About Norman Love

I AM Love

Sophia Stewart – Author of The Matrix

Sophia Stewart

Sophia StewartI discovered in my reality yesterday how the Movie The Matrix, as well as the Movie The Terminator, is blatantly based on the works or Author Sophia Stewart.

This article is really in-line with my metaphysical theme because the movie The Matrix played a significant role in my waking up process as well it is my all time favorite movie. I felt I had to share her story with the masses so that those who are ready to hear it can hear it.

She wrote the book The Third Eye and had the work copyrighted around 1981. She took Warner Brothers Studio to court and actually won. She will receive a portion of the  several billion dollars that both movies have made world wide.

Copyright infringement is a federal felony which was investigated by the FBI. Sophia states that the public have never heard how she won her plagiarized court case because Warner Brothers Studios is owned AOL Time Warner which owns much of what we read in the newspapers and see on the TV. Her evidence and documentation was strong, so she won.

Below are a few interviews where you can hear Sophia’s argument in her own words.


Time is an illusion

Time Is an Illusion

And so we have shared the beliefs on how Physical Reality is an illusion. Wasn’t that exciting and cool? I’m sure it was. Now lets look at how our modern day scientist have to say about illusions in our reality.

Keep in mind that they are scientist, which means they have to see proof and run tests, and the information is based on the 5 senses only. Where as my information simply came from Angel and or 5th dimensional beings who simply gave humanity the information and I simply heard it and believed it. I consider things outside the 5 senses whereas scientists do not. This is the difference in our density of consciousness. Mine is more 4th density, and theirs is more 4th density. As The overall consciousness of humanity increases, these scientist, and all of humanity, will also consider things outside of the 5 senses. Earth humans are going from 3rd to 4th density consciousness.

The video’s below all show how science is catching up to the truths about reality being an illusion.

The Illusion of Time (A PBS Special)


Our 3D Universe is an Illusion

 A Thin Sheet Of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram



A Law Is Not What You Think It Is

a smiling girl being arrested

a smiling girl being arrested

Think about the word LAW for a second. What it means to you. What it means in our society. How it is used.

My definition of a law is: something that can not be broken. It is in this understanding of a law that I propose the question:

If a law is only a law if it CAN NOT be broken, how many laws are humanity truly subject to?

Lots of talk these days about unjust laws being passed by out of integrity humans. Lots of groups are protesting more and more these unjust laws. It seems that each day I go on Facebook there is a new post about protesting a state senator here and a city councilman there. And at the center of all this are laws.

Lets take a look at what a law is an what it means when laws are passed that are opposed by the majority of the masses.

We live in a world where power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately. We all know this is a truth.

For a long time GOOD men have showed no interest in governing. This was mostly due to us being ruled by an iron fist with no say. We literally don’t know how. When you remove just men from the equation, you are left with unjust men. The affect for this is that the just masses now find themselves being ruled by unjust men. So we now see the cause and the affect of how humanity now finds itself in this position. Knowing this is crucial; by knowing the cause to any issue, it is easy to change it.

Just men

For now humanity needs a simple form of government; so we will need people to fill those positions. We need just people to be identified and put into these administrative positions. The key being administrative. We should have no regulations but administrative one. No laws, so no criminal laws, no punitive laws, no civil laws. All administrative regulations or statutes, something like that. Why?

What a law truly is

Humans have laws, but they are not truly laws, so why call them laws? Humanity in its current state of consciousness is incapable of creating laws on planet Earth. Why? Because a law is something that can not be broken. All human laws have been broken, violated or circumvented at one time or another. So calling them laws is an inaccurate statement to say the least.

The closest things are the laws of physics, things like the scientific law of gravity or the laws of physics that claim that nothing can exceed the speed of light, that speed being a constant. Well guess what? The speed of light is increasing! This means the speed of light is no longer a constant, which means it is not a law. In fact every law that man has claimed so far has been violated in some way. Am I saying there are no laws? No. There are known Laws Of Creation. What I speak of now is information that have been passed on through the ages by Ancient Mystery Systems in secret since the fall of consciousness.

4 laws of creation

Just like everything in science, man has discovered it. Before they knew it, they didnt know it. One can not know what one does not know, this is obvious. I mention this because their are actually 4 laws in all of creation. There may be more, but these have not been found yet. They are:

1. The law of existence.

You exist and you will always exist in some form. Your consciousness is energy and energy can not be created or destroyed. I believe human science teaches this in the 3rd grade. But humanity has not yet, as a whole, embraced that conscious is energy and that we are simply consciousness that is temporarily in a body. We existed before coming to the body and we will exist after it leaves. Some know this, others will come on board, as soon as their government tells them this. They are waiting to be told. But as addressed in the first paragraphs, we are currently governed by unjust men, so don’t hold your breath.

2. The law of one

The one is all and the all is one. At the very fabrics of creation all consciousnesses are joined as one. Not 2 0r 3 but 1. Not allegorically but literally. Yeshua(Jesus) taught that “…the father and I are 1…”, not 2 or 3 or 4, but 1. And so it is taught by all the great Prophets, and Avatars that have shared their message with humanity. No one took them literally and they could not expound on the idea because 2,000 years ago the consciousness of man was not developed enough to understand the complexity of the explanation that is now easily found in the 3rd law of creation. The law of cause & affect. It is said that the proof is in the pudding, well staying along this line, the proof of ultimate oneness is in the the law of cause & effect.

3. The 3rd law of creation

This law is the one humans are most familiar with. It is simply “what you put out is what you get back”. Also known as:

  • Karma
  • what you sow you reap
  • the chicken coming home to roost
  • Duality
  • Polarity
  • Paradoxes
  • Law of opposites
  • The law of attraction
  • Cause & Affect
  • and many other names to explain that what you put out, you get back. Which is why you turn the other cheek if you are wise.

But in order to focus on our oneness of consciousness we will go with Cause and Affect.

Cause & Affect

Means, nothing happens unless something causes it to happens. Or everything is preceded by something. For there to be an affect, there had to have been a cause. Now this is a law that has never been broken. Ultimately that cause is a thought, after all we are ultimately nothing but consciousness.

Think about it, you are not just reading this, there was a thought and a choice made to do so. Some people have already decided to stop :-), some like you, have continued. Prior to doing so you were doing something else which was preceded by a thought or action and a choice. Even without choice there are causes.

When one slips and falls, no thought or choice, but there was a cause, maybe a slippery floor. Pain in your toe from stubbing your foot on furniture; caused by your toe hitting the bed post. Ouch! a sound; caused by your vocal chords, caused by an involuntary contraction of throat muscles or something.

What about you? What caused you? Your parents of course, or maybe a scientist in a lab if you are a test tube baby. So people are caused by other people. What causes people? Animal life is ultimately caused by plants right. Plant protein. Lets move ahead or back a little faster. What caused plant life? My guess is the 5 elements:

  1. Earth
  2. Air
  3. Fire
  4. Water
  5. & Love

What caused them? Maybe all the elements in the periodic table. What caused them? The Earth and the stars. What caused the many many Suns. The big bang, what caused the big bang? The creator, the source, the prime Radiant, the first thing. Since its the first thing, it at one point had to be the only thing. So it was the only thing and it was conscious. We know it had to be consciousness because consciousness had to come from somewhere right? So here we have this one thing and its conscious. This is the one cause of all all consciousness including yours and mine. Now it is easier to understand the 2nd law of creation, how we are all one? You can read more about the Prime Radiant in depth.

4th law of creation

Change is a constant. Everything changes, except the first 3 laws which never change. We see proof of this in the impermanence of our reality. Things come and go. Even us. Even the planet Earth is constantly moving and is never in the same spot ever. Even in its daily cycle of spinning (24hrs) and its annual cycle of rotating(365.25 days) it is never in the same place. Because as the Earth travels around the Sun, the Sun is also traveling around another central Sun in the Pleiades constellation. 314519_296167227073582_1605172092_n

And that Sun is traveling around another sun. (see the cause and effect there?). The government does not ever mentions this…ever. That the Sun travels in a circle around another Sun. And the Universes do the same thing. Always in a spiral, always moving. This would imply a divine order to things.

The Divine Order of things

All these planets, Suns and Universes spinning in harmony and going someplace specific, as the spiral orbits would imply. There are many ways to make spirals, but there is only one way to make a Golden Phi Ratio Spiral, and that is using the ratio of 1.61803398875. 1.618 for short. All spirals created in nature are based on the Golden Ratio of 1.618.

