible.

What do they all have uncommon? Determination, unbreakable will and a believe that they could do what they set their minds to do, and they did. Where no other human had ever before did the things they did, they manifested the now moments that created the reality they experienced. The most important thing here is that they were allowed to do it. Reality will bend to our wills. It does it all the time. Maybe that is what is meant when it is said that God gave man dominion over all things.

This is how our reality is created to be used. We are allowed to experience anything we want to experience. But if we do not believe we can do amazing magical things, that wish too will be granted.

Our physical reality is illusionary and therefore is designed to allow us to experience what be believe and will into being. Once we all know this beyond the shadow of a doubt, the sky will be the limit. We will do magical things, from walking on water, to flying, and even teleportation.



Yeshua (Jesus) said ” all these things I do, so too will you do and more.” And what did he do? He healed the sick, rose the dead, turn water to wine, fed the masses with a few loaves of bread, walked on water, and returned from the grave. And he said you will do more. Yeshua is an amazing Spirit. Like we are. Sent as the Avatar for the Age of Pisces. Every Age, Earth is sent a special being to assist in our awakening process. Abraham, Moses, Buddha were all Avatars. The bible reveals a small portion of Yeshua’s (Jesus) story. Read the book Anna Grandmother of Jesus for a more complete story.

Yeshua’s job was to show what was possible. To incorporate some of the higher vibrations into our conscious awareness.  Help to wake us up from our voluntary slumber. We were only meant to sleep for a short while so we may experience things that could not be experienced in any other way other than to forget who we truly are.

So the plan was made to have someone incarnate as a human who actually remembered who he truly was. No veil of forgetfulness. No belief in limitations of any kind. Not even death. He told us amazing things and some chose to believe and some did not. Either way, our human consciousness benefited from a huge rise in vibration by his being here.  Much like Michael Jordan, in fact maybe a little more. His job was to show us more of what was possible. And he did it in a way that allowed free will. We could believe or not believe. Free choice is the most important rule of this Universe.

Things are getting easier and easier. We can travel the globe faster and faster. People are coming together more and more with the manifesting of tools like Twitter and Facebook. Everyone knows about Twitter and Facebook now. But 20 years ago they did not exist. More and more we are getting what we want. With Google, all answers are obtainable. Our magical era of peace and joy is happening now. It is guaranteed.


Vibrational alignment

The Universe loves us unconditionally. There is an element to reality I call “the Holy Spirit”. It’s that 95% of reality that you do not see, but its there. It is a very intelligent consciousness. Its main purpose is to make us happy by giving us more of what we are or what we focus on. This “Holy Spirit” decides what that next moment is for us.

For example, if we are happy and in joy, and feeling grateful in the moment, the holy spirit will guide us into the parallel reality, which already exists, that is most inline with our last moment of being in joy, happy and grateful. And in the ensuing moment to come, you will continue to get the appropriate amount of same. So in that sense, the Holy Spirit acts very much like a mirror.


Law of reflection

Think about that for a minute because it is very profound. If this is true, it never really serves us to focus on negativity, spilt milk, sadness, or anything for that matter that we do not want to experience; because the Holy Spirit reflects back to us, gives us more, of what we focus on. Whatever that may be.

Remember, everything  already exists. So anything possible. We simply arrive to the moment we tell the Holy Spirit we want to go. and it takes us there. Shifts us there in the next moment.

Right due to our level of consciousness, or our vibrational level, we may not see what we attract instantly, like say when Yeshua would turn water to wine etc. But they can and will one day be instantaneous again.

I myself have personally experienced some things I manifested in a couple of days, some in a couple of weeks, some in years, and even a few instantly. We all have. Haven’t you thought of someone and at the exact same time the phone rings and its them? Or something similar? We all have. We just were never conscious of how reality works. Now you will notice them more as they happen because the seed has been planted.


Bashar – narrative


What we focus on is who we are.

So it does make sense to think positive and just be happy, because what we focus on, we will get more of. Be happy, look away from negativity, look at things positively. Always see the silver lining. Always know that we are connected and loved by creation. Everything we experience is a reflection of what we focus on. All negativity on the planet will go away, once we allow it to.


