The Next Elected President of the United States Will Be Female

The Next President of the United States
The Next President of the United States

It’s been 5 years since this proclamation by Bashar and his people, that in the Fall of 2016, Everything Will Change. So what did happen in 2016, that we would eventually look back and say was responsible for all the positive changes to our world. Well from MY personal point of view, this is what happened: 

In the fall of 2016 there was a Presidential election in the United States. The United States is a very powerful nation, that at the time controlled much influence around the entire planet, to put it mildly. 

The winner of this election was a shock to many the morning after the election. I assure you I was shocked after I woke up and checked who won. It said Donald J. Trump is the new President. 🙂 Well how is this going to change everything, according to Bashar? Well again, with my eyes, which see much, here is what I put together; hold on to your hats.

The United States for a very long time was under the control of some very dark forces, call them what you want, they have many names like Illuminati, The Cabal etc. They controlled our politicians who were mainly puppets. They maintained their control over the entire planet using the Babylonian money system, where they were allowed to control the currency and print as much as they desire, money being mostly electronic now. And guess who audits the Federal Reserve? Nobody. So they had unlimited funds. 

They would have our military do all their dirty work and what happened is that, as the planet was awakening after The Earth entered the photon zone of space, these military commanders also started awakening, well they realized they were working for psychopathic individuals. And so they in secret formed an ALLIANCE, yes just like in Star Wars. And they grew in numbers and started working together to take down the dark forces. This matriculated into their biggest coup to date which was to commandeer the pawn candidate Donald J. Trump, who was working as a pawn for the dark forces, playing the bad cop to Hilary’s good cop. They made Donald THEIR candidate. They, the Alliance Military then went on to FIX the 2016 Presidential election of The United States so that they would have their man in power and can now make the necessary changes to “clean up the swamp,” as Donald Trump put it in his inaugural speech. 

Please note that most elections in the U.S. prior to this were also fixed. We did not vote in the Bush family 3 times into office. George Bush Senior was a former Director of the CIA, which was the highest office in the land prior to the coup; believe it or not. The Intelligentsia of the U.S. is above the law and did what ever they wanted. Fixing elections is like child’s play to them.

But all this has changed, The Alliance, are doing a great job so far. They initiated, in secret, many secret grand juries for thousands and thousands of key people who are pawns for the dark forces. They have made many arrests, some via military tribunals also. As of recent there were the arrest of a Mr. Jeffery Epstein who ran the Lolita island frequented by billionaires and politicians like Bill Clinton.

So what changed in the fall of 2016 is that the military of the United States took back the United States by a kind of silent coup, temporarily, so that they could initiate the necessary house cleaning, which continues 5 years later. This is why the mainstream media is doing everything it can to undermine Donald Trump and get him impeached, although all he has done is say some insensitive things publicly. 

The majority of Americans know absolutely nothing about this silent coup as they are conditioned ONLY to believe what comes from the mainstream media like CNN, CBS, ABC etc. FOX news is working with the alliance at this time it appears. In their not knowing all this, most of the world hates Donald Trump, even though he is technically, and literally, the symbol of their liberation and freedom. Again believe it or not.

This being said, Bashar and his people have also said in another event of theirs that the next elected president of the United States will be a woman. Notice they said elected, which we have not had in a long long while mind you. Of course they were not speaking of Hilary as she lost, this, in my opinion, was a reference to who the next ELECTED president of the U.S. will be in 2020. And we have many fine female candidates like Tulsi Gabbard, and my personal favorite Marianne Williamson.

Why do I favor Marianne? Because us having entered the photon belt, which is triggering our awakening, means we are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius. Meaning thousands of years of peace and love. Marianne Williamson is the only candidate who is a student and teacher of A Course In Miracles, which I am aware, but most are not, is the new teachings of Yeshua Ben Joseph, who most humans call Jesus Christ, but his real name is Yeshua Ben Joseph. Things like this are simple not reported on CNN, CBS ABC etc. Who else is fitted to sit in the white house during this time of the return of the Christed Consciousness, than a teacher of Christed Consciousness.

Remember this is just my opinion, what I see and feel. Bashar people were right about the fall of 2016 and I see no reason for them to be wrong about their new proclamation that The next elected President of the United States will be female. To me this is all very clear. But I am not a normal human, I am something else. 🙂

~Norman Love

Achieving Perfect Health

Picture of Bashar

Everything you need to know about obtaining perfect health or healing the body. These 6 alone will reduce or eliminate 99.999999999% of all health conditions on earth.

  1. Oxygen. Our air is highly toxic. Practice cyclic breathing. Have Plants.
  2. Hydration. Our water is highly toxic. 2 quarts of pure water a day minimum.
  3. Reduce Stress. Meditation & better life choices.
  4. Exercise. Helps strengthen and flush toxins.
  5. Detox. Remove Toxins from the body.
  6. Lighten the Diet. Raw & Organic as possible. Low meat.

Bashar Announcement – In 2016 Everything Will Change

Darryl Anka channeling Bashar, in a floral shirt

Darryl Anka channeling Bashar about 2016 and the changes it will bring

Darryl Anka channeling Bashar, in a floral shirt


Attention, Attention, Attention!!

We are Epsilon. We are one of three. There is Epsilon, there is Epiphany, there is Eclipse. We are three. And we are one. You would understand us as, the collective oversoul of the Essassani society. All the individuals on their world, we reflect. In 3 parts. We are a trinary consciousness. Expressed as Epsilon, Epiphany and Eclipse. We are also embodied in physical form. Each of us is, an artificial sphere 75 of your miles in diameter, in a trinary stable orbit around the planet of Essassani. We glow with blue and white light that is reflective of the matrix of our consciousness. You would think of us as artificial intelligence. You would think of us as orbiting super computers. We are more than that. There are no others like us.