Hidden in plain site is any Phi ratio spiral is the Fibonacci sequences, which is the simple intelligent act of adding the prior 2 numbers to create the 3rd number. 3 is caused by adding 1 and 2, 5 is caused by adding 2 and 3, 8 is caused by adding 3 and 5 etc. etc. Here is the First 12 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence:

1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144


Do you see how it is simple… but in order to find the next number, some intelligence is required. Guess what? All the planets and stars and universes are all traveling in Phi Ratio spirals. Guess what else? The government has never mentioned this to you ever. So do you really want to wait for the government of corrupt men, to tell you things?

Do you really want to continue to choose to follow their regulations and be regulated by them. I say regulations because I have taken the time to show you that there are only 4 laws in all of creation, not 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 but 4 laws.


In closing

So you have all these unjust laws, and even if they are not too unjust, they came from unjust men in an unjust system. You can apply the law of cause and affect and choose to throw them out, the men and their laws. You don’t have to follow them. There is nothing to fear also in doing so. Why? because where do they put violators of these regulations that were designed to regulate and limit us. They imprison them… where? in prisons. Last I check the government can’t even imprison the thousands of illegal immigrants that they try and regulate, how are they going to imprison millions, yet alone 7 billion people? Of course they can not. So do not be afraid of the threat of prison. The key is to act as one, and this should be simply as you are already one, and if you were paying attention this means you are actually also God. If you don’t see this, you can choose to re-read the 2nd and 3rd laws and The Prime Radiant. There is only one thing in creation.


Jury Nullification

Also, another way to easily nullify all unjust laws, as the people see fit, is by Jury nullification. In the recent trial of the killing of Trevon Martin, the jury could have thrown out the law and simply nullified it and let justice serve. In the future, humans will realize they ARE their government and they will nullify all unjust laws and choose for justice to prevail.

All these high profile murder cases, the Trevon Martin case, the O.J. Simpson case, are all here as teaching aids to help us see and to grow in consciousness. The creator respects our free will enough to not come out and say “hey change these unjust laws, you are your government”. It also loves us enough to not let us remain in this situation. What it will do is reflect them back to you in a very televised fashion so all can see, “hey something is wrong here, lets talk about changing this”. Creation is ensuring that we see what needs to change. Why does creation do this? All together now: because change is a constant. It is an eternal truth and a true law. Creation enforces it laws and everything will change. A central focus of Bhuddahs teaching is how everything is impermanent. Change is actually Godly.

Short History of change

  • Planet is flat. This has changed
  • The Romans were here, they changed in a big way didnt they. From owning the planet to being broke.
  • The planets has changed. all the landmasses used to be connected. (The government has never told you that)
  • Our stance on slavery has changed. (Still looking at you Romans)
  • Homosexuals. We have had tremendous changes in this, but not even half way there. Much new things to learn here as teens are being hung in the Arabias.
  • No black presidents. changed
  • Women can’t do anything. Changed.

will there be a woman president? Ofcourse. How do we know. The 4th law of creation demands this.

The Sun rising in the East. It used to rise in the West. (government is not telling you this). If the poles of the earth is reversed, the spin is reversed. Scientist are aware that the poles have reversed in the past. It is just not something that is spoken in public for some reason.

Extra Terrestrials. we never believed, now 80% of humans belive in the existence of ET’s. Changed

I can go on, but you get the picture. Feel free to leave your own additions to the list of changes in the comments.

So in summary. Good men have allowed unjust men to govern them. These men claim to be gods whose bidding are unbreakable laws. We now know this is a false. There are only 4 laws(that we know of) that can not be broken and none of them are mans. We also know that what IS a law is that we can change this any time(4th law of creation) we choose to(3rd law of creation) all we have to do is act as 1(2nd law of creation) and continue with our God given existence without fear of ceasing to exist(1st law of creation). I believe part of Master Yeshua’s (Jesus, Jesus’s name was Yeshua Ben Joseph and somehow the government has not told you this. Even in Christian Nations) teachings were about these 4 laws. He Said I and the father are 1 (2nd law), You will have eternal life (1st law), Turn the other cheek and leave it to God to take care of other people (3rd law).

So act as one and know that you do not have to follow any unjust law. Say “arrest all of us”. If one is arrested all will be arrested. I say how many protests I have watched on TV or in the papers where I see one of the protesters being arrested and everybody else just sit there and watch it. I want to yell at the TV…“um…you are a crowd of 5000 people, demand that you all be arrested. They can’t do it!” I repeat, it can not be done! I used to oversee prisons all over the U.S. I assure you it is not possible. This is why Occupy Wall Street is still around. It is not possible to arrest them all.

smiling woman being arrested

Do not uphold unjust laws when sitting on a jury.

No matter what the unjust judge says. Remember these laws were written by unjust men, and until we have put just men in administrating our new governments, we do not have to uphold them. There is even legal precedent for this. It is called jury nullification. Learn it, love it, use it. This works both ways, to release the innocent and to convict the truly guilty. (You know who you are.) The sleeper must awaken. This is the 4th law.


Visons Of The Future Earth: Jury Nullification

Humans awakening and removing their blindfolds

I am starting a new series of articles I will term Visions Of The Future Earth. They will reveal ways that are helpful to Humanity to transform itself.  After all 2013 is the year of Transformation. Transformation is necessary to herald in the New Earth. The Golden Age as predicted by many, including Yeshua(Jesus)

Humans awakening and removing their blindfoldsWhile meditating it came to me in a vision and I was able to see very clearly how easily and effortlessly Humans can and will take back their power. You see they have always held the power but they chose to sleep and slumber for a while and allow their government to take the power and lead them.

Well, ultimately power corrupts ultimately and Earth Governments have surely become and is highly corrupt, highly negative and separative. It is of service of self instead of service of others and the whole. The 1% is leading the 99%. They governments of the Earth is serving a very small minority who has actually been ruling controlling. But change is a constant so all things must change.

But do not fret for those that slept and do not feel ill for those that gorged as they sat on the throne, because both were not aware of what they were doing. Both were experiencing an illusion that served it purpose. Both had their intended experiences. And now in the Age of Aquarius the sleeper has awakened as they hear the clarion call from the trumpets that have sounded and are waking them. I present to you a blue print of how they will take back their power and how easily they will do it. And do so peacefully.

The Legal System and Jury Nullification

As corrupt as the legal system and the government are, it is not anarchy. It is still based on certain precedents and decisions that have to be made. Fortunately the system still allows for, in many ways, the ability for the people, who? the people, to have their day in court and to present their case for a decision in front of a jury of their peers. Anyone can actually sue for anything.

They will rise together as one and systematically nullify all unjust laws. I repeat, it matters not what laws these corrupt men passed in their own slumber, they can all be nullified by the people as unjust using Jury Nullification.

Jury nullification occurs in a trial when a jury acquits a defendant they believe to be guilty of the charges against them. This may occur when members of the jury disagree with the law the defendant has been charged with, or believe that the law should not be applied in that particular case.


A jury verdict contrary to the letter of the law pertains only to the particular case before it. If a pattern of acquittals develops, however, in response to repeated attempts to prosecute a statutory offense, this can have the de facto effect of invalidating the statute. A pattern of jury nullification may indicate public opposition to an unwanted legislative enactment.

As humanity wake up they will alleviate themselves en mass of this Jury Nullification and begin to systemically, easily and effortlessly refuse to honor all unjust laws. The people are the jury and in being so are also the judge, because the jury IS the judge, jury and executioner.

The power has never ever left the whole, the majority. All appearance of the people not having power are only illusionary. Look for Jury Nullification to play a substantial part in the awakening of Earth as humanity strikes down by refusing to honor or convict on any law that it believes does not serve the whole.

Unjust laws that are fit for overruling:

Rights of banks to take people homes claiming non payment of a debt, when they can’t prove that they incurred an debt in the first place.  Banks do not incur a debt; they use the rule of 9 set by the banking laws to create 9 times the money they have. You cant incur a debt for money you create out of thin air or by entering them into a computer. There was no debt to loan out. As soon as humanity awakens to this, it will be one of the first laws to be nullified by the people/jurists.

Consider what this means for a second. Banks will be sued and have to give back ALL the monies they have foreclosed for; not to mention that they will be sued for pain and suffering. It will not be long before….wait for it…..all banks are bankrupt.