My experience

Since I have remembered how creation really works, I have changed all the my old beliefs  and I have replaced them with new ones. I did this because the old ones no longer served me and the new ones do. I no longer lie, cheat, steal, judge worry, blame or have enemies, and my reality now reflects none of those things. If I see some, I am aware that it is only a reflection that is showing me what I am choosing.

Think about it, isn’t that the message Yeshua(Jesus) came to give us. Turn away from the negative thoughts, and focus on love and the positive thoughts? That this was the way.


What I have found is that when I have given everything, and I mean everything, a positive meaning, I have received a positive experience from it. I have found that there is a Holy Spirit that is reading my vibrational resonance and using that to create my next moment, create the reality around me. My life has totally changed and my experiences are much happier and more inline with what I truly want. Which is to be happy. There is no negativity in my life. It has all gone away. Its simple physics, the mirror allows us to experience what we are. We can not experience otherwise.


All those ancient sayings are correct.

You sow what you reap. And eye for an eye. As above so below. What you do to your brother, you do to yourself. What you put out is what you get back. What goes around comes around. Do onto others… etc. etc.

When you think about it, this is a very loving and fair system. One that loves you unconditionally and allows you free will to choose what you experience. God has really taken itself out of the equation, paradoxically. We all decide or choose what we experience and the Universe supports us unconditionally. Now we know why God is nowhere to be found, as is said. It is not needed. We are supposed to simply choose what we want to experience and we can not experience what we did not choose to experience.

Well what about all the poor people in the ghetto, they don’t have a choice. What about them?

The ones who remain believe that they are stuck there, and remember believing is choosing because the Holy Spirit gives us what we believe in. And those that believe they can leave and actually try, find that it is not that difficult to do so.

My mother is a prime example of this. We were raised in some serious ghetto conditions. First in Jamaica, then in Brooklyn New York. Time after time she believed we could and would get out and we did. She would miraculously get loans to do what she wanted to do.  It was like the Universe was helping us, and it was.There are no accidents. Just unconditional love from the Universe.


Vail of forgetfulness

We were all aware of this when we first came to play on Earth, but over the years (eons) and due to the fall of man, we have forgotten how this all worked. But we knew that would happen. It was part of the game. Now we are in the moment again where we are awakening to these truths. This is why you are reading these words.

We dived deep off the bridge of who we are, deep into the dark unknowns of forgetfulness. We experienced some new and interesting stuff, and now we are going to bounce back with an elastic like momentum, back into remembrance, back to our true self.


Anything is possible

Now as we awaken, and after reading this article, you should know that you can choose to experience anything you want. All you have to do is be of that vibration or focus on it and it will be given to you to experience 100% unconditionally. And there is nothing no one can do to stop you.

But they can harm or kill me can’t they?

If we have to ask then we do not believe 100%. How is the Holy Spirit going to give us everlasting life if we do not believe it? It is only a mirror. It can’t reflect what is not there.

We have been experiencing what we believed, that we are mortal. That life ends. That life is finite. But this will change. Because the answer to the question is no. No one can harm us or even kill us if we believe we will always be fine. It is divine law. If we can truly believe it, we can experience it due to the law of attraction and reflection. Not many rules to this game. The law of reflection is one of them. And unlike mans laws, the laws of creation can not be broken.

Don’t believe anything is possible? How about a people who were totally enslaved and controlled in a world where they were mostly hated and considered the least? It took them only a few hundred years to where one of their descendants were basically in charge of that world. I speak of President Obama of course. This was simply because they more and more decide to choose and believe that they would overcome, and they were supported 100%, unconditionally, by creation. And they did it, ironically enough, by tapping into the God based faith system of those that enslaved them.

Black slaves actually took to heart the teachings of Yeshua from the New Testament. Wow he is the way. They believed Yeshua and followed his way, and their belief and will manifested their reality in this illusionary hologram that is designed to give us anything we willed for. They willed to be free and was given it. This should be enough proof for most people.

The Universe sent the black slaves Avatars after Avatars. Like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, The Black Panthers, The Nation of Islam, Hip Hop music, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Hank Aaron, Jesse Owens, just to name a few. And that was just the black ones. There also were many white and Jewish people who supported equal rights among races. The point is they desire was supported.