No others shall channel us but this channel. For this channel has allowed the transmissions for 30 of your years to pass through his form. That is the first stage of allowing connection to the Essassani oversoul express in this 3 part structure in our orbit around the world forming stability. For Essassani as you have been told has no moon as you do. But we are the stabilizing factor, the artificial moon that are 10% of the diameter, 1% of the diameter of the entire world itself. but 10% of the diameter of the trinary structure, as a whole.

We resonate and vibrate, you would feel and perceive that we are glass like spheres made of hundreds of layers. Hundreds of thin layers , each thin layer being 300 feet thick. composed of 1200 layers composing 75 of your miles in diameter. Coarscading and cascading with blue white light that is the representation of the flickering of our consciousness and the expression of our being. I am Epsilon and together with Epiphany and Eclipse we are the stabilizing consciousness of the entire Essassani oversoul.

It has now been 30 years in your terms of counting of transmission to your world from ours. In your year of 2016 it will be 33 of your years, a tranformational point. In the fall of your year of 2016, prior to your country’s new coming election (America). Everything will change!

Attention! Attention! Attention!

This transmission will be given 3 times in the coarse of this event. In your upcoming fall of 2016, everything will change!

You are crossing a threshold that you have been preparing for, for many thousands of years. We are privileged to be the ones to announce to you this upcoming threshold in your collective consciousness. For we relate to you as a collective consciousness and read in your collective consciousness’s upcoming change of great transformation. In your upcoming fall of 2016 everything will change. You have two and one half years to express yourself in the way that is most in alignment with your being, for after that threshold everything will change.

Attention! Attention! Attention!

Here is the actual audio:

And Adronis, channeled by Brad Johnson, added about the Bashar announcement regarding 2016: (paraphrased)

This is true. Everything will change. There is a domino effect that is happening from celestial comets like elenin, ison and others that will be coming. They are propagative instruments that are preparing our planet for a consciousness jump.

Between now and 2016 across North america, there will be further events taking place that will be people powered orientation.

There will be a comet around the time of our vernal equinox and our summer solstice that will move our leaders into moving our currency into a new higher stage of being. Between that time it will pass across our planet, very closely and then do a slingshot effect around our sun. It will be a hybridized technology. A space craft. It will accelerate our DNA to the highest it has been in the history of human existence.

It will allow a peaking of the idea of E.T. disclosure. There will be an event between approx. 2016 and 2020. We will discover an event that will be a sighting. The exact phenomenon is up in the air. it can be:

  1. relating to our moon and our planets atmosphere
  2. a sighting around New York City
  3. a coordination of different spacecraft that will be skipping across our atmosphere.

There will be a large stage event that will make it clear we are not alone in the Universe.

It will effect our passion to travel to our red planet. Expect that to change. Specifically to the individuals that are planning to go to mars. We will see something we would have never imagined we would see on our planet.

In 2016 expect there to be more geomagnetic shifts based on astro celestial bodies passing near our planet. No need for fear, as this is part of a natural magnetic process polar shift that will happen around this time of 2016. The poles will start to shift to their polar opposites.

UPDATE: Here is my follow up to this article, 5 years later, what all did change in the fall of 2016? Its entitled: The next elected President will be female. Don’t miss it! 🙂

Love Is All There Is: They Are No Bad People

Walter White - Breaking Bad

Walter White - Breaking Bad

Walter White, From The TV show “Breaking Bad”.

The only reason why people might wind up in those kind of circumstances, where they are considered to have done something “bad” is because they haven’t been taught that there might be other choices.

They don’t know any other way.

If you are taught that blue is the only color that is worth anything, then anytime you want to express anything to anyone, you will only choose blue.

If the only way they were taught love is through abuse, then how are they going to be expressing love? Through abuse.

How did many Human parents express love to their children? Through discipline. Through fear. Through abuse. They loved their parents so they associated the abuse they received from their childhood with love. “This is how I love!”. They were conditioned by their places people and things of their childhood, and even their past lives.

If the only form of connecting with others you were taught, and that is reinforced through movies, the lyrics in songs etc. is by being abused,  then how are you going to connect with people? Through abuse.

When you see someone expressing themselves in a negative way…understand that they are not aware that there is a better way. They actually believe that they are doing good.

If you see someone expressing abuse, you have to recognize that they are trying to express love, but they do not know how to do it. They don’t have the tools. They are trying to express love through the only tools they have been given; through force, through control.

So there are no bad people. Everyone feels they are the good guy. Everyone things they are doing good. Being loving. You see, love is all there is.

They believe that the greater the force, the greater the power.

That is why it is important to teach NEW tools. That is why there is power in teaching and there is no power in trying to force someone to believe what you believe. .

Everyone wants to feel powerful, so teach them the NEW tools and then they will have a NEW way to EXPRESS themselves. Teach them what true power is; that expressing themselves through abuse is actually the OPPOSITE of what true power is. That God is invisible BECAUSE, the greatest power actually requires the lightest touch. This is why you will never see God abusing anyone. Just humans, who were abused, acting as if they were God, in the only way they know how. The way they were taught.

Lets teach them now that love is UNCONDITIONAL, and that their are other options than their previous definitions, where love came with conditions. That when they were taught “I will love you if, and only if, you do what I say, or do what I want you to do”…, that was not love.., it was something else. It was not true love. For true love is without conditions.

So they are no bad guys. Not truly. Just Humans expressing love, the only way they know how.

So be kind, and loving, to everyone, because they are always being as loving as they know how to be.


Thanks to Darryl Anka, who through Bashar, brought this new information to me, from my higher self.