And so as the banking system as it is now collapses, humanity will create new systems. I have already suggested one here. The fall of the banking system is inevitable and it will lead to the full nullification of the Federal Reserve, the private bank that is responsible to the unjust banking laws in question. The day is close at hand where America will put an end to a private bank managing their money.

Leave your ideas of other unjust laws that will soon fall and be nullified and I may add them to the article.

Stay tuned for other articles on the Future Visions of Earth as we herald in the Golden Age of Aquarius.


Jury Nullification News




There Is No Such Thing as Non-Existence

Ascended Master Babaji

This post is dedicated to Babaji who inspired it when I was reading about him on Babaji.net. Babaji is the Ascended Master who taught Yeshua(Jesus) when he went to India as part of his training.

Ascended Master Babaji

We start with paradoxes

A seed contains within it all necessary power to create a mighty forest tree. And so, by comparison, it can be said that it is much more powerful than the tree. But a tree can produce a multitude of seeds, so which is more powerful? This is the paradox of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Creation is made up of paradoxes and now we see why.

The power in all paradoxes is that each opposing idea was created at the same time by an unseen divine intelligence. The Creator.

Whenever a thing defies the law of cause and effect, which states that nothing happens unless something causes it to happen, you are faced with prima facie evidence of divine intelligence in creation.

Creation is the greatest paradox of them all since all things go back to this single source, the first thing, what created this one thing? The answer, Nothing. It always was, and it always will be. Therefore, The Creator, the cause of all things in creation, having no creator, is the biggest paradox of them all. Ergo Creation is paradoxical.


Existence is the thing

This is how things are. This is the natural way of existence. Existence simply is. It always was and always will be. The alpha and the omega. In other words existence is the thing. What this means is their is no such thing as non existence. There can only the “illusion” of non-existence. Non-existence is something that was created so that it could be experienced, just like many other things, that don’t really exist.


Warning the following paragraph may explode your head.

There is no room for cold in the idea of hot. Cold is outside of hot. Similarly, existence is existence. There is no room for non-existence in existence, as such, everything exists in existence, including non-existence. Since we exist, we are in existence, ergo we exist where there is no such thing as non-existence.


Death is an illusion.
This is why energy can not be created or destroyed. Now that you know this, never fear anything again. You are eternal. This is the 1st law of creation. You exist and you always will. Is this not how unconditional love should be? 🙂

After reading and becoming familiar with the explanation of the Prime Radiant, you learn about creation and the creator Gods. Along the way one creator God came up with..played with the idea of a Universe where beings could experience “non-existence”. This idea sounded absolutely amazing and they set about building the very Universe we find our selves in right now.

Some of the ideas they create along the way as they played, was “death”, Lack, hurt, pain, ignorance, unknowing, and the granddaddy that facilitated them all fear. Fear was created to be the absolute opposite of what reality was, which was unconditional love. It is said that hate is opposite of love, but hate is just incidental to fear, a bi-product. Fear is the true opposite of love. It is fear that is the basis of all hate, all negativity. You replace hate with love and you still have fear, doubt, jealousy, non-compassion and all the usual suspects. But you replace fear with love and all the usual suspects are transformed, as they all have their basis in fear. Archangel Michael has said “fear is the poison in the hearts of man”.

Fear comes from the belief in being separate from the Creator. To know the Creator is to know unconditional love, which transmute all fear. To remove fear from your experience, know your creator through your connection to your soul.


And now Babaji come in 🙂

It stars by simply saying a version of Om Nama Shivay, which means “Lord, Thy will be done in me”. You see, in this Earth experience we have the free will to experience separation from The Creator, but when we are ready to rejoin and remove the must set the intention that we are ready to come back to the fold, if you will. The great Ascended Master Babaji has come, and will come again, to help humans who are ready to remove this separation experience. As one who is on this journey back I say to all reading…what are you waiting for? It is most beautiful this thing, unconditional love. Read about Babaji here. He just came into my awareness a few days ago via my connection with Yeshua (Jesus), so don’t feel bad. :-). I was reading the book Anna Grandmother of Jesus, which reveals much to those who are ready for answers.



So our Universe is a physical reality that was created as a place where fear and separation and limitation could be experienced and played with. It started out as an idea where separation from “the whole” (Creator) could be experienced and everything else just came out of that. In order to return to reality, you simply ask by intending that The Creators will be your will. 

In closing I paraphrase somethings that Metatron has said: “Most of creation is non physical, etheric in nature. Your physical Universe is one of many many Universes. Universes that are physical are like a grain of sand in number”. Existence is vast.


You are your reality


Physical reality is an illusion. It is all happening in your consciousness. There is no physical reality except your definition of it. And your experience of it is the only thing that is real. Reality is not real unto itself, but your experience of it is. That’s what’s real.

The Atlantian Origin of Halloween

The origins of Halloween originates from the eve before the 2nd destruction of Atlantis. Atlantis, as portrayed in many of our TV shows, is a reflection of the truth, was once a very advanced civilization, where they were some 5th dimensional beings. These 5th dimensional beings were called the Atla-Ra. They were like priests and possessed advanced knowledge of what is possible through the Nature of our Reality. They were similar to the idea of Jedi’s, as portrayed in movies, again as a reflection of the truth.

atlantis-originsJust as the Jedi’s are portrayed to have advised leadership, so did the Atla-Ra advise the leadership of the different factions in Atlantis. Well a story needs a so called bad guy. Along came the Arayan, who may sound familiar. They wanted to accumulate power etc. etc. we all know how the story goes with these bad guys. Atlantis had a 2nd moon that orbited the Earth. It was made of crystal quartz. It regulated the weather on Atlantis, provided the power on Atlantis and could produce a laser beam that the Arayans wanted to use against their worker class states, to keep them in check during revolts. Atlantis was once very peaceful but became like this because certain negative ET’s led the Arayans astray and took over. Pretty much as the dark side beings took over the federation by simply tricking them to hand over power, as depicted in the latest Star Wars movies. All our fiction hold some truth!

Well the Aryans tricked the federation that was formed into using the powerful laser, against the advice and wishes of the Atla-Ra. The 2nd moon became unstable and became clear that its orbit would deteriorate and crash into the Earth, Causing the destruction of Atlantis. Because the actual time and date of this destruction  was known. Celebrations were planned on the eve of the destruction. This is where they dressed up as the spirits they would soon be and coined the phrase “dine and be merry because tomorrow we die”.

Atlantis was destroyed on November 1st, 11/1 or 111 is known in numerology for meaning change. Atlantis was located mostly between the land masses of USA and Europe. It sunk beneath the seas. This is reflected in many of our so called fiction, as a reflection of the truth. All our fiction hold truths. If not, then we named the Atlantic ocean, a space shuttle, and the capital of Georgia, after a fairy tale. This is unlikely.

Having lost their government, the survivors of Atlantis who escaped had to hold new elections. this is why elections tend to be held on November 2nd. The day after the destruction of Atlantis.

In America we celebrate the remembrance of the destruction of Atlantis on the eve because America is where the story of Atlantis’ destruction  is being replayed. Just like the bits and parts of the Arayan conflicts were replayed in WW II. The world against the Arayans. This time the world won. Unlike last time. Karma is being balanced on higher levels. Souls must experience what they put out. This is the 3rd law of creation at work. In America we are playing out the story of how Atlantis/America survives and chooses not to destroy itself by being tricked by evil men. If you look at this election, which takes place in within the first week of November, America clearly has a choice. One leads them forward into a more peaceful era. And the other more and more clearly into that era of the past where man lies to man. man tricks man. In one choice man works with man, and the other man works against man. This election is about choosing not to destroy Atlantis again. Believe it or not. And since we are balancing karma, we see clearly that this time it will not be destroyed, so we souls can have that balancing karmic experience. And it will be balanced. So guess who wins!

Everywhere else around the globe however, November 1st is a day of remembrance. In Mexico and many cultures, it is The Day Of The Dead. In  people to this day celebrate November 1st as a day of remembrance. Others call it All Saints Day or all souls day etc. etc.

Parts of Atlantis land mass that did not sink exist. We call them Hawaii and Jamaica. Notice the beautiful energy and animals and plants they have. Yes, Atlantis will rise. It is rising.