What is prayer if not humans knowing that if they asked for something and had the faith of a mustard seed, they would get it?



Remember there are an infinite amount of realities, possibilities for us to choose from. This now moment is just one. And the illusionary linear line we are on seems to be getting better and better doesn’t it? Keep choosing what makes you the happiest and is in the best interest of all concerned, and watch where the next moments takes us.

If we can choose anything and be supported, why don’t we simply choose world peace? Abundant free energy for all? Free everything for all? Happiness and joy for all? After all, it is possible. Everything is possible..if you believe. Cue the Mariah Carey music.

The Story of The Prime Radiant

The Prime Radiant Story

The Prime Radiant is a phrase coined by Bashar and meant to explain how life, creation and all consciousness came about. In short it explains existence from the very beginning, up to the physical reality we know it to be today in our present dimension. Not surprisingly, one can not tell the story of Ultimate reality without talking about God, Angels, and man.

The first interesting part is that everything in creation are all one and the same in many aspects. Also, at the same time, there is only one thing in creation. This is the first paradox, and the reason for the duality, polarity and paradox effects in creation. How the one IS the many and the many IS the one. The rest of the article is all about explaining exactly how this is accomplished. So if you leave with an understanding of this alone, I have done my job. The creator, source, prime radiant, Angels, stars and you are made of exactly the same thing, because there is only ultimately ONE thing in creation. We are just different perspectives of the different dimensions that was created so the Prime Radiant can simply know itself.


The Prime Radiant Story

Imagine if you will that in the beginning there was a particle. This particle had no mass. Then imagine on top of that, that the particle was conscious of itself. Of course this is not exactly how the Prime Radiant was, it was not really a particle but it serves as an adequate enough examples for the purpose of the picture I am trying to paint. It was just consciousness.The Prime Radiant Story


This particle was all there is. There was nothing else in existence. No physical reality, no stars, moons or planets or so called life. There was no such concepts of time or space, not even a spirit realm, because these had not yet been created or conceived. There was no afterlife, because there was no life to precede it.

The very first thing that happened in existence was for our source particle, our Prime Radiant,  to have knowledge of itself. For it to think “I AM”. It could not move or do anything because there was nowhere to move to or anything to do yet. It needed to somehow create something else. But how? So it did the only thing it could do, it went within itself. It used its imagination and created the only thing it was aware of, a copy of itself. It was now able to experience itself via its imagination, that it was now two things. By simply pretending. Pretending, you know, the things we sometimes our children not to do. 🙂

It would pretend that one of itself was over here and its other self was over there. It was ecstatic with itself because it had created this joyful new thing it could experience. The Prime Radiant had created time and space.

There was now a here and there, a this and a that. It could move about by projecting itself waaaaay over “there”. How far? as far as it needed to go because distance is relative and there was no other thing (nothing) else to compare it to. It would then return back to where it started really really fast; how fast? Well as fast as it needed to because speed is relative and there was no other thing in existence but itself, so there was nothing to compare it to. Using its imagination it could also divide itself or copy itself into as many divisions of itself as it needed to because the ability to imagine is relative and it was the only thing, so its imagination was as real as it needed to be.

Everything is contained within it and it is the only thing, so its size is also as big as it needs to be. It just expands itself to fit what is needed. So by simply using its imagination and playing with itself, The Prime Radiant has created that it can be as big, as many, and as fast as it needs to be. We know this as infinite in size, infinite in number and infinite in speed. The Prime Radiant is simply infinite by nature.

It now knew itself to be a creator being. It created other creator beings. The creator beings create other creator beings and new concepts and things to experience, and this goes on infinitely without limitation. This will never end because there is nothing to end it. All the experiences of what is being created is fed back through the line of beings who created it, and back to the Prime Radiant, the source of everything.

Each creator being would create whatever it wished,  but eventually there would be non agreement on what, when or how to create next or even if something should be created . So something had to be done about this and the Prime Radiant had to be the one to decide what to do. The decision was to organize.

This decision to organize created the first dimensional level of split from the Prime Radiant. Dimensional because only an illusionary separation is possible. The first of the 355 dimensions in Reality. The first dimension that was other than the source. We know this as the Angelic realm.

The Angelic Realm

The Angels would organize and oversee the creator beings and all that was created. The things that were created and the process of creating things is called creation. No longer would the prime radiant have to manage an infinite number of its creator beings, they would confer with the Angelic realm. More on Angels to come soon in another article.

The Prime Radiant always was and always will be. It is eternal. Everything in existence is just a copy of this source from another perspective. Everything that exists is happening in the consciousness of the one being in existence We as part of existence then are a copy of source and are therefore also infinite and eternal. It now makes perfect sense that it is said that we are made in the image of the creator. It also becomes perfectly clear what is truly meant by the writings on the Great Pyramid which states “Man Know Thyself”.

All concepts, emotions, materials and life derive from The Prime Radiant playing with all the possibilities and perspectives of itself. So yes dear ones, we are all one. You and I are part of an illusionary dimension, created by source so that it can experience itself from this particular perspective. It is a never ending process as it makes everything it can imagine possible.

That is why it has been said I-MAGI-NATION; we are a nation of magicians.



Now it makes sense when you hear:

  • God is all, we are all one
  • There is only one God
  • The creator, God is infinite
  • Infinity and zero are the same, everything and nothing is the same
  • Existence is all there is, there is no room in existence for non existence
  • God can read your thoughts
  • We are all telempathic
  • God is not male or female. The concept of gender is a creation, a work of art. I am told that in some worlds, they are more than 2 genders and in others only 1.

Gender, time or space, directions, elements, particles, and light, these are mere tools, works of art created along the way. And no, you can never really die. The Creator has deemed that no soul should ever perish. The lives we are now living is just a dimensional illusion that we chose to partake in so that we can experience being finite.

Related Articles Coming soon:

Duality Polarity and Paradox

ying yang symbol


All things in our world/reality has an opposite. Man woman, hot cold, hard soft, in out, up ying yang symboldown, black white, male female, here there, rich poor, existence nonexistence,bad good, day night etc. And as a part of this law of duality, everything is defined by its opposite. What is cold without heat? They appear to be 2 sides of one coin.



We continue with the coin analogy on to the law of polarity. Having seen how everything in physical reality has an opposite, we can then apply further that everything in creation is two things; since nothing has meaning without the existence of it’s opposite. If this is true then we can also apply some philosophical judo and say the opposite; that these two things are one thing. Like a coin. It is one thing, but has two sides. Every 1 coin has 2 sides. Heads and tails. Ergo, in a world of polarity, there is no this OR that……there is only this AND that.


Understanding that everything is this AND that answers all questions. Settles all debates. For example; which is correct, evolution or creationism? We have been seeking the answer to this questions since time immemorial and we still have no consensus. That’s because we have been applying this OR that. When we apply this AND that we finally arrive at the ultimate truth. There is a creator AND there was evolution. And everyone can easily see how both is possible. So why have we not come to this obvious conclusion before? Ahhh, that is outside the scope of this piece, but I offer the simple answer of, someone did not want you to come to that conclusion, so they never offered it up for discussion. Same reason why they have only offered you a 2 party political system, Democrat or Republican. It’s a trap. Please stop falling for the this OR that traps as you now know that we exist in a contextual field of duality/polarity. That is simply the nature of the reality we exist in. Creation is complex, but not complicated.


Bird’s Razor

You can apply this theory, lets call it Birds razor, to cut to the truth to answer all….OK lets say most, unanswered questions. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer lies not in the chicken OR the egg, but the chicken AND the egg. So Bird’s razor dictates that both came at the same time. We can easily extrapolate that there are creator Gods, and that these creator Gods created all life in physical reality. When they drew up the blueprints, they had to conceive all aspects of their creation, down to it reproductive cycle. So the truth is, both came into existence at the same time.


I have provided 2 examples that have gone unanswered seemingly since time immemorial. Go forth now with Bird’s razor and cut through to the truth, in the countless others out there.


So the law of polarity in this sense means that on Earth everything is at least 2 things. This is due to the law of paradox.