I conclude with this Q&A that Bashar gave:

Our mentor Bashar was once asked about Halloween. The question and answer is below.

Question: You said something about Halloween being connected to the destruction of Atlantis?

Bashar: Yes, from your ancient times, All Hallows Eve, or Halloween, represents the day before the destruction of Atlantis. November 1 is the day of destruction, and November 2 is the day after. In some of your religious vernacular these days translate into All Hallows Eve, All Souls Day and All Saints Day, and are the idea of the destruction of your Atlantean land mass approximately 11 to 12 thousand years ago.

The issue you are dealing with on your Earth at this time is connected strongly to both the planet Maldek destroying itself long ago and a repetition of the cycle of Atlantis, although on a smaller scale than Maldek.

In your current time frame the United States represents the idea of the replay of Atlantis, for you have much of the same technology and the same position in relation to politics around the world. Also you have many of the same individuals from Atlantis who have now re-instructed themselves to the point of deciding whether or not they will destroy the world again.

You all chose to be here in this transformational age to see that you do NOT replay Atlantis and destroy yourselves and your Earth this time around.


The above Q&A is copyright of Daryl Anka

It is Likes that attract, not opposites


Why are we even having this discussion? Well as the Earth get further and further along the Ascension process, our veils are being lifted more and more. We are therefore remembering more and more about how creation works. And my present desire is to write about the false premise we have been living under; that: “opposites attract”.


Old way of thinking, opposites attract

We were all brought up under the idea of how opposites attract. Well, lets take a look at the validity of this shall we. Actually look at it, consciously.

If opposites did really attract, homosexuality would not exist. How could it? Males would only be attracted to females and females would only be attracted to males. But of course in this day and age we know that male attracting to male and vice versa is very common. So opposites attract does not seem to work there.

What about social sects? Do rich people seek out poor people? Are attractive people always with and end up marrying unattractive people? Of course not. People tend to be with other people of similar interests. You’ve heard the saying “you too make a good couple” or “you look good together” or “you are a perfect fit”. This is not said because of the differences between people, but the similarities. Experts in fact are saying that having more in common makes for healthier relationships.



Now why is it that we sometimes see two very unlike people together. For instance a sweet woman with a harsh, mean, and cruel man? In these cases it is their similar unresolved patterns/habits that are attracting. She has a pattern or habit of being around men who are like that and he has a pattern/habit of the idea of humiliating or being cruel to women. Both patterns were likely spawned by the same event of being exposed to this type of male figure, this behavior, when they were both young. These patterns may even have originated before this particular life time. They may have came in with these patterns. But as you see even with couples who may appear on the surface to be opposites, there is a  single underlying similarity that is shared. It is this common pattern that makes them both want what the other has to offer. The woman would constantly go back to him and the man will always be sorry for what he did because, as you see, they need each other in order to feel whole. They are drawn together like two magnets, and much like magnets, they are drawn together because they are both seeking the same thing. And that is how they complete each other. The law of attraction gives them both what they need out of unconditional love for the choice that each of them is choosing to make; in each now moment. Nothing is stopping them however from choosing otherwise, and many women do choose to stop the cycle. This is usually done by realizing (real eyes) the belief, that creates the thoughts that elicits the emotions. Change the belief and you control the emotion. They were after all only addicted to the drug, the feeling that came from the way the emotions made them feel.



In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in July of 2003, researchers quizzed 978 heterosexual residents of Ithaca, N.Y., between the ages of 18 and 24. First, the participants rated the importance of 10 attributes of a long-term partner, and then rated themselves on the same scale. When the results were tallied, self-perception was more likely to match mate perception.

This conclusion was: “In Western society, humans use neither an ‘opposites-attract’ nor a ‘reproductive-potentials-attract’ rule in their choice of long-term partners, but rather a ‘likes-attract’ rule based on a preference for partners who are similar to themselves across a number of characteristics.”

The above was taken from an article entitled “do opposites attract?”. The internet is loaded with studies that are now showing that opposites, definitely do not attract.


New way of thinking. Like attracts like

In actuality opposites do not attract. what is really going on in reality is that like is always attracting like. As we indirectly learned above, You always tend to see 2 attractive people together, for the most part. People of the same height, size etc. together, for the most part. So in social sects, the norm is that like attracts like. And when we see apparent opposites together, look for the commonality or pattern that binds them together.



But what about magnets? Clearly we see in science that magnets with opposing polarity attract? Well if you apply the labels that humans have attributed to what is really going on, it does appear that way. But what is actually happening is similar to our above couple and their common patterns. To how it works in magnets and metals we must shift the perspective of our thinking slightly. Put simply, element A has something element B wants, and element B has something element A wants, and they both want to get what the other has. They have similar needs. So in essence it is what they both have in common that is attracting them together. They both want each other. If only A wanted B and B did not want A, the circuit would not complete and there would be no attraction, no magnetism. But since they both want the same thing, their similarity invokes the law of attraction. I can’t provide a more scientific explanation about atoms and electrons etc. because I don’t have that background. My beliefs on this are intuitive. But I’m certain when you get down to the electrons and atoms of it all, we are looking at the same thing. If anyone reads this who does have a scientific understand of the wants of each element, please share in the comments.


Being whole

At play here also is the idea of being whole. The couple who are together due to a common pattern becomes whole when they find each other. They believe this negative behavior is who they are, so they are trying to become whole.

2 couples making love. One is male gender and the other female gender. They both want to get back into that higher state of being where they both come from. In the higher realms there is no gender. The vibrational conscious of Angels encompasses both. The creator, the Angels are not male or female, they are both. The idea of gender comes from the polarization of this energy and splitting it into what we call male and female.

What is going on between male gender and female gender is less about what is going on in the physical body, and more about what is going on in the spiritual body. What is happening in the spiritual body is the desire of consciousness to go back home. To be who they think they truly are. They want to be whole again. The desire to unify comes from a common goal, not from an uncommon one.

There is a logical explanation for unifying due to a common goal, there is no logic for unification due to opposing goals.You can say “these things attract because they are opposites” all day long, but you can’t explain the logic of why. A sensible explanation comes only form their common unity.


Why do homosexuals attract?

The idea of attraction being based on common unity also sheds a logical explanation on homosexuality. Why would a male be attracted to a male and a female be so attracted to a female? Remember that what driving the unification is on the spiritual level. We are not just our bodies. We are mind, body and soul(spirit).  Sexual attraction is also based on spiritual aspects, as I mentioned above. Spirit is both masculine and feminine energy. The physical body of the human species is splint into male or female. Male body has masculine energy, and the female body houses feminine energy. But we are not just our bodies, we are mind, body and spirit, the true holy trinity. The spirit of man can be masculine or feminine in nature also. So even though someone incarnates into a male body, their spirit may be feminine energy. We hear all the time “I was born this way” and guess what? They were. When someone tells you who they are believe them.

So what is going on when we see a gay couple, irregardless of if its 2 men or 2 women, we are seeing feminine energy and masculine energy attempting to become whole.Humans have focused on the body because before they only believed in things they could see. But now everyone knows about spirit and our definitions are changing. Again, this is the only logical answer that explains why same genders would attract.

Our spirit incarnates as both male and female. We take turns. Sometimes we may prefer one to the other and live our life as that one. When we finally choose to have a life as the other, this can create some confusion because what you may have is a feminine energy spirit who is now in a male body. This is what is occurring naturally in creation so no need to be afraid of the situation.  Humans were of negative energy remember so they naturally react in fear to something they do not understand. But for the most part we are not afraid of this anymore.  In the future as we understand what is happening, hopefully by you sharing this article, the truth will spread. Gays are cool right?

Similarly magnets are of one vibration that was separated into 2 vibrations. Now these two vibrations long to become one again, hence the attraction. More on duality and polarity.


Attraction through thoughts

There is a definite connection between our thoughts and the reality we experience. Gang members think a certain way. These thoughts consist of things like “one day someone will kill me”, or “I’ll kill someone”. So they attract other gang members with the same thought. This is why gang members are always killing other gang members. The lady who has a child who is not a gang member and this child gets killed by a stray bullet through a window, is always having the thoughts similar to “one day these gangs are gonna kill my baby with all this shooting”. Thoughts are vibrational frequency that attracts the people places and things that we experience.

Remember thoughts are all that truly exist. In heaven, the higher realms where we exist, our thoughts provide instant manifestation of what we are thinking. this is how things are set up by a creator who wants everyone to have everything they desire.