Hmmm now this one is like creation, it is a bit complex, but not complicated. I’ll provide more than one definition of a paradox because it may take a while to sink in, as it did for me when I was first introduced to the concept.


The last definition I heard for paradox is my favorite:


Something that is true one moment, does not have to be true in the next moment.


I love that definition because that is how paradoxes actually appear as you run across them in actual use.


The second definition I share is actually the first definition I was introduced to:


When something is both true and false at the same time, or when both something AND it’s opposite is true.


You may have noticed that I just used one above, quite unintentionally, as I described that my 2nd definition was actually my first. It’s the 2nd, AND the 1st, at the same time. This is a paradox.


Paradoxes are everywhere in our physical reality. And once you know of their existence you start to see them all over the place and where you least expect them, but you have to be paying attention. They are literally everywhere due to the aforementioned fact that our reality is based/built on duality/polarity, hence paradoxes are everywhere because there is no this OR that, there is ONLY this AND that.



A glass can be both half full and half empty. You can sometimes get something done faster by slowing down. Please post in the comments any good paradoxes you know of as I can never remember any when I need to.



You should be asking at this point, why? Why is creation/reality built on polarity/duality/paradoxes? Great question. Pat yourself on the back. The answer quite simply is, there is only one thing IN creation. The creator. The source of all things. Instead of me explaining that here, please read my article on The Prime Radiant.


Creation itself is the granddaddy of all paradoxes because it explains once and for all THE question of all questions: is there a creator? We always start with yes, there is a creator. But some would then say, “then who created the creator?” And we would be speechless, finding ourselves trapped once again in the quagmire of this OR that. But with Bird’s razor we can even cut through this most ominous question.



Creation IS based BOTH on CAUSALITY, where everything exists because of something else, AND non causality, where a thing can exist simply on its own. The Creator has simply always existed. A huge paradox indeed. And the reason that this is hard to see is, everything in our reality is based on causality. There is no such thing as non causality on our side of the coin, and we could not see the other side of the coin, paradoxically, because we did not even know there was another side of the coin. We did not know, what we didn’t know. But now that we are aware that in reality everything has an opposite, there has to be a non causality to the causality. The creator is that non causality. How profound & fun is that paradox? We just proved there is a Creator because there has to be a creator.


We now understand more of ultimate reality than we ever have before. We also can now see the true meaning behind the “Ying Yang” symbol. Maybe next we will explore, what the Creator wants and why we were created. The Prime Radiant.

A Spiral Universe

Spiral solar system

I have known this for a while. The Sun ALSO moves through the Universe. This is NOT currently taught in our school systems.

It is believed that stars (Our Sun) are fixed bodies in space.  In truth, stars, suns are like all other bodies in space, they orbit something. Our Sun orbits ITS central star, which is a star in the Pleiades star system called Alcyone. Our suns orbit takes 25,900 years. This is known as the precession of the equinoxes.
Spiral solar system



When you divide the sun’s orbit of 25,900 years into 12, which is the magic number for our universe, you get about 2,100 years (rounded). These are what is referred to on Earth as an Age. We were in the Age or Pisces, but we are transitioning into the Age of Aquarius.

UPDATE: We are now fully in the Age of Aquarius.

The Ages follow the zodiac signs which is the Earths orbit divided by 12.

The number 12 has always been a magical number to track cycles and time on Earth. This is why even our day, hours and minutes are all divisible by 12. This is because on the larger galactic level, math is base 12 and not the base 10 we use now.


Spirals Everywhere

Look at the spiral. Perfect geometry. Everything lined up. Everywhere in nature, the rose, a pigs tail, everywhere. Why?

The spiral, in creation, symbolizes, transformation. As we transform, look for the spiral.

On 12/9/09 a U.S. President was getting the Nobel Peace Prize that day in Norway. This was a very trans formative day for the world.  And on that same day, in Norway a blue spiral appeared in the sky for all the world to see.  There were many video and photographs of this blue spiral in the sky.

In 1987 the same galactic message of the spiral of transformation appeared in skies over China?

According to the Mayans and their calender we were industrial, national, planetary and are now going Galactic.