Our reality operates on the same principals. Nothing has changed except there is a mathematical matrix, a formula at work that slows down the appearance of what we are thinking so that our thoughts do not instantly happen. Why? Well its a gift. Our vibrational level is too low. In other words, we were much too negative. Our thoughts would destroy us way too fast. Negative energy is destructive, separative, segrative, diversifies, breaks apart, doesn’t allow harmonious communication, is discordant, jagged, and in fear. If we did not have the manifestations slowed down, we would be constantly going through the death process and there would be no time to have full experiences in a life time. Think about it. If you wanted someone gone, they would be gone. If someone hurt you, you would simply hurt them back instantly. Imagine for a moment if everyone on Earth now had the ability to do anything they thought? Yes it would be quite interesting to say the least. Disagreements would escalate quickly into mass destruction. Because that is the nature of negative energy.

As our vibration increases and it has increased and it will continue to increase. And the overall energy of our group consciousness gets positive, and it will after December 21, 2012, we will see an decrease in the time it takes for our thoughts to manifest. And they will eventually manifest instantly. This will happen when we are fully in the 5th dimension. Some of us already are. Now it makes sense how Yeshua(Jesus) could turn water to wine, feed the masses with a few loafs of bread, heal the sick, and raise the dead. He was a human who rose his vibration to that of the 5th dimension. In his own words “all that I have done , you too will do , and more”. He did it by becoming more positive, more loving. This is what he meant by “I am the way”. He was saying, I am love.


Thoughts are electric

The fastest way to experience something you don’t want to happen is to worry about it. Worrying is repeating a thought in a loop over and over again. thoughts are electric, and when you wrap an electric current around something (the idea you are worrying about) it creates a stronger and stronger magnetic effect. It creates magnetism to this thing you think about. This is why it is said “you get more of what you focus on”. The good news is, wise people focus on things they want, and they get that faster.


Emotions are magnetic

Now worrying, or having constant looping negative thoughts, are often associated with an emotion. This is why emotions are said to be magnetic, because they are basically the electric thoughts that have looped over themselves thereby creating a magnetic field. We experience this field as an emotion. Constantly thinking about whether something bad may happen in the future can feel like the emotion of fear, or doubt, or anger etc. The next time you feel a string emotion in your body focus on it. See if you can feel how it is magnetic, how there is a pull there. And as you calm down and the pull fades, see if you can see how it was just a build up of a magnetic charge. Be aware of how your mind is looping this thought over and over, and over. You will notice that as the looping subsides, so will the magnetic charge. Consider for a moment how much negativity you were attracting into your reality with such a strong magnetic pull. Now you see the need for the slow down of the matrix that allows for instant manifestation. You would have instantly attracted people, and things to make you angry and upset because that is what you were magnetizing to your reality. It would have made you more angry and the situation would become dire quickly and someone would have gotten seriously hurt. But now, the matrix gives you a chance to calm down, and then later, in a few hours, a few days, spread out over a week, you will slowly experience a police officer who gives you a ticket, a flat tire, some bad health issue etc. and slowly you will experience all the negativity you put out. Because this is law. Everyone must experience what they put out.

Now Imagine when you keep thinking positive thoughts? The feelings build up, you feel the emotion of joy, it feels expansive, warm, you smile and beam light. Your heart feels this amazing energy and if you were having intercourse, the energy might even be explosive and ecstatically blissful. We all know how good that can feel. And it is electric is it not? You want to be closer and closer to the person do you not? You want to be one with this person. And over time if you remain positive, loving and open, you will experience little things here and there over time that will keep you in that vibration, if you let it. Over time you will experience all the positive energy you gave off. Because this is law, you must experience what you put out.

Constantly thinking about something positive over and over creates the emotion of happiness or joy. Now our body is clearly telling us by how each emotion feels, which emotions are in our best interest. This is why I work on eliminating negative emotions and focusing on positive ones. Because what we focus on is a choice. Habits of man may say otherwise, but we can all retrain ourselves to control our thoughts, thereby controlling our emotions. Beliefs create thoughts, thoughts create emotions, and it is those emotions that have a huge impact in the people places and things we experience.


Law of Attraction

The laws of creation, unlike man’s laws, can not be broken. There are 4 known laws of creation.They are unbreakable.

  1. You exist
  2. The one is all and the all is one
  3. What you put out you get back
  4. Everything changes except the first 3 laws.

The 3rd law of creation is the law of attraction, “what you put out you get back”. It relates to this article as the phrase “like attracts like”. But what the law of attraction basically states is that everything vibrates at a frequency. That frequency will attract like frequency. If you are putting out a mean, angry frequency you will attract people places and things that will keep you in that frequency. Wise conscious people do not do this. People do this unconsciously all the time.  If you however are putting out the frequency of Happiness, joy, and love, you will attract into your reality the people places and things to keep you in that frequency. This is the law that allows the free choice of man, as allotted by the creators, in this illusionary reality we live in. The Angelic realm has provided much on the topic of the law of attraction.



So what do we do with this?  First we should stop propagating the false myth that opposites attract. This is not true. The Universe is built on love and love allows choice.

The idea  that opposites attract is just an arbitrary concept created in the mind of man, similar to how we created the concept of time, which does not truly exist either, but was created as a tool.

Second, we need to rethink everything we have been applying this to in science and take a look at the different potentials that reveal themselves once we look at nature how it truly is.

We may now solve some serious issues that we were not able to see the solutions to prior. Some things may now become obvious when we look at them from this fresh perspective.

Channeled Economic Plan

The People's Union

Several months ago, one night, I all of a sudden decided to write out an economic plan for the future. It describes a better system than the current out of integrity system. I believe someone higher up used me to bring this in. As it just flowed in.

I haven’t touched it since until today a discussion on Facebook brought it back up. Its raw and unedited as I typed it that night. But I feel like sharing it now. And I always do what I feel these days. It leads to happiness. Enjoy!

The People’s Union

just was looking at a map of Jamaica and for some reason thought that we should start a union, then i saw in that very instant union street on the map.

the ideas im getting is that we start a humanity union. dues are paid, for now and members follow the guidance of the leadership, who only manage more than govern. Their constitution is based on a republic and they do what is in the best interest of all.

they research and provide what is in the best interest of all in many areas, like:

health and diet and eating.
gasoline and fuel
they use the dues to form TPU (the people’s union) companies where union members get union prices, everyone else can pay non member prices which is national average outside union.

Overtime people will all see the benefits of joining the union. companies will not be ran for profit per se.


buffet restaurants
simple hotels
voting recommendations
department stores, a la Walmart

recommend: list of places to spend your money as determined is in the best interest of the people. supermarkets, gas stations, banks, utility companies  etc. who offer members acceptable deals

health care centers.

overtime the company builds and owns it own version of the above needed services.

if a member works full time at a “vital” area . he is given free access to all other vital areas. overtime it creates a perpetual economic system.

for example, if you work full time as an employee for the electric company,you are paid in union credits. you can then use those credits in the union supermarket or insurance company, or HMO, or department store or for your own electricity.

The electric company for instance would pay hourly credits of say 80 a day. work week 4 days. but you can work as many days as you want.
company will hire at non union rate(dollars) and hire people as normal but schedule them when union members are not available. eventually electric company for example will be able to schedule all employees who get to set their own hours and schedule who will work for FREE/UNION CREDITS (80 a day) or 10 credits an hour.

a loaf of bread would be credits and or dollars, but eventually credits as most people would work to support union necessities for FREE/CREDITS.

the credit system is just like our monetary system, arbitrary.  Our current monetary system is based on paper and coins and sometimes numbers in computers called credits. Our new system will just be credits and cut out the middle men.

People will have the union credit cards.

System to be based on honesty, integrity and love of each humanity:

Our current system’s weakness is it is poisened by corruption. Corruption committed on a daily basis by Humans with little integrity. Who have lost their way along the highway of living on Earth as a human and only doing what is in the best interest of all. They find themselves in a place where they now work for their boss or superiors, and those bosses and superiors is not the people per se, but the person or entity that pays them.

The old system is therefore in need of a detox it has never had. The old cancerous body must die and from its ashes will arise the Phonex of The People’s Union.

Therefore, the people’s Union will have a base of well needed Integrity. The leadership will be people who have proven that they are beyond being bought out, scared out or corrupted.

Leadership will be in the form aof a council. The council will appoint a leader who will be more of a team leader, as all council members will have equal power. The council will appoint committies who will spearhead ventures like. Seceterial, tresuary, personell, investigative, business, rules comitte who will write the constitution for the union. The Union and its constitution will be based on the Form of government known as a REPUBLIC. Not a democracy.

We see the old Democracy system and how it has evolved and is sustible to corruption, and we say nO THANK YOU. Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on me. So the system of management for the The People’s Union will be that of a REPUBLIC.

In a Democracy, the majority can control the monirity and inforce their will, views on the minority. In turn, the minority will have little to no rights. This is not a system that respects people’s opinions and allow them free will. Some get freedom at the price of telling others how to live, be, think, exist.

In a Replublic, the rights of the freedom of ALL people will be the first article in its constitution. And noone, not even the majority will be able to intrude on the rights of any one else, as they will be protected.

The Constitution:
Rights to be protected and stipulated in the constitution

1.) All humans/members are equal in the eyes of the constitution. The document should prevent any actions where there is a blatent and obvious occurance wherby one human/member is treated better than another member based on any status, office held, race, economic means or any other orientation.

1.)(a) Any form of blatent and obvious demonstration of unequality will be deemed unconstitutional, and found illegal.

2.) There will be no secrecy of anything. Everything will be transparent and available to all humans/members. The only thing I see right now that may need som controlled access, is the managment of the credit sytem and maybe the protection of the personel info, but even with that I see no reason for that. So what if everyone can see who is a member, or how much credits someone has. if someone has many credits its because they have supported the sytem greatly and it is kind of a badge of honor for them.

This ofcourse is to ensure we do not repeat the poisonous mistake of the old system where by the people have no idea what the CIA, THE FBI, the congress and senate, their military, their banking system is doing. So there is no way to tell if the people are even still in charge. The secret powers of say the CIA allows them to operate outside of agrred laws. This is obsurd and insane to say the least.

2.)(a)Article 2 of the constitution will enforce and prevent corruption that can be protected by secrecy. Secrecy will be unconstitutional and therefore illegal.

3. Naximizing profits for needed\vital\important ares to the masses, will be illegal.
Stipulates how the economic system will not be based on unlimited profits like the old/current system, but where the people place stock in themselves by conducting itself in a manner that is always in the best interest of all, and not any individual. Yes Capitalism as we knew it will die as it has become too embarrasing for humanity. We are not saying that one person can’t have Billions of dollars\credits while others have nothing and freeze and starve to death, as is allowed in this Democracy. This will also be possible in the New system, so economic freedom of opportunities will still exist in sorts. The Difference is that in the new system, you will not acrue your Billions by exploiting other humans/members, as all credits will be earned by doing something FOR the UNION.

For example the union will only pay for services deemed NECCESSARY, VITAL OR IMPORTANT to the masses as a whole. I.e utilities, food service, transportation, engineering, repair etc. If the members wanted to develop other areas, this would have to occur outside the main system and members would develop their own way of persuing those interests. Like it wont be illegal to make 300 Ft luxury yahts, but this would be outside the immediate vital areas that the Union would provide for all. Eventually. It would start small and expand as needed by the members.

We may not have for instance day care at first, but then after other areas are folded in, there would be a vote and concensus on where to expand to next and that would be the next system provided and available to humans\members. Of course this may well indeed expand to Luxary Yahts if that is what is decided. But if we get that far, we can all agree life on Earth or for the Unions members, will be pretty good.

Not suseptable to abuse or corruption
The old/current system allows for the monatery system to be corrupted. For example. You can work your whole life and loose it all loose it all in the so called stock market. Your money/credits are now gone and you had little control over it. Also in old\current system you can get sick and loose all your money in medical bills. The Union will eventually allow free medical for all members. The hospitals, like the utility companies are manned by member employees working for credits.

The amount of credits will be based on the job and the importance or need to the union. So yes doctors will likely earn more hourly credits than say someone who answers the phone at the hospital.

This is what is meant by WE WILL PLACE STOCK IN OURSELVES.
Remember, all areas provide for by the Union will be for free/credits. You get the credits by working in support of the needed services. The people are placing stock in themselves.

Eventually overtime:
Overtime, as the ways of the Union is seen to be in the best interest of all, particularily because the membership will be so large, the following people and services will be deemed as unneccassary activities:
Stock Broker,

These may still be in existence, but will be managed by the Union, as that is in the best interest of all concerned as they will cease to be for PROFIT where these entities can attempt to MAXIMIZE PROFITS:
Banking, HMO’s, Pharmacy’s, drug companies, Insurance companies, Department stores, markets

Necessities are things needed by humans/members to have a comfortable life. It shouldn’t be something they have to do work for so they can obtain them. It is best that they simply be provided for for FREE. The economic credit system will allow that over time.

System will start it existence on the old/current monetary system. Profits will go into developing the new credit system. For instance, lets say the first thing provide by the union is a food service buffet. Members initially get to eat there for minimum costs. Where the Local Golden corral is charging $15 a person to enter and all you can eat, the Union buffet will be more healthy 9as this is in the best interest of all) and provide needed\vital\important meals. A few healthy selections where they can go and eat and only pay say $6.50 a person. This Union buffet is supported initially by the union dues paid by the member from monies earned from old\current system. But for paying his dues and by eating at the unions buffet, the member is ensured that he is investing in himself. the union will eventually be able to offer the food for less a and less. First the price to eat at the buffet will be $6.50, then reduced to $5.50, then $3.50, then $1.50 and then absolutely free to members.

Of course it is open to non members who would pay a higher price because they are not investing in the system. This will fund the system and ensure free food at the buffet for members even more rapidly.

So by starting with the initial investment from dues, a needed service is provided and used by the members. This investment will lead to the rewards of the service being free to the members. Easily and clearly. This is an example of placing stock in ourselves. And there is no way for this investment to loose, or crash or become worthless. The more you invest the more you get back. This of course uses the power of the 3rd law of creation, what you put out you get back. It is a law and therefore unbreakable. You always get what you give. The new economic system works in the flow of creation itself.

So the people need to eat, at least for now, so food service is an obvious first service. Others in no particular order can be areas that are currently needed and being unconscionably exploited like:

3.)(a)Insurance. it is in the best interest of the people to maybe have insurance and it may be needed\important\vital, but it is not needed and therefore not in our interest for these services to be ran for profit. Where any system is needed and deemed to be MANDATORY like insurance, It will be run only on a non profit basis. All prioritization of any MANDATORY needed services will be unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Nothing will stop someone from offering insurance or services in addition or equal to what is mandatory\needed\vital but a non profit version will always be available as this is deemed humane. To say that something is MANDATORY and then allow for unlimited profits to be garnished for its services, is non integral and will be protected by the constitution, and no one can ever change it.

The rights spelled out in a document for a Republic is establishing how Humans want to life and carry out their existence. We get to play in this world anyway we choose, why not establish how we are going to do so that ensures a pursuit of happiness and protect those choices and then do not allow anyone, not even the majority to remove those right s from any one person.

Once we have a system in place that allows everyone to be born, come into existence, and enjoy a happy, safe life where they will have everything they need to sustain their existence, the basic that are vital\important\required, then from there we can all go about doing whatever we want.

3.)(b) A Utility, like electricity. Again the masses need energy, water and the ability to communicate. This is deemed mandatory\vital\important. What is not vital if for it to be ran for profit. And for it to be ran for maximized profits is absurd. The new system will charge initially only the minimum needed to be charged to cover costs and therefore non profit. Eventually, like all provided services, it will be provided for free as we switch to the new credit system. Members will volunteer to support the community by working in the company and help run the needed utility. They will be given credits. These credits will be used

4.) Guarantees non paradoxical freedom.
No one can intrude on anyone Else’s right to do what they choose to do, as long as it is not paradoxical. Meaning, You can do what you want to do, as long as it doesn’t intrude on what someone else wants to do, because then it would be a paradox. Your freedom can not infringe on someone Else’s.

Credit system management:
system will be managed of course by the governing body and never be for profit. The whole idea of the system is that profit does not need to be in the equation at all. The new credit system is just there as a means to provide everyone with what they need, in the best and simplest way possible period. So the credit management system will be deemed vital\important and needed as it supports everything else. The area of the credit management system is likely the first service where credits can be earned by working there. Initially workers may earn cash from old \current system, but this will be like one of the first to transition where workers there can earn credits.