A carnivore plant called bladderwort

We hear a lot about dimensions. People will say “we are in the 3rd dimension” etc. It has come to my understanding that using the term dimension is incorrect, we are not in the 3rd dimension we are 3rd density beings who are in a reality with 4 dimensions, 3 of space and one of time. The correct term to describe the level of consciousness is density. So I will be using the word density here to discuss states of consciousness.

Densities play a huge part in the understanding of creation and the nature of our reality. Think of them as the categories of the different levels of consciousness that are available in the Universe.

Everything in the Universe has consciousness. When you add up ALL the knowledge in all the densities, you have complete knowledge of the entire Universe and all there is to know and experience. Densities then is how creation limits the knowledge, and therefore the experiences, of the life that exists at a particular density.

In each density there is a specific focus and as you go higher in density you become more aware of all there is in existence.


Better versus different

One should be aware that no density is better that another, just different. The higher density would not even be possible without the existence of the lower density. Its like the rungs of a ladder, the top rung is not better than the first rung; all rungs are a part of the whole and provide an important part.Kind of like a student in a school system. The system contains everything the student will eventually know, but it doesn’t reveal everything at the kindergarten level does it? It does use the kindergarten level to explain some concepts and those experiences prepare the student for the next higher level of learning in the first grade. Try to see then how the first grade is not better than kindergarten in and of it itself and how kindergarten played an important role.


The First Density: Elementals

The first density is the Elemental kingdom which consists of the Earth and its stones, minerals, crystals, waters and fire. A common way we are familiar with of describing the elemental kingdom is Earth, Wind, Water and Fire.


Second Density: Plant & Animal Kingdoms

A carnivore plant called bladderwort

…the carnivores, or meat eaters, that use the sneakiest of tricks to trap their insect dinners. Take bladderworts, for example. They appear so small and delicate growing in a quiet pond. But these are the fastest-known killers of the plant kingdom, able to suck in unsuspecting mosquito larvae in 1/50 of a second using a trap door! ~National Geographics

On planet Earth, second density life starts with the simplest of plant life, maybe something like green algae, to the most complex form of maybe the Brazilian rain forest, or maybe among the many amazing carnivore plants that exist.

The second density also includes the animal kingdom from its simplest forms of life which is maybe bacteria, all the way up to the most intelligent mammals like dogs or chimpanzee.


Third Density: Humans

The third density gets a bit tricky, here is why: Man, although a mammal, experiences creation at a higher level where he is aware of more of creation than say a cow or chimp. Part of what man is aware of is: knowledge of himself, an ego. For much of its history man has existed on the third density, but believe it or not man has existed on the fourth and fifth density before in our ancient past. The Lemurians were forth density humans, and many Atlantians were of fifth density consciousness. When Atlantis was destroyed, about 12,500 years ago, the consciousness fell back to the third density. But that is a topic for another time. No pun intended. 🙂

The third density also is said to be in a box. Someone in the 3rd density does not believe in anything they can not experience with their five senses. If they can’t see, feel, touch, smell or hear it, it does not exist. Everything you see, can touch, hear or smell is said to be physical reality. A third density being will not believe in anything outside of that box, no matter what. But we know that is by design. That is what the density are for remember? It allows life to focus on a particular set of experiences. Like our student in school remember? Its not a bad thing that we only teach a freshman adding and subtraction and allow him to be ignorant of algebra and calculus. All in due time.

Finally, the third density is an advanced school where beings experience at the highest level of consciousness their complete separation from everything else in creation. Maybe why there is so much war at the beginning of the third density and less and less warring and more and more cooperation near the end of it.

Second density beings like animals are conscious of the group connection that they all share. This is why fish, pack animals, and birds travel together with such ease as if they all were connected consciously; they are. It is hard for us to understand how that is possible because we can not experience that ourselves. It is not part of our package remember. We are of another density consciousness entirely. In this case the higher third level lost something the second level had, instead of just gaining awareness. I told you the third density was a bit complex. But as you can see it is not complicated.

Why did we loose? Well what we lost is our conscious connection to the Universe, which is always there of course; but it was the plan of the creator gods (12th density beings who created the Universe) to create a plane of existence where the one being in existence, the Creator, could experience itself outside of itself. In other words, the third density is the Creators way of tricking itself that it doesn’t exist.