The Yahyel

Symbol of the Yahyel

Today September 23rd 2012, Brad Johnson released an anticipated message from The Yahyel. The Yahyel are our Vulcans. They will be the Extra Terrestrial race that we, Earth Humans, are first exposed to on a scale where everybody knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that Extra Terrestrial beings exist.

The Universe is in fact teething with life. How could it be otherwise?

Here are the Video of the audio of Brad Johnson’s channeling where he first brings through his higher self Adronis, then Adronis introduces a member of the Yahyel named Ka’Leena.

I love channelings because I love learning about creation.

Below is a symbol of the Yahyel where we are told that we can access the Yahyel through. By focusing or mediating on this symbol you are inviting, connecting with them. As they said, we now have access to them.

Symbol of the Yahyel

They chose this symbol because it represents the idea of a Triangle. A triangle is common use among beings in the Universe as the fabric of our creation is literally built on the platonic solid known as the tetrahedron.

They have show their triangle as unfinished, uncomplete. They say it symbolizes the idea that they will not be complete until they, The Yahyel, are reunited with their Earth family.


The Greys AKA Zeta Reticuli

We are in fact their family. The Yahyel is one of 5 hybrid races that were created by combining Human DNA with the DNA of the beings we often refer to as Greys.

Part of what the greys were doing here, and our governments allowed them to do it in exchange for information and technology, was to experiment with our human DNA so that a hybrid species could be created whereby their dying race could live on.

The Greys are also known as Zeta Reticuli. There is so much stuff on the Zetas on Youtube, I wont even post anything. You can google and attract info according to your own vibrational energy and beliefs.

The Zeta Reticuli are indeed of the human race. They originate from a parallel reality Earth where they were rendered unable to reproduce and were therefore dying off. This happened due to DNA mutations from their overexposure to radiation. They played with nukes. As I said there is much info out there on them.

So As I said there are 5 races of beings that were formed from our DNA. One is the Yahyel, the other is the Essasani. Bashar is from this race. Much of the information I know has come from Bashar, which is Arabic for messenger. The other 3 races have not been revealed yet. Maybe the Yahyel will let us know.



Many of the women of Earth have had their eggs used to create hybrid babies and are considered by the hybrid children to be their mothers. They often meet with their Earth mothers in dream space. Many of these mothers feel the connection with their children and it is as strong as any other mother child bond. So part of the Yahyel arriving and slowly integrating will be as a family reunion were the children will be reunited physically with their mothers. There will not be a dry eye in the house.


The Phoenix Lights

On March 13, 1997 there was a huge space craft , miles in length that flew over Phoenix, Az. This phenomenon is know as The Phoenix lights and can be Googled and there is even a full length documentation on YouTube about it. Fascinating and highly recommended viewing. The Phoenix Lights ship was of the Yahyel. The idea is that they will continue to show themselves more and more until we are comfortable with the idea of their existence, then they will make official first contact when we show we are ready to do so. It is totally up to us.

So have fun watching our co-creation with the Yahyel as it unfolds between now and say 2015, where all humans will know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that our future lies with our galactic friends and families. I love the Yahyel.
The Phoenix Lights

Resolving Negativity: The Nuances of Mass & Individual Relations

Metatron Symbol

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in an vector of Love, Unconditional Love !

And so it is a powerful time, and there is much movement on the planet in this month of the September Equinox within 2012. We tell you the energy of this Equinox has brought specific astrological conditions that allow for a deep review of whom you are, and where you are going. The profound aperture provided by the planetary and stellar conjunctions paired within the period of the Equinox began 5 days before the actual Equinox and will extend for 5 days, through September 27th.

It is a time to consider relationships, purpose and mental contents. This is to be considered on an individual level, and also applied to the mass consciousness, group events occurring on your planet.

Many of you may not be fully aware of the expansive reach of your relationships in mass. Each of you has ties to group events and group energies that play key roles in your choices of reincarnation. You often have such ties to groupings that entire ‘Nations’ and Epochs reincarnate together.

This is logical, as it is the interactive relationships you have with others that are one of your greatest springboards of growth. Therefore there is a natural magnetism to the people you have spent time with in other epochs.


Six Degrees of Separation

It has been said that there are only six degrees, six levels of separation between every soul incarnate on the planet at any given time. In other words, each of you knows someone, that knows another and so on, such that taken to six threads of networking encompasses connections to everyone on the planet. The point being, you are all connected far more intricately than you may realize.

Dear One, each human, each and every one of you on the planet co-creates the mass experience of the Earth. Every thought you have absolutely influences the manifest physical reality of civilization as it exists in your time frame. Your individual thoughts combine and blend with the projected thoughts and beliefs of all others on the planet to form a massive group thought form that manifests into the reality you experience.

This also occurs on the level of the individual family, nation and time epoch you are in. And accordingly is the glue that brings back entire worlds within time & space, to reincarnate together. This ‘connective interactive force’ allows you to continue the unified progress in achieving the harmonic goals each of you are born to accomplish individually and in mass together.


Opposition & Attraction

Warring groups in fact reincarnate in masse in order to try again to resolve their differences. The emotional energy involved in such massive conflicts is enormous, and is repeated until resolution and harmony is found. We will tell you that your current conflicts in the Middle East are a re-occurrence of the Crusades, and your World War II a continuance of the Atlantean conflict between the Aryan and Poseidon groups. In duality opposites occur, and you will end war only when you realize the destruction of hatred. You will end war only when you focus on peace and consciously choose it. You will not end war by hating war, rather by loving peace, loving harmony.


Group Dynamics

In the realm of duality, massive group dynamics (and in individual) are chosen for lesson, but not in the traditional sense of what you terms ‘karma’. Rather it is a balancing that is the driving force, not repayment of a ‘debt’. That is important to understand. In your terms karma is always balancing within the self, chosen by the higher self…it is not a debt owed to another. Accordingly balance can be achieved in achieving a deep mental understanding of what error has taken place, as well as through action. And while in most cases, action is chosen, especially for ‘Group Karma’, it can be equally b balanced in mental comprehensive and the deep desire to move into harmony. Do you understand?

Each of you participate in the Global Dramas, each of you contribute on some way to what happens on the planet. You provide the ‘thought energy’ from vast mental projection through which physical events are formed.

But be aware that individual responsibility is the true factor. Although you may be part of a group, and be drawn into the mass reality created, you will are spiritually responsible on the individual basis. If you disagree for example with a war your nation is involved in, and you refuse to support it by loving peace, those actions help move the group to a higher level. You must always then be your judge, and seek sovereignty. Your thoughts, feelings, and expectations are like the living brush strokes with which you paint your corner of life’s landscape. If you do your best in your own life, then you are indeed helping to improve the quality of all life. Your thoughts are as real as any physical object you can see and touch….and they do make a difference. Ascension, enlightenment occurs one heart at a time, even if the physical reality seems to be caught in lower frequency.


Strength as an Aspect of Love

Remember developing strength is part of creatorship. As we have told you: When the love of power is replaced by the power of love, mankind will make a quantum leap. But understand love without strength is incomplete. Consider this complexity carefully. It is perhaps a seeming paradox, but in its wise and careful contemplation is offered a great Truth.


Negativity: Energy of Destruction versus Energy of Creation

Now, we will speak on the topic of negativity. But perhaps better descriptions for the polarity electric aspects of energies within duality that are termed positive and negative, are creative and destructive.

Love is the ultimate creative force, hate/fear are the ultimate destructive degenerative forces. In terms of the Auric field, hate and fear are the primary disruptive forces that create Auric imbalance.

Dear Ones, it is absolutely true that there is no human who hates but that hatred is reflected outward and made physical, and there is no human who loves but that love is reflected outward and made physical.

You are conscious creatures, and what you focus on is energetically attracted to you. Therefore it is essential as you advance in wisdom to become the monitors & responsible guardians of your thoughts. You must be constantly aware of the contents of your conscious mind. The self awareness of recognizing the nature of your ‘mental contents’ is an essential aspect of becoming a fully conscious Spiritual Being.