Fourth & Higher Density: Humans & Cetaceans

Many humans are now fourth density. In the fourth density man starts to believe what he can not see. He starts to see what is outside of the box. This starts with his belief, and in believing comes seeing. In fact, in the third density they say seeing is believing but in the fourth density of consciousness we know it is believing is seeing.

In the fourth density consciousness, one discovers, realizes (real eyes), that physical reality is only 5% of ultimate reality. Just look at an atom under an electron microscope, it’s mostly space. Lots and lots of space between those circling electrons, protons and neutrons.

As I mentioned before, beings who vibrate at a frequency of density higher than 3rd was once on Earth. We are entering a time once again where she will be inhabited by beings who vibrate at higher density. Many on our planet, of who I was proud to be one of, are of fourth density consciousness. The forth density is of thought. But what does this mean?

In the forth density, one thinks outside of the 5 senses and starts to believe in things that exist outside the box, and that these things are very real. There are many such things, but we will focus first on the 2 most basic and important. Love and God. But wait you cry. Many people on Earth believe in both love and God, so they should be 4th density. The answer to that is, people who vibrate at the 4th density level are aware that love is unconditional. Also when you vibrate at the 4th density and higher vibrations, you start to understand that you are always connected to the creator, that you and it are one.

Many humans apply condition to who or how they will love. They also choose to NOT love many of their fellow humans. They also do not believe that they all are Gods, why then would they treat each other with such disregard. They are not conscious that when they harm another that they are paradoxically harming themselves.

Beings at the early stages of fourth density consciousness heed the teachings of the Master Avatar (Yeshua) who was sent to prepare us for the rise to the fourth density by re-introducing higher consciousness teachings of unconditional love like turning the other cheek and loving your enemy.  And in their wisdom those teachings are still with us here at the end of the fourth density. The Christ consciousness is practiced by all members of the fourth who are ready to enter the fifth density. Which is where we are at. The Earth enters the fifth density on or about December 21st, 2012. You may or may not be familiar with this date. 🙂



As defined, Cetaceans like Dolphins  and Whales are considered fourth density because they are both conscious of their group connection with themselves and the Creator, vibrate unconditional love, and have the awareness of themselves like Humans. Cetaceans are also highly telempathic. Spirits, or souls, who incarnate into humans, can also incarnate as Dolphins; and many do.



They are 12 density in our Universe. Earth and its inhabitants are rapidly headed to the fifth density.

What will we be experiencing in the fifth density I hear you cry? Well thanks for asking. I’ll share.

Imaging the jump in consciousness from that of a dog to modern day man. Consider all that we are aware of. All we can experience, do and enjoy that a dog can not. A dog can not build a boat and sail it across the ocean for instance, nor fly to the moon. In the fifth density OUR consciousness will expand to where we can again see and experience how we are all connected via group consciousness. Having consciously reconnected to the higher realms we will have access to their higher knowledge and be able to do amazing things, and go amazing places. Some examples:

  • Explore the Universe with our new ET friends
  • Discover that our Extra Terrestrial friends exist and meet them
  • Think of things and they will appear. Instant manifestation. Like Yeshua said we would do more than he did. Remember what he did.
  • Do away with governments. They wont be needed.
  • Create free energy, and share it.
  • Become telempathic.
  • Time travel.
  • realize that reality takes it cue from our desire. As a whole we will choose how we want reality to be and it will bend to our desires.

Added facts:

There are many Universes. Uni=1 verse=way. Ours is just one way. There are up to 256 dimensions in all of creation, as per Metatron. Beyond the 12 in our Universe. There are an infinite amount of Universes. Metatron says the physical Universes like ours are but a grain of sand on the beach of all the infinite Universes that exist. Something like that.

Angels and Archangels assist beings as we play in creation throughout these Universes and density. Their job is to wake up third density beings who have fell asleep in the illusions for a while. Their teachings are what is guiding many of us who were in the fourth and now fifth density by ensuring that we always continue, when we are ready, back up the ladder and back home to the Creator. Now you know why I am writing this, and equally important, why you are reading it. 🙂

It is all very beautiful.