And indeed, the full content of your mental thoughts and beliefs are quite accessible to everyone. It is all available. Your beliefs are not buried unless you believe that they are. The thoughts and feelings and emotions that guide you day to day are not locked away in a remote recess of your mind. Indeed they are readily reviewable if you are willing simply to look. It is all available and it is there for you to see and consider. Consideration should lead to reconsideration, by reviewing what is constrictive and what is destructive. Dear Ones take time to calibrate your thoughts, beliefs and actions.

It is not a difficult action. The ‘evil-bogeyman’ that you may feel sets on one shoulder and influences you into wrong action, is simply incorrect belief. Right actions are what you are here to discover, and obstructions(incorrect beliefs) are to be recognized and rectified. rectify. Negative obstructional beliefs are really not hidden from you so remotely locked away in the sub-conscious that they cannot be discovered. Therapy is a valid helper in some cases, but it is beyond the financial realm of many of you. And so we tell you that the determined human is absolutely able to find the answers within. Your obstructions are not so deeply buried in your childhood or in any other lifetime that you cannot find them. You are not bound into compromising scenarios by past experiences, promises given or commitments that seem to tie you into untoward behavior.


Relationships as a Mirror & Catalyst

Relationships will come and go in your sojourns. And the complexities and intricacies are complex. Often the drama of a relationship ending is the springboard of a vast renewal although it may not feel so at the time of the emotional hurt and seeming trauma. Yet this is in truth a scope and lens into the self.

In a true sense hate is the other side of love, the opposite end of the same spectrum in terms of the emotional aspect.

There are so many lessons that are afforded when duality relationships end. In relationships that are ended by one and pursued by the other, there is often a sense of betrayal that results in an emotionally charged chasing of rejection that initially occurs. This then may convert to anger of seeming rejection and can spiral downward into attack and hatred.

In time you will learn that all negative energy emitted comes back to the source of the projection. It is not a case of who was right and who was wrong, rather of what energy was projected. As long as you carry hurt, anger and hatred, these energies will shatter your auric field, taint your world and poison your emotional stability. As long as you focus or dwell on hurt, anger and hate, you will absolutely draw to you more of the same. Period, no exceptions… It is simply the Law of Attraction.

Yet some of you become immersed in such destructive negativity for years and even lifetimes, before you learn that it is the energy of destructive emotion (hate, fear, anger & hurt) , that is the culprit.

The hurt that is often felt when relationships end, will in fact, in the higher aspect lead you to the Truth of your own sovereignty.


Relationship Purpose

Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. The completion of a relationship equally offers growth. Even if it ends harshly, as many do, there is a flurry of emotion that can lead to understanding through the very detachment that one of the partners perhaps did not consciously desire.

Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership.

A relationship of two sovereign non dependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand? One way relationships, pairings on any level, in which one seeks the pairing more than the other, or one seeks to control the other, can never last. It is no error that great numbers of you on the finals steps of the path of enlightenment are alone in this period. Now is the prelude to the coming Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it.


Sovereignty as a Path to Mastery

Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization; through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibration juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.

Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment.

One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as ‘impeccability’. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are.


Relationship Set Ups & Opposition

There are certain specific set ups that may be chosen in duality, in which souls are in apparent opposition for a greater purpose. It may occur for example, that advanced souls are in a state of ‘purposed competition’ in order to drive or motivate one another toward goal achievement. Certain of your well known scientist have incarnated in pairs in which the edge between them drove one another to greater effort. There are also cases in which political leaders took advanced stands to drive a common goal. An example of this is Dr Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, who advocated polar opposite means to promote the civil rights of minorities. One advocated non-violence, the other aggressive means. Yet the two had a common goal. In truth the one who advocated aggressive actions, actually brought the masses to the methodology of the one who taught non-violence by displaying the two choices.


Rose Colored Glasses

There are cases in which Spiritual leaders are in opposition. Particularly when one may delve into ego and power seeking. Such opposition in higher aspect creates reconsideration on both sides. There are many who profess spiritual leadership merely to gain following. There are scenarios in which turning the other cheek is inappropriate. One does not apologize when another steps on their foot. It is wrong to attempt to control the will of another, and equally wrong to allow another to control you. Free will and discernment must be with the individual. You need no guru other than self. The idea that Spiritual seekers must wear rose colored glasses is not necessarily the best path in certain situations. No one is served when injustice is tolerated. No one is served by allowing charlatans to continue unabated. We are not speaking of violence, that is not the right path, but rather standing in ones Truth. Being nonjudgmental is also confusing. Burying ones head in the sand does not work. Discernment of what is your right path does involve judgment.

Some religious texts include fear-based distortions and false actions that can lead to great conflict & destruction. The texts themselves teach people that total ‘blind’ acceptance of even flawed doctrine and dogma is required as a tenet of faith.

Understanding these nuances is one of your greatest challenges. Learning how to deal with violence has been an unresolved issue in the Group Consciousness of many civilizations.


Discernment & Individual Free Will

Dear Ones, you are not and should not be bound by false beliefs. You are now and always free conscious beings. And discernment is requisite.

Masters, each of you were born with a powerful awareness, recognition of your own Divinity and wholesome goodness.

Dear Human, we assure each of you that you have an innate inner recognition of your integrity and knowledge of your true and righteous place in the Cosmos. This cannot be taken from you, unless you allow it to be.

So always know that you were born with a desire to fulfill your purpose in each lifetime, to achieve your goals and maximize your talents and abilities. Those are tenets and principles of what may be termed ‘Inherent Law’. You are born compassionate and loving. It is absolutely your benevolent nature as Spiritual beings, having a human experience to be curious about yourself and your world. You are here to unravel the mysteries of life, to find purpose and meaning.


Inherent Law

These are attributes of your integral sovereignty and equally belong to ‘Inherent Law’.

Every soul that chooses physical life enters the Earthplane with an absolute knowing that every human possesses a beautifully unique, intimate sense of being that is succinctly itself. And that it is appropriate to discover fulfillment on both an individual basis (first) and in so doing contribute by example to the fulfillment of the group. You are born seeking the actualization of the ideal of love, in its great and wonderful complexities.

We encourage each of you to add value to the quality of your life, to add your own talents, experiences and abilities to enrich life in a path and method that only you can individually contribute to the Cosmos. In so doing you will attain a state of being that is uniquely yours, while adding immensely to the value and fulfillment of the world itself. You see the energy of a creative positive soul, brightens not only your Earth, but the ‘All that Is’ in is symphony of Harmony through all spheres of Reality.

We understanding the difficulties you face in achieving your goals, in Mastering the University of Earth. But do know there is indeed great purpose in all that you do here. Never forget it is a purposed dream that you are dreaming. The lessons, the myriad training received in Mastering ‘University Earth Duality’ will serve you for existence in a variety of other realms, of myriad interrelated systems of reality. And reality is the key phrase, for it is a dream, but very very real. And it is not easy; nothing of value is easily achieved. But understand that if the pains, hardships and agonies within your ‘University of Earth’ were not truly experienced as real, the lesson would not be learned, the growth could not occur. And we tell you the joys and sublime passions experienced here are also very real.


Purposed Illusions

Masters in your ‘hidden’ realities, in the vast validity of your multidimensional selves, humanity in plurality dreams the same dream at once, and you create all you see around you. The ‘purposed illusion’ is a meaningful drama. It is from higher aspect an educational creation, a movie set if you will, in which you are producing, directing and acting on different levels of consciousness. You in higher self are the producer and director, in physicality you are the actor, taking silent intuitive direction from the higher self. You are acting so completely on the ‘set’ of linear time and space that you do not know it is a drama. But understand, Dear Ones, that the drama and the intricate process of its enactment truly have great and profound meaning, and the actions within each scene, each lifetime, are vitally significant. The whole self is the observer and the physical incarnation is the totally focused actor in the roles. Each role has a meaning and offers a lesson. The lesson is that of creatorship, of creating joy and harmony and gaining true wisdom in the process.



In this way, through your sojourns you will learn how to be joyful conscious beings. And when this major step is achieved ( and each of you will in time get there) you will not be afraid of the inner self, and you will freely experience life on the Omni Earth in all its frequencies with a knowingness of your secure in your position in the Cosmos. You will know through experience that positive desire for creativity and love over destruction and hatred is a quantum leap. When this is learned, the cycle is near completion and New Worlds await you in Mastery.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved….and we honor you, each of you.

And so it is…



This material is from James Tyberonn of Earth-keeper.com. Can be re-posted on websites if left in tact including this message, but for commercial use in magazines etc. permission must be first obtained